32 research outputs found

    Teaching Strategies and Ontologies for E-Learning

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    * The work is partially suported by Russian Foundation for Basic Studies (grant 02-01-00466).The paper presents one approach aimed at developing teaching strategies based on the principles of ontological engineering. The research framework is targeted on development of methodology and technology that will scaffold the process of knowledge structuring for e-learning. The structuring procedure is the kernel of ontology development. Ontologies that describe the main concepts of the domains are used both for teaching and assessment techniques. Special stress is put on visual design as a powerful learning mindtool. The examples are taken from the courses on the foundations of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems development. These courses are delivered by the authors in St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University at School of Computer Science and in Poland in the First Independent University

    Ontologies Development for IT Project Risk Management Teaching

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    The paper presents one practical approach aimed at developing teaching ontologies. The methodology that will scaffold the process of knowledge structuring and ontology design is described. Moreover, special stress should be placed on visual design as a powerful learning mind tool. The described process is used for developing of a practical ontology from the domain of IT project risk management

    The generation of e-learning exercise problems from subject ontologies

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    The teaching/ learning of cognitive skills, such as problem-solving, is an important goal in most forms of education. In well-structured subject areas certain exercise problem types may be precisely described by means of machine-processable knowledge structures or ontologies. These ontologies can readily be used to generate individual problem examples for the student, where each problem consists of a question and its solution. An example is given from the subject domain of computer databases

    Increasing productivity of knowledge workers by ontological training

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    Proceedings of the International Conference «Business Sustainability BS 2008», Minho, Portugal, 2008. pp. 158-163knowledge-driven organizations, productivity of knowledge workers, learning, thinking, analyst training,

    Development of Educational Ontology for C-Programming

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    Development of educational ontologies is a step towards creation of sharable and reusable adaptive educational systems. Ontology as a conceptual courseware structure may work as a mind tool for effective teaching and as a visual navigation interface to the learning objects. The paper discusses an approach to the practical ontology development and presents the designed ontology for teaching/learning C programming

    Cognitive Bias in Knowledge Engineering Course

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    The paper presents experience in teaching of knowledge and ontological engineering. The teaching framework is targeted on the development of cognitive skills that will allow facilitating the process of knowledge elicitation, structuring and ontology development for scaffolding students’ research. The structuring procedure is the kernel of ontological engineering. The 5-steps ontology designing process is described. Special stress is put on “beautification” principles of ontology creating. The academic curriculum includes interactive game-format training of lateral thinking, interpersonal cognitive intellect and visual mind mapping techniques

    Advances in Web-Based Learning ICWL 2012

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    The proceedings of the 11th conference on web