1 research outputs found

    Opportunistic Network Decoupling with Virtual Full-Duplex Operation in Multi-Source Interfering Relay Networks

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    We introduce a new achievability scheme, termed opportunistic network decoupling (OND), operating in virtual full-duplex mode. In the scheme, a novel relay scheduling strategy is utilized in the K x N x K channel with interfering relays, consisting of K source-destination pairs and N half-duplex relays in-between them. A subset of relays using alternate relaying is opportunistically selected in terms of producing the minimum total interference level, thereby resulting in network decoupling. As our main result, it is shown that under a certain relay scaling condition, the OND protocol achieves K degrees of freedom even in the presence of interfering links among relays. Numerical evaluation is also shown to validate the performance of the proposed OND. Our protocol basically operates in a fully distributed fashion along with local channel state information, thereby resulting in relatively easy implementation