680 research outputs found

    Optimal Dynamic Multicast Scheduling for Cache-Enabled Content-Centric Wireless Networks

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    Caching and multicasting at base stations are two promising approaches to support massive content delivery over wireless networks. However, existing scheduling designs do not make full use of the advantages of the two approaches. In this paper, we consider the optimal dynamic multicast scheduling to jointly minimize the average delay, power, and fetching costs for cache-enabled content-centric wireless networks. We formulate this stochastic optimization problem as an infinite horizon average cost Markov decision process (MDP). It is well-known to be a difficult problem due to the curse of dimensionality, and there generally only exist numerical solutions. By using relative value iteration algorithm and the special structures of the request queue dynamics, we analyze the properties of the value function and the state-action cost function of the MDP for both the uniform and nonuniform channel cases. Based on these properties, we show that the optimal policy, which is adaptive to the request queue state, has a switch structure in the uniform case and a partial switch structure in the nonuniform case. Moreover, in the uniform case with two contents, we show that the switch curve is monotonically non-decreasing. Then, by exploiting these structural properties of the optimal policy, we propose two low-complexity optimal algorithms. Motivated by the switch structures of the optimal policy, to further reduce the complexity, we also propose a low-complexity suboptimal policy, which possesses similar structural properties to the optimal policy, and develop a low-complexity algorithm to compute this policy.Comment: 17 double-column pages; Shorter version appears in ISIT 201

    Stochastic Content-Centric Multicast Scheduling for Cache-Enabled Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

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    Caching at small base stations (SBSs) has demonstrated significant benefits in alleviating the backhaul requirement in heterogeneous cellular networks (HetNets). While many existing works focus on what contents to cache at each SBS, an equally important problem is what contents to deliver so as to satisfy dynamic user demands given the cache status. In this paper, we study optimal content delivery in cache-enabled HetNets by taking into account the inherent multicast capability of wireless medium. We consider stochastic content multicast scheduling to jointly minimize the average network delay and power costs under a multiple access constraint. We establish a content-centric request queue model and formulate this stochastic optimization problem as an infinite horizon average cost Markov decision process (MDP). By using \emph{relative value iteration} and special properties of the request queue dynamics, we characterize some properties of the value function of the MDP. Based on these properties, we show that the optimal multicast scheduling policy is of threshold type. Then, we propose a structure-aware optimal algorithm to obtain the optimal policy. We also propose a low-complexity suboptimal policy, which possesses similar structural properties to the optimal policy, and develop a low-complexity algorithm to obtain this policy.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications (June 6, 2016). Conference version appears in ACM CoNEXT 2015 Workshop on Content Caching and Delivery in Wireless Networks (CCDWN

    Content-Centric Multicast Beamforming in Cache-Enabled Cloud Radio Access Networks

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    Multicast transmission and wireless caching are effective ways of reducing air and backhaul traffic load in wireless networks. This paper proposes to incorporate these two key ideas for content-centric multicast transmission in a cloud radio access network (RAN) where multiple base stations (BSs) are connected to a central processor (CP) via finite-capacity backhaul links. Each BS has a cache with finite storage size and is equipped with multiple antennas. The BSs cooperatively transmit contents, which are either stored in the local cache or fetched from the CP, to multiple users in the network. Users requesting a same content form a multicast group and are served by a same cluster of BSs cooperatively using multicast beamforming. Assuming fixed cache placement, this paper investigates the joint design of multicast beamforming and content-centric BS clustering by formulating an optimization problem of minimizing the total network cost under the quality-of-service (QoS) constraints for each multicast group. The network cost involves both the transmission power and the backhaul cost. We model the backhaul cost using the mixed â„“0/â„“2\ell_0/\ell_2-norm of beamforming vectors. To solve this non-convex problem, we first approximate it using the semidefinite relaxation (SDR) method and concave smooth functions. We then propose a difference of convex functions (DC) programming algorithm to obtain suboptimal solutions and show the connection of three smooth functions. Simulation results validate the advantage of multicasting and show the effects of different cache size and caching policies in cloud RAN.Comment: IEEE Globecom 201

