3 research outputs found

    Providing effective visualizations over big linked data

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    The number and the size of Linked Data sources are constantly increasing. In some lucky case, the data source is equipped with a tool that guides and helps the user during the exploration of the data, but in most cases, the data are published as an RDF dump through a SPARQL endpoint that can be accessed only through SPARQL queries. Although the RDF format was designed to be processed by machines, there is a strong need for visualization and exploration tools. Data visualizations make big and small linked data easier for the human brain to understand, and visualization also makes it easier to detect patterns, trends, and outliers in groups of data. For this reason, we developed a tool called H-BOLD (Highlevel Visualization over Big Linked Open Data). H-BOLD aims to help the user exploring the content of a Linked Data by providing a high-level view of the structure of the dataset and an interactive exploration that allows users to focus on the connections and attributes of one or more classes. Moreover, it provides a visual interface for querying the endpoint that automatically generates SPARQL queries

    Uma Proposta de Processo para Implantação de Dados Abertos em Instituições Públicas Brasileiras

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    A iniciativa de Dados Abertos vem ganhando força nos últimos tempos, com adesão crescente de instituições públicas e governos. Porém, por ser uma experiência nova e por ainda não haver muitos guias e processos bem difundidos, muitas dificuldades acabam surgindo, ocasionando atrasos nas publicações e outros problemas. Assim sendo, o objetivo deste trabalho é definir um processo que auxilie instituições públicas brasileiras a abrirem seus dados, guiando-as durante as fases e tarefas de publicação. Para isso, foi realizado um mapeamento sistemático da literatura, a fim de descobrir estratégias, melhores práticas e dificuldades que existem na área, além de outros processos já existentes para fins de estudo e comparação

    Open Data for Improving Youth Policies

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    The Open Data \textit{philosophy} is based on the idea that certain data should be made ​​available to all citizens, in an open form, without any copyright restrictions, patents or other mechanisms of control. Various government have started to publish open data, first of all USA and UK in 2009, and in 2015, the Open Data Barometer project (www.opendatabarometer.org) states that on 77 diverse states across the world, over 55 percent have developed some form of Open Government Data initiative. We claim Public Administrations, that are the main producers and one of the consumers of Open Data, might effectively extract important information by integrating its own data with open data sources.This paper reports the activities carried on during a one-year research project on Open Data for Youth Policies. The project was mainly devoted to explore the youth situation in the municipalities and provinces of the Emilia Romagna region (Italy), in particular, to examine data on population, education and work.The project goals were: to identify interesting data sources both from the open data community and from the private repositories of local governments of Emilia Romagna region related to the Youth Policies; to integrate them and, to show up the result of the integration by means of a useful navigator tool; in the end, to publish new information on the web as Linked Open Data. This paper also reports the main issues encountered that may seriously affect the entire process of consumption, integration till the publication of open data