3 research outputs found

    New Sets of Optimal Odd-length Binary Z-Complementary Pairs

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    A pair of sequences is called a Z-complementary pair (ZCP) if it has zero aperiodic autocorrelation sums (AACSs) for time-shifts within a certain region, called zero correlation zone (ZCZ). Optimal odd-length binary ZCPs (OB-ZCPs) display closest correlation properties to Golay complementary pairs (GCPs) in that each OB-ZCP achieves maximum ZCZ of width (N+1)/2 (where N is the sequence length) and every out-of-zone AACSs reaches the minimum magnitude value, i.e. 2. Till date, systematic constructions of optimal OB-ZCPs exist only for lengths 2α±12^{\alpha} \pm 1, where α\alpha is a positive integer. In this paper, we construct optimal OB-ZCPs of generic lengths 2α10β26γ+12^\alpha 10^\beta 26^\gamma +1 (where α, β, γ\alpha,~ \beta, ~ \gamma are non-negative integers and α≥1\alpha \geq 1) from inserted versions of binary GCPs. The key leading to the proposed constructions is several newly identified structure properties of binary GCPs obtained from Turyn's method. This key also allows us to construct OB-ZCPs with possible ZCZ widths of 4×10β−1+14 \times 10^{\beta-1} +1, 12×26γ−1+112 \times 26^{\gamma -1}+1 and 12×10β26γ−1+112 \times 10^\beta 26^{\gamma -1}+1 through proper insertions of GCPs of lengths 10β, 26γ,and 10β26γ10^\beta,~ 26^\gamma, \text{and } 10^\beta 26^\gamma, respectively. Our proposed OB-ZCPs have applications in communications and radar (as an alternative to GCPs)

    Construction of New Optimal Z-Complementary Code Sets from Z-Paraunitary Matrices

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    In this paper, we first introduce a novel concept, called Z-paraunitary (ZPU) matrices. These ZPU matrices include conventional PU matrices as a special case. Then, we show that there exists an equivalence between a ZPU matrix and a Z-complementary code set (ZCCS) when the latter is expressed as a matrix with polynomial entries. The proposed ZPU matrix has an advantage over the conventional PU matrix with regard to the availability of wider range of matrix sizes and sequence lengths. In addition, the proposed construction framework can accommodate more choices of ZCCS parameters compared to the existing works