    Content-Centric Sparse Multicast Beamforming for Cache-Enabled Cloud RAN

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    This paper presents a content-centric transmission design in a cloud radio access network (cloud RAN) by incorporating multicasting and caching. Users requesting a same content form a multicast group and are served by a same cluster of base stations (BSs) cooperatively. Each BS has a local cache and it acquires the requested contents either from its local cache or from the central processor (CP) via backhaul links. We investigate the dynamic content-centric BS clustering and multicast beamforming with respect to both channel condition and caching status. We first formulate a mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem of minimizing the weighted sum of backhaul cost and transmit power under the quality-of-service constraint for each multicast group. Theoretical analysis reveals that all the BSs caching a requested content can be included in the BS cluster of this content, regardless of the channel conditions. Then we reformulate an equivalent sparse multicast beamforming (SBF) problem. By adopting smoothed â„“0\ell_0-norm approximation and other techniques, the SBF problem is transformed into the difference of convex (DC) programs and effectively solved using the convex-concave procedure algorithms. Simulation results demonstrate significant advantage of the proposed content-centric transmission. The effects of three heuristic caching strategies are also evaluated.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication

    Analysis and Optimization of Caching and Multicasting in Large-Scale Cache-Enabled Wireless Networks

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    Caching and multicasting at base stations are two promising approaches to support massive content delivery over wireless networks. However, existing analysis and designs do not fully explore and exploit the potential advantages of the two approaches. In this paper, we consider the analysis and optimization of caching and multicasting in a large-scale cache-enabled wireless network. We propose a random caching and multicasting scheme with a design parameter. By carefully handling different types of interferers and adopting appropriate approximations, we derive a tractable expression for the successful transmission probability in the general region, utilizing tools from stochastic geometry. We also obtain a closed-form expression for the successful transmission probability in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and user density region. Then, we consider the successful transmission probability maximization, which is a very complex non-convex problem in general. Using optimization techniques, we develop an iterative numerical algorithm to obtain a local optimal caching and multicasting design in the general region. To reduce complexity and maintain superior performance, we also derive an asymptotically optimal caching and multicasting design in the asymptotic region, based on a two-step optimization framework. Finally, numerical simulations show that the asymptotically optimal design achieves a significant gain in successful transmission probability over some baseline schemes in the general region.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Transactions on Wireless Communication (submitted in July 2015, now under 2nd revision

    A Survey on Mobile Edge Networks: Convergence of Computing, Caching and Communications

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    As the explosive growth of smart devices and the advent of many new applications, traffic volume has been growing exponentially. The traditional centralized network architecture cannot accommodate such user demands due to heavy burden on the backhaul links and long latency. Therefore, new architectures which bring network functions and contents to the network edge are proposed, i.e., mobile edge computing and caching. Mobile edge networks provide cloud computing and caching capabilities at the edge of cellular networks. In this survey, we make an exhaustive review on the state-of-the-art research efforts on mobile edge networks. We first give an overview of mobile edge networks including definition, architecture and advantages. Next, a comprehensive survey of issues on computing, caching and communication techniques at the network edge is presented respectively. The applications and use cases of mobile edge networks are discussed. Subsequently, the key enablers of mobile edge networks such as cloud technology, SDN/NFV and smart devices are discussed. Finally, open research challenges and future directions are presented as well

