6 research outputs found

    Opportunistic Synthesis in Reactive Games under Information Asymmetry

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    Reactive synthesis is a class of methods to construct a provably-correct control system, referred to as a robot, with respect to a temporal logic specification in the presence of a dynamic and uncontrollable environment. This is achieved by modeling the interaction between the robot and its environment as a two-player zero-sum game. However, existing reactive synthesis methods assume both players to have complete information, which is not the case in many strategic interactions. In this paper, we use a variant of hypergames to model the interaction between the robot and its environment; which has incomplete information about the specification of the robot. This model allows us to identify a subset of game states from where the robot can leverage the asymmetrical information to achieve a better outcome, which is not possible if both players have symmetrical and complete information. We then introduce a novel method of opportunistic synthesis by defining a Markov Decision Process (MDP) using the hypergame under temporal logic specifications. When the environment plays some stochastic strategy in its perceived sure-winning and sure-losing regions of the game, we show that by following the opportunistic strategy, the robot is ensured to only improve the outcome of the game - measured by satisfaction of sub-specifications - whenever an opportunity becomes available. We demonstrate the correctness and optimality of this method using a robot motion planning example in the presence of an adversary.Comment: Submitted to Conference on Decision and Control 201

    Model-Based Contrastive Explanations for XAIP: Towards a General Model and Prototype

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    Planning is an important sub-field of artificial intelligence (AI) focusing on letting intelligent agents deliberate on the most adequate course of action to attain their goals. Thanks to the recent boost in the number of critical domains and systems which exploit planning for their internal procedures, there is an increasing need for planning systems to become more transparent and trustworthy. Along this line, planning systems are now required to produce not only plans but also explanations about those plans, or the way they were attained. To address this issue, a new research area is emerging in the AI panorama: eXplainable AI (XAI), within which explainable planning (XAIP) is a pivotal sub-field. As a recent domain, XAIP is far from mature. No consensus has been reached in the literature about what explanations are, how they should be computed, and what they should explain in the first place. Furthermore, existing contributions are mostly theoretical, and software implementations are rarely more than preliminary. To overcome such issues, in this thesis we design an explainable planning framework bridging the gap between theoretical contributions from literature and software implementations. More precisely, taking inspiration from the state of the art, we develop a formal model for XAIP, and the software tool enabling its practical exploitation. Accordingly, the contribution of this thesis is four-folded. First, we review the state of the art of XAIP, supplying an outline of its most significant contributions from the literature. We then generalise the aforementioned contributions into a unified model for XAIP, aimed at supporting model-based contrastive explanations. Next, we design and implement an algorithm-agnostic library for XAIP based on our model. Finally, we validate our library from a technological perspective, via an extensive testing suite. Furthermore, we assess its performance and usability through a set of benchmarks and end-to-end examples

    Opportunistic Planning in Autonomous Underwater Missions

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    This paper explores the execution of planned autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) missions where opportunities to achieve additional utility can arise during execution. The missions are represented as temporal planning problems, with hard goals and time constraints. Opportunities are soft goals with high utility. The probability distributions for the occurrences of these opportunities are not known, but it is known that they are unlikely, so it is not worth trying to anticipate their occurrence prior to plan execution. However, as they are high utility, it is worth trying to address them dynamically when they are encountered, as long as this can be done without sacrificing the achievement of the hard goals of the problem. We formally characterize the opportunistic planning problem, introduce a novel approach to opportunistic planning, and compare it with an on-board replanning approach in the domain of AUVs performing pillar expection and chain-following tasks

    Opportunistic Planning in Autonomous Underwater Missions

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