11,032 research outputs found

    Video Classification With CNNs: Using The Codec As A Spatio-Temporal Activity Sensor

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    We investigate video classification via a two-stream convolutional neural network (CNN) design that directly ingests information extracted from compressed video bitstreams. Our approach begins with the observation that all modern video codecs divide the input frames into macroblocks (MBs). We demonstrate that selective access to MB motion vector (MV) information within compressed video bitstreams can also provide for selective, motion-adaptive, MB pixel decoding (a.k.a., MB texture decoding). This in turn allows for the derivation of spatio-temporal video activity regions at extremely high speed in comparison to conventional full-frame decoding followed by optical flow estimation. In order to evaluate the accuracy of a video classification framework based on such activity data, we independently train two CNN architectures on MB texture and MV correspondences and then fuse their scores to derive the final classification of each test video. Evaluation on two standard datasets shows that the proposed approach is competitive to the best two-stream video classification approaches found in the literature. At the same time: (i) a CPU-based realization of our MV extraction is over 977 times faster than GPU-based optical flow methods; (ii) selective decoding is up to 12 times faster than full-frame decoding; (iii) our proposed spatial and temporal CNNs perform inference at 5 to 49 times lower cloud computing cost than the fastest methods from the literature.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. Extension of ICIP 2017 conference pape

    Beyond Short Snippets: Deep Networks for Video Classification

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been extensively applied for image recognition problems giving state-of-the-art results on recognition, detection, segmentation and retrieval. In this work we propose and evaluate several deep neural network architectures to combine image information across a video over longer time periods than previously attempted. We propose two methods capable of handling full length videos. The first method explores various convolutional temporal feature pooling architectures, examining the various design choices which need to be made when adapting a CNN for this task. The second proposed method explicitly models the video as an ordered sequence of frames. For this purpose we employ a recurrent neural network that uses Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cells which are connected to the output of the underlying CNN. Our best networks exhibit significant performance improvements over previously published results on the Sports 1 million dataset (73.1% vs. 60.9%) and the UCF-101 datasets with (88.6% vs. 88.0%) and without additional optical flow information (82.6% vs. 72.8%)

    Towards High Performance Video Object Detection

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    There has been significant progresses for image object detection in recent years. Nevertheless, video object detection has received little attention, although it is more challenging and more important in practical scenarios. Built upon the recent works, this work proposes a unified approach based on the principle of multi-frame end-to-end learning of features and cross-frame motion. Our approach extends prior works with three new techniques and steadily pushes forward the performance envelope (speed-accuracy tradeoff), towards high performance video object detection

    Low Power Depth Estimation of Rigid Objects for Time-of-Flight Imaging

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    Depth sensing is useful in a variety of applications that range from augmented reality to robotics. Time-of-flight (TOF) cameras are appealing because they obtain dense depth measurements with minimal latency. However, for many battery-powered devices, the illumination source of a TOF camera is power hungry and can limit the battery life of the device. To address this issue, we present an algorithm that lowers the power for depth sensing by reducing the usage of the TOF camera and estimating depth maps using concurrently collected images. Our technique also adaptively controls the TOF camera and enables it when an accurate depth map cannot be estimated. To ensure that the overall system power for depth sensing is reduced, we design our algorithm to run on a low power embedded platform, where it outputs 640x480 depth maps at 30 frames per second. We evaluate our approach on several RGB-D datasets, where it produces depth maps with an overall mean relative error of 0.96% and reduces the usage of the TOF camera by 85%. When used with commercial TOF cameras, we estimate that our algorithm can lower the total power for depth sensing by up to 73%
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