    A Survey on Low Latency Towards 5G: RAN, Core Network and Caching Solutions

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    The fifth generation (5G) wireless network technology is to be standardized by 2020, where main goals are to improve capacity, reliability, and energy efficiency, while reducing latency and massively increasing connection density. An integral part of 5G is the capability to transmit touch perception type real-time communication empowered by applicable robotics and haptics equipment at the network edge. In this regard, we need drastic changes in network architecture including core and radio access network (RAN) for achieving end-to-end latency on the order of 1 ms. In this paper, we present a detailed survey on the emerging technologies to achieve low latency communications considering three different solution domains: RAN, core network, and caching. We also present a general overview of 5G cellular networks composed of software defined network (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV), caching, and mobile edge computing (MEC) capable of meeting latency and other 5G requirements.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Caching at the Wireless Edge: Design Aspects, Challenges and Future Directions

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    Caching at the wireless edge is a promising way of boosting spectral efficiency and reducing energy consumption of wireless systems. These improvements are rooted in the fact that popular contents are reused, asynchronously, by many users. In this article, we first introduce methods to predict the popularity distributions and user preferences, and the impact of erroneous information. We then discuss the two aspects of caching systems, namely content placement and delivery. We expound the key differences between wired and wireless caching, and outline the differences in the system arising from where the caching takes place, e.g., at base stations, or on the wireless devices themselves. Special attention is paid to the essential limitations in wireless caching, and possible tradeoffs between spectral efficiency, energy efficiency and cache size.Comment: Published in IEEE Communications Magazin

    Analysis and Optimization of Caching and Multicasting in Large-Scale Cache-Enabled Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    Heterogeneous wireless networks (HetNets) provide a powerful approach to meet the dramatic mobile traffic growth, but also impose a significant challenge on backhaul. Caching and multicasting at macro and pico base stations (BSs) are two promising methods to support massive content delivery and reduce backhaul load in HetNets. In this paper, we jointly consider caching and multicasting in a large-scale cache-enabled HetNet with backhaul constraints. We propose a hybrid caching design consisting of identical caching in the macro-tier and random caching in the pico-tier, and a corresponding multicasting design. By carefully handling different types of interferers and adopting appropriate approximations, we derive tractable expressions for the successful transmission probability in the general region as well as the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and user density region, utilizing tools from stochastic geometry. Then, we consider the successful transmission probability maximization by optimizing the design parameters, which is a very challenging mixed discrete-continuous optimization problem due to the sophisticated structure of the successful transmission probability. By using optimization techniques and exploring the structural properties, we obtain a near optimal solution with superior performance and manageable complexity. This solution achieves better performance in the general region than any asymptotically optimal solution, under a mild condition. The analysis and optimization results provide valuable design insights for practical cache-enabled HetNets.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1512.0617

    Cost-optimal caching for D2D networks with user mobility: Modeling, analysis, and computational approaches

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    Caching popular files at user equipments (UEs) provides an effective way to alleviate the burden of the backhaul networks. Generally, popularity-based caching is not a system-wide optimal strategy, especially for user mobility scenarios. Motivated by this observation, we consider optimal caching with presence of mobility. A cost-optimal caching problem (COCP) for device-to-device (D2D) networks is modelled, in which the impact of user mobility, cache size, and total number of encoded segments are all accounted for. Compared with the related studies, our investigation guarantees that the collected segments are non-overlapping, takes into account the cost of downloading from the network, and provides a rigorous problem complexity analysis. The hardness of the problem is proved via a reduction from the satisfiability problem. Next, a lower-bounding function of the objective function is derived. By the function, an approximation of COCP (ACOCP) achieving linearization is obtained, which features two advantages. First, the ACOCP approach can use an off-the-shelf integer linear programming algorithm to obtain the global optimal solution, and it can effectively deliver solutions for small-scale and mediumscale system scenarios. Second, and more importantly, based on the ACOCP approach, one can derive the lower bound of global optimum of COCP, thus enabling performance benchmarking of any suboptimal algorithm. To tackle large scenarios with low complexity, we first prove that the optimal caching placement of one user, giving other users' caching placements, can be derived in polynomial time. Then, based on this proof, a mobility aware user-by-user (MAUU) algorithm is developed. Simulation results verify the effectivenesses of the two approaches by comparing them to the lower bound of global optimum and conventional caching algorithms
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