7 research outputs found

    Operator-Theoretic Characterization of Eventually Monotone Systems

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    Monotone systems are dynamical systems whose solutions preserve a partial order in the initial condition for all positive times. It stands to reason that some systems may preserve a partial order only after some initial transient. These systems are usually called eventually monotone. While monotone systems have a characterization in terms of their vector fields (i.e. Kamke-Muller condition), eventually monotone systems have not been characterized in such an explicit manner. In order to provide a characterization, we drew inspiration from the results for linear systems, where eventually monotone (positive) systems are studied using the spectral properties of the system (i.e. Perron-Frobenius property). In the case of nonlinear systems, this spectral characterization is not straightforward, a fact that explains why the class of eventually monotone systems has received little attention to date. In this paper, we show that a spectral characterization of nonlinear eventually monotone systems can be obtained through the Koopman operator framework. We consider a number of biologically inspired examples to illustrate the potential applicability of eventual monotonicity.Comment: 13 page

    Linear identification of nonlinear systems: A lifting technique based on the Koopman operator

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    We exploit the key idea that nonlinear system identification is equivalent to linear identification of the socalled Koopman operator. Instead of considering nonlinear system identification in the state space, we obtain a novel linear identification technique by recasting the problem in the infinite-dimensional space of observables. This technique can be described in two main steps. In the first step, similar to the socalled Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition algorithm, the data are lifted to the infinite-dimensional space and used for linear identification of the Koopman operator. In the second step, the obtained Koopman operator is "projected back" to the finite-dimensional state space, and identified to the nonlinear vector field through a linear least squares problem. The proposed technique is efficient to recover (polynomial) vector fields of different classes of systems, including unstable, chaotic, and open systems. In addition, it is robust to noise, well-suited to model low sampling rate datasets, and able to infer network topology and dynamics.Comment: 6 page

    Shaping Pulses to Control Bistable Monotone Systems Using Koopman Operator

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    In this paper, we further develop a recently proposed control method to switch a bistable system between its steady states using temporal pulses. The motivation for using pulses comes from biomedical and biological applications (e.g. synthetic biology), where it is generally difficult to build feedback control systems due to technical limitations in sensing and actuation. The original framework was derived for monotone systems and all the extensions relied on monotone systems theory. In contrast, we introduce the concept of switching function which is related to eigenfunctions of the so-called Koopman operator subject to a fixed control pulse. Using the level sets of the switching function we can (i) compute the set of all pulses that drive the system toward the steady state in a synchronous way and (ii) estimate the time needed by the flow to reach an epsilon neighborhood of the target steady state. Additionally, we show that for monotone systems the switching function is also monotone in some sense, a property that can yield efficient algorithms to compute it. This observation recovers and further extends the results of the original framework, which we illustrate on numerical examples inspired by biological applications.Comment: 7 page

    Robustness of networked systems to unintended interactions with application to engineered genetic circuits

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    A networked dynamical system is composed of subsystems interconnected through prescribed interactions. In many engineering applications, however, one subsystem can also affect others through "unintended" interactions that can significantly hamper the intended network's behavior. Although unintended interactions can be modeled as disturbance inputs to the subsystems, these disturbances depend on the network's states. As a consequence, a disturbance attenuation property of each isolated subsystem is, alone, insufficient to ensure that the network behavior is robust to unintended interactions. In this paper, we provide sufficient conditions on subsystem dynamics and interaction maps, such that the network's behavior is robust to unintended interactions. These conditions require that each subsystem attenuates constant external disturbances, is monotone or "near-monotone", the unintended interaction map is monotone, and the prescribed interaction map does not contain feedback loops. We employ this result to guide the design of resource-limited genetic circuits. More generally, our result provide conditions under which robustness of constituent subsystems is sufficient to guarantee robustness of the network to unintended interactions

    Operator-theoretic characterization of eventually monotone systems

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    Operator-Theoretic Characterization of Eventually Monotone Systems

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