2 research outputs found

    Optimal Routing and Power Allocation for Wireless Networks with Imperfect Full-Duplex Nodes

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    We study a wireless full-duplex network with imperfect interference cancellation and solve the routing and power allocation problem in this network. We use a model that focuses on the effects of full-duplex by including residual self-interference and one hop interference while other interfering signals are considered negligible in comparison. We first solve the optimal power allocation for a fixed route. We then propose a priority-first search algorithm to find the joint route and power allocation to maximize throughput. The algorithm proposed has a non decomposable priority metric, but is efficiently evaluated by our solution for a fixed route. We analyze the performance of our solution in a more realistic model by deriving bounds between optimal solutions in both models. Through simulations we show that, even with imperfect interference cancellation, full-duplex achieves a higher throughput than half-duplex or direct transmission for moderate transmission power

    Optimal binary power allocation for wireless networks with local interference

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    In a Wyner model each link only interferes with links adjacent to it. We consider the problem of finding the optimal power allocation which maximizes the sum-rate of such a network. Each link has a maximum power constraint and the power allocation is assumed to be time and frequency flat. In the case of 3- and 4-link Wyner models, we show that the optimal power schemes are in fact binary, i.e. a link is either switched off or turned on at full power. The problem is then extended to larger-sized Wyner models by limiting to optimal binary power schemes. Interesting phase transitions are observed as the interference cross-gain, ε, traverses various thresholds.5 page(s