2 research outputs found

    Optimal Couple Projections for Domain Adaptive Sparse Representation-Based Classification

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    In recent years, sparse representation-based classification (SRC) is one of the most successful methods and has been shown impressive performance in various classification tasks. However, when the training data have a different distribution than the testing data, the learned sparse representation may not be optimal, and the performance of SRC will be degraded significantly. To address this problem, in this paper, we propose an optimal couple projections for domain-adaptive SRC (OCPD-SRC) method, in which the discriminative features of data in the two domains are simultaneously learned with the dictionary that can succinctly represent the training and testing data in the projected space. OCPD-SRC is designed based on the decision rule of SRC, with the objective to learn coupled projection matrices and a common discriminative dictionary such that the between-class sparse reconstruction residuals of data from both domains are maximized, and the within-class sparse reconstruction residuals of data are minimized in the projected low-dimensional space. Thus, the resulting representations can well fit SRC and simultaneously have a better discriminant ability. In addition, our method can be easily extended to multiple domains and can be kernelized to deal with the nonlinear structure of data. The optimal solution for the proposed method can be efficiently obtained following the alternative optimization method. Extensive experimental results on a series of benchmark databases show that our method is better or comparable to many state-of-the-art methods.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation of China under Grant 61772272, Grant 61273251, Grant 61401209, Grant 61673220, and Grant 61672286. The work of F. Porikli was supported by the Australian Research Council‘s Discovery Projects Funding Scheme under Project DP15010464

    Optimal Couple Projections for Domain Adaptive Sparse Representation-Based Classification

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