18 research outputs found

    Quantized Routing Models for Clustering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    AbstractClustering routing protocols are effective topology approaches which can increase the scalability of wireless sensor networks and efficiently utilize the limited energy resources of the sensors. However, the loading or energy consumption of sensors in networks is heterogeneous so that some sensors may die earlier than the others. In this case, data from sensors will not be delivered properly to the base station. Many previous studies have focused on energyefficient routing protocols to prolong the network lifetime without considering the influences of transmitting range or availability of compression. In this paper, we propose quantized models to simulate the operations of clustering routing protocols and evaluate the energy consumption of networks as well as the load distribution of sensors. Besides, the cluster head selection algorithm is developed correspondingly. The comparison of data reception rate for LEACH with our model in cases of different compression rates by simulations is also presented

    Computing geometric median to locate the sink node with the aim of extending the lifetime of wireless sensor networks

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    AbstractIn case of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) the sensed data which are collected by the ordinary senor nodes will have to be forwarded to the sink node (Base Station) in order to be accessible by the remote users. The location of the sink could significantly affect the energy dissipation and throughput of the network. This paper aims to investigate an optimal location for the sink node in such a way that the sum of distances from all the sensor nodes to the sink node is minimized. In an effort to place the sink node within the network our algorithm finds the geometric median of all the location associated with the sensor nodes. In a discrete set of points, the geometric median could be defined as the location which basically minimizes the sum of distances to all the points. Performance evaluation reveals that the proposed location for the sink node extends the network lifetime comparing with other possible location within the network field

    Finding Base-Station Locations in Two-Tiered Wireless Sensor Networks by Particle Swarm Optimization

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    In wireless sensor networks, minimizing power consumption to prolong network lifetime is very crucial. In the past, Pan et al. proposed two algorithms to find the optimal locations of base stations in two-tiered wireless sensor networks. Their approaches assumed the initial energy and the energy-consumption parameters were the same for all application nodes. If any of the above parameters were not the same, their approaches could not work. Recently, the PSO technique has been widely used in finding nearly optimal solutions for optimization problems. In this paper, an algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) is thus proposed for general power-consumption constraints. The proposed approach can search for nearly optimal BS locations in heterogeneous sensor networks, where application nodes may own different data transmission rates, initial energies and parameter values. Experimental results also show the good performance of the proposed PSO approach and the effects of the parameters on the results. The proposed algorithm can thus help find good BS locations to reduce power consumption and maximize network lifetime in two-tiered wireless sensor networks. Keywords: wireless sensor network, network lifetime, energy consumption, particle swarm optimization, base station

    Integrated Topology Control and Routing Problem in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    ABSTRACT: Data-gathering wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are operated unattended over long time horizons to collect data in several applications. Typically, sensors have limited energy (e.g., an on-board battery) and are subject to the elements in the terrain. In-network operations, which largely involve periodically changing network flow decisions to prolong the network lifetime, are managed remotely, and the collected data are retrieved by a user via internet. An integrated topology control and routing problem in cluster-based WSNs are analyzed to improve the network lifetime. To prolong network lifetime via efficient use of the limited energy at the sensors , a hierarchical network structure with multiple sinks at which the data collected by the sensors are gathered through the cluster heads are adopted . A Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model to optimally determine the sink and CH locations as well as the data flow in the network is considered. This model effectively utilizes both the position and the energy-level aspects of the sensors while selecting the CHs and avoids the highest-energy sensors. For the solution of the MILP model, an effective Benders Decomposition (BD) approach that incorporates an upper bound heuristic algorithm is used

    Optimal Placement of Multiple Interconnected Gateways in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Data c ollec ted b y sensors of ten h av e to b e rem otely d eliv ered th rou g h m u lti- h op w ireless path s to d ata sink s c onnec ted to applic ation ser v ers for inform ation proc essing . T h e position of th ese sink s h as a h u g e im pac t on th e q u ality of th e spec i c W ireless S ensor N etw or k ( W S N ) . Ind eed , it m ay c reate ar ti c ial traf c b ottlenec k s w h ic h affec t th e energ y ef c ienc y and th e W S N lifetim e. T h is paper c onsid ers a h eterog eneou s netw or k sc enar io w h ere w ireless sensors d eliv er d ata to inter m ed iate g atew ay s g eared w ith a d iv erse w ireless tec h nolog y and inter c onnec ted tog eth er and to th e sink . An optim iz ation f ram ew or k b ased on Integ er L inear P rog ram m ing (IL P ) is d ev eloped to loc ate w ireless g atew ay s m inim iz ing th e ov erall installation c ost and th e energ y c onsu m ption in th e W S N , w h ile ac c ou nting for m u lti- h op c ov erag e b etw een sensors and g atew ay s, and c onnec tiv ity am ong w ireless g atew ay s. T h e proposed IL P for m u lations are solv ed to optim ality for m ed iu m -siz e instanc es to analy z e th e q u ality of th e d esig ned netw or k s, and h eu r istic alg or ith m s are also proposed to tac k le larg e-sc ale h eterog eneou s sc enar ios

    QoS Provision for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor network is a fast growing area of research, receiving attention not only within the computer science and electrical engineering communities, but also in relation to network optimization, scheduling, risk and reliability analysis within industrial and system engineering. The availability of micro-sensors and low-power wireless communications will enable the deployment of densely distributed sensor/actuator networks. And an integration of such system plays critical roles in many facets of human life ranging from intelligent assistants in hospitals to manufacturing process, to rescue agents in large scale disaster response, to sensor networks tracking environment phenomena, and others. The sensor nodes will perform significant signal processing, computation, and network self-configuration to achieve scalable, secure, robust and long-lived networks. More specifically, sensor nodes will do local processing to reduce energy costs, and key exchanges to ensure robust communications. These requirements pose interesting challenges for networking research. The most important technical challenge arises from the development of an integrated system which is 1)energy efficient because the system must be long-lived and operate without manual intervention, 2)reliable for data communication and robust to attackers because information security and system robustness are important in sensitive applications, such as military. Based on the above challenges, this dissertation provides Quality of Service (QoS) implementation and evaluation for the wireless sensor networks. It includes the following 3 modules, 1) energy-efficient routing, 2) energy-efficient coverage, 3). communication security. Energy-efficient routing combines the features of minimum energy consumption routing protocols with minimum computational cost routing protocols. Energy-efficient coverage provides on-demand sensing and measurement. Information security needs a security key exchange scheme to ensure reliable and robust communication links. QoS evaluation metrics and results are presented based on the above requirements

    Data transmission and base-station placement for optimizing network lifetime

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