8 research outputs found

    Exploiting Spatial Interference Alignment and Opportunistic Scheduling in the Downlink of Interference Limited Systems

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    In this paper we analyze the performance of single stream and multi-stream spatial multiplexing (SM) systems employing opportunistic scheduling in the presence of interference. In the proposed downlink framework, every active user reports the post-processing signal-to-interference-plus-noise-power-ratio (post-SINR) or the receiver specific mutual information (MI) to its own transmitter using a feedback channel. The combination of scheduling and multi-antenna receiver processing leads to substantial interference suppression gain. Specifically, we show that opportunistic scheduling exploits spatial interference alignment (SIA) property inherent to a multi-user system for effective interference mitigation. We obtain bounds for the outage probability and the sum outage capacity for single stream and multi stream SM employing real or complex encoding for a symmetric interference channel model. The techniques considered in this paper are optimal in different operating regimes. We show that the sum outage capacity can be maximized by reducing the SM rate to a value less than the maximum allowed value. The optimum SM rate depends on the number of interferers and the number of available active users. In particular, we show that the generalized multi-user SM (MU SM) method employing real-valued encoding provides a performance that is either comparable, or significantly higher than that of MU SM employing complex encoding. A combination of analysis and simulation is used to describe the trade-off between the multiplexing rate and sum outage capacity for different antenna configurations

    Degrees of Freedom and Achievable Rate of Wide-Band Multi-cell Multiple Access Channels With No CSIT

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    This paper considers a KK-cell multiple access channel with inter-symbol interference. The primary finding of this paper is that, without instantaneous channel state information at the transmitters (CSIT), the sum degrees-of-freedom (DoF) of the considered channel is β1βK\frac{\beta -1}{\beta}K with β2\beta \geq 2 when the number of users per cell is sufficiently large, where β\beta is the ratio of the maximum channel-impulse-response (CIR) length of desired links to that of interfering links in each cell. Our finding implies that even without instantaneous CSIT, \textit{interference-free DoF per cell} is achievable as β\beta approaches infinity with a sufficiently large number of users per cell. This achievability is shown by a blind interference management method that exploits the relativity in delay spreads between desired and interfering links. In this method, all inter-cell-interference signals are aligned to the same direction by using a discrete-Fourier-transform-based precoding with cyclic prefix that only depends on the number of CIR taps. Using this method, we also characterize the achievable sum rate of the considered channel, in a closed-form expression.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Opportunistic Interference Alignment for MIMO Interfering Multiple-Access Channels

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    We consider the K-cell multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) interfering multiple-access channel (IMAC) with time-invariant channel coefficients, where each cell consists of a base station (BS) with M antennas and N users having L antennas each. In this paper, we propose two opportunistic interference alignment (OIA) techniques utilizing multiple transmit antennas at each user: antenna selection-based OIA and singular value decomposition (SVD)-based OIA. Their performance is analyzed in terms of user scaling law required to achieve KS degrees-of-freedom (DoF), where S(<= M) denotes the number of simultaneously transmitting users per cell. We assume that each selected user transmits a single data stream at each time-slot. It is shown that the antenna selection-based OIA does not fundamentally change the user scaling condition if L is fixed, compared with the single-input multiple-output (SIMO) IMAC case, which is given by SNR(K-1)S, where SNR denotes the signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, we show that the SVD-based OIA can greatly reduce the user scaling condition to SNR(K-1)S-L+1 through optimizing a weight vector at each user. Simulation results validate the derived scaling laws of the proposed OIA techniques. The sum-rate performance of the proposed OIA techniques is compared with the conventional techniques in MIMO IMAC channels and it is shown that the proposed OIA techniques outperform the conventional techniques.close10212

    Optimising Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Interference Alignment and Space-Time Coding

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    In this thesis, the process of optimizing Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio has been investigated in fast-fading environments where simulation results have shown that its performance is limited by the Probability of Reporting Errors. By proposing a transmit diversity scheme using Differential space-time block codes (D-STBC) where channel state information (CSI) is not required and regarding multiple pairs of Cognitive Radios (CR’s) with single antennas as a virtual MIMO antenna arrays in multiple clusters, Differential space-time coding is applied for the purpose of decision reporting over Rayleigh channels. Both Hard and Soft combination schemes were investigated at the fusion center to reveal performance advantages for Hard combination schemes due to their minimal bandwidth requirements and simplistic implementation. The simulations results show that this optimization process achieves full transmit diversity, albeit with slight performance degradation in terms of power with improvements in performance when compared to conventional Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over non-ideal reporting channels. Further research carried out in this thesis shows performance deficits of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing due to interference on sensing channels of Cognitive Radio. Interference Alignment (IA) being a revolutionary wireless transmission strategy that reduces the impact of interference seems well suited as a strategy that can be used to optimize the performance of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing. The idea of IA is to coordinate multiple transmitters so that their mutual interference aligns at their receivers, facilitating simple interference cancellation techniques. Since its inception, research efforts have primarily been focused on verifying IA’s ability to achieve the maximum degrees of freedom (an approximation of sum capacity), developing algorithms for determining alignment solutions and designing transmission strategies that relax the need for perfect alignment but yield better performance. With the increased deployment of wireless services, CR’s ability to opportunistically sense and access the unused licensed frequency spectrum, without causing harmful interference to the licensed users becomes increasingly diminished, making the concept of introducing IA in CR a very attractive proposition. For a multiuser multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) overlay CR network, a space-time opportunistic IA (ST-OIA) technique has been proposed that allows spectrum sharing between a single primary user (PU) and multiple secondary users (SU) while ensuring zero interference to the PUs. With local CSI available at both the transmitters and receivers of SUs, the PU employs a space-time WF (STWF) algorithm to optimize its transmission and in the process, frees up unused eigenmodes that can be exploited by the SU. STWF achieves higher performance than other WF algorithms at low to moderate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regimes, which makes it ideal for implementation in CR networks. The SUs align their transmitted signals in such a way their interference impairs only the PU’s unused eigenmodes. For the multiple SUs to further exploit the benefits of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing, it was shown in this thesis that IA would only work when a set of conditions were met. The first condition ensures that the SUs satisfy a zero interference constraint at the PU’s receiver by designing their post-processing matrices such that they are orthogonal to the received signal from the PU link. The second condition ensures a zero interference constraint at both the PU and SUs receivers i.e. the constraint ensures that no interference from the SU transmitters is present at the output of the post-processing matrices of its unintended receivers. The third condition caters for the multiple SUs scenario to ensure interference from multiple SUs are aligned along unused eigenmodes. The SU system is assumed to employ a time division multiple access (TDMA) system such that the Principle of Reciprocity is employed towards optimizing the SUs transmission rates. Since aligning multiple SU transmissions at the PU is always limited by availability of spatial dimensions as well as typical user loads, the third condition proposes a user selection algorithm by the fusion centre (FC), where the SUs are grouped into clusters based on their numbers (i.e. two SUs per cluster) and their proximity to the FC, so that they can be aligned at each PU-Rx. This converts the cognitive IA problem into an unconstrained standard IA problem for a general cognitive system. Given the fact that the optimal power allocation algorithms used to optimize the SUs transmission rates turns out to be an optimal beamformer with multiple eigenbeams, this work initially proposes combining the diversity gain property of STBC, the zero-forcing function of IA and beamforming to optimize the SUs transmission rates. However, this solution requires availability of CSI, and to eliminate the need for this, this work then combines the D-STBC scheme with optimal IA precoders (consisting of beamforming and zero-forcing) to maximize the SUs data rates