245 research outputs found

    Zero-shot keyword spotting for visual speech recognition in-the-wild

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    Visual keyword spotting (KWS) is the problem of estimating whether a text query occurs in a given recording using only video information. This paper focuses on visual KWS for words unseen during training, a real-world, practical setting which so far has received no attention by the community. To this end, we devise an end-to-end architecture comprising (a) a state-of-the-art visual feature extractor based on spatiotemporal Residual Networks, (b) a grapheme-to-phoneme model based on sequence-to-sequence neural networks, and (c) a stack of recurrent neural networks which learn how to correlate visual features with the keyword representation. Different to prior works on KWS, which try to learn word representations merely from sequences of graphemes (i.e. letters), we propose the use of a grapheme-to-phoneme encoder-decoder model which learns how to map words to their pronunciation. We demonstrate that our system obtains very promising visual-only KWS results on the challenging LRS2 database, for keywords unseen during training. We also show that our system outperforms a baseline which addresses KWS via automatic speech recognition (ASR), while it drastically improves over other recently proposed ASR-free KWS methods.Comment: Accepted at ECCV-201

    Multilingual Query-by-Example Keyword Spotting with Metric Learning and Phoneme-to-Embedding Mapping

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    In this paper, we propose a multilingual query-by-example keyword spotting (KWS) system based on a residual neural network. The model is trained as a classifier on a multilingual keyword dataset extracted from Common Voice sentences and fine-tuned using circle loss. We demonstrate the generalization ability of the model to new languages and report a mean reduction in EER of 59.2 % for previously seen and 47.9 % for unseen languages compared to a competitive baseline. We show that the word embeddings learned by the KWS model can be accurately predicted from the phoneme sequences using a simple LSTM model. Our system achieves a promising accuracy for streaming keyword spotting and keyword search on Common Voice audio using just 5 examples per keyword. Experiments on the Hey-Snips dataset show a good performance with a false negative rate of 5.4 % at only 0.1 false alarms per hour.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 202

    PhonMatchNet: Phoneme-Guided Zero-Shot Keyword Spotting for User-Defined Keywords

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    This study presents a novel zero-shot user-defined keyword spotting model that utilizes the audio-phoneme relationship of the keyword to improve performance. Unlike the previous approach that estimates at utterance level, we use both utterance and phoneme level information. Our proposed method comprises a two-stream speech encoder architecture, self-attention-based pattern extractor, and phoneme-level detection loss for high performance in various pronunciation environments. Based on experimental results, our proposed model outperforms the baseline model and achieves competitive performance compared with full-shot keyword spotting models. Our proposed model significantly improves the EER and AUC across all datasets, including familiar words, proper nouns, and indistinguishable pronunciations, with an average relative improvement of 67% and 80%, respectively. The implementation code of our proposed model is available at https://github.com/ncsoft/PhonMatchNet

    Matching Latent Encoding for Audio-Text based Keyword Spotting

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    Using audio and text embeddings jointly for Keyword Spotting (KWS) has shown high-quality results, but the key challenge of how to semantically align two embeddings for multi-word keywords of different sequence lengths remains largely unsolved. In this paper, we propose an audio-text-based end-to-end model architecture for flexible keyword spotting (KWS), which builds upon learned audio and text embeddings. Our architecture uses a novel dynamic programming-based algorithm, Dynamic Sequence Partitioning (DSP), to optimally partition the audio sequence into the same length as the word-based text sequence using the monotonic alignment of spoken content. Our proposed model consists of an encoder block to get audio and text embeddings, a projector block to project individual embeddings to a common latent space, and an audio-text aligner containing a novel DSP algorithm, which aligns the audio and text embeddings to determine if the spoken content is the same as the text. Experimental results show that our DSP is more effective than other partitioning schemes, and the proposed architecture outperformed the state-of-the-art results on the public dataset in terms of Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) and Equal-Error-Rate (EER) by 14.4 % and 28.9%, respectively

    Sign language video retrieval with free-form textual queries

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    Systems that can efficiently search collections of sign language videos have been highlighted as a useful application of sign language technology. However, the problem of searching videos beyond individual keywords has received limited attention in the literature. To address this gap, in this work we introduce the task of sign language retrieval with textual queries: given a written query (e.g. a sentence) and a large collection of sign language videos, the objective is to find the signing video that best matches the written query. We propose to tackle this task by learning cross-modal embeddings on the recently introduced large-scale How2Sign dataset of American Sign Language (ASL). We identify that a key bottleneck in the performance of the system is the quality of the sign video embedding which suffers from a scarcity of labelled training data. We, therefore, propose SPOT-ALIGN, a framework for interleaving iterative rounds of sign spotting and feature alignment to expand the scope and scale of available training data. We validate the effectiveness of SPOT-ALIGN for learning a robust sign video embedding through improvements in both sign recognition and the proposed video retrieval task.This work was supported by the project PID2020-117142GB-I00, funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033, ANR project CorVis ANR-21-CE23-0003- 01, and gifts from Google and Adobe. AD received support from la Caixa Foundation (ID 100010434), fellowship code LCF/BQ/IN18/11660029.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::10 - Reducció de les DesigualtatsObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::10 - Reducció de les Desigualtats::10.2 - Per a 2030, potenciar i promoure la inclusió social, econòmica i política de totes les persones, independentment de l’edat, sexe, discapacitat, raça, ètnia, origen, religió, situació econòmica o altra condicióPostprint (author's final draft

    Flexible Keyword Spotting based on Homogeneous Audio-Text Embedding

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    Spotting user-defined/flexible keywords represented in text frequently uses an expensive text encoder for joint analysis with an audio encoder in an embedding space, which can suffer from heterogeneous modality representation (i.e., large mismatch) and increased complexity. In this work, we propose a novel architecture to efficiently detect arbitrary keywords based on an audio-compliant text encoder which inherently has homogeneous representation with audio embedding, and it is also much smaller than a compatible text encoder. Our text encoder converts the text to phonemes using a grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) model, and then to an embedding using representative phoneme vectors, extracted from the paired audio encoder on rich speech datasets. We further augment our method with confusable keyword generation to develop an audio-text embedding verifier with strong discriminative power. Experimental results show that our scheme outperforms the state-of-the-art results on Libriphrase hard dataset, increasing Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) metric from 84.21% to 92.7% and reducing Equal-Error-Rate (EER) metric from 23.36% to 14.4%

    iPhonMatchNet: Zero-Shot User-Defined Keyword Spotting Using Implicit Acoustic Echo Cancellation

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    In response to the increasing interest in human--machine communication across various domains, this paper introduces a novel approach called iPhonMatchNet, which addresses the challenge of barge-in scenarios, wherein user speech overlaps with device playback audio, thereby creating a self-referencing problem. The proposed model leverages implicit acoustic echo cancellation (iAEC) techniques to increase the efficiency of user-defined keyword spotting models, achieving a remarkable 95% reduction in mean absolute error with a minimal increase in model size (0.13%) compared to the baseline model, PhonMatchNet. We also present an efficient model structure and demonstrate its capability to learn iAEC functionality without requiring a clean signal. The findings of our study indicate that the proposed model achieves competitive performance in real-world deployment conditions of smart devices.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 202

    Fully Unsupervised Training of Few-shot Keyword Spotting

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    For training a few-shot keyword spotting (FS-KWS) model, a large labeled dataset containing massive target keywords has known to be essential to generalize to arbitrary target keywords with only a few enrollment samples. To alleviate the expensive data collection with labeling, in this paper, we propose a novel FS-KWS system trained only on synthetic data. The proposed system is based on metric learning enabling target keywords to be detected using distance metrics. Exploiting the speech synthesis model that generates speech with pseudo phonemes instead of texts, we easily obtain a large collection of multi-view samples with the same semantics. These samples are sufficient for training, considering metric learning does not intrinsically necessitate labeled data. All of the components in our framework do not require any supervision, making our method unsupervised. Experimental results on real datasets show our proposed method is competitive even without any labeled and real datasets.Comment: Accepted by IEEE SLT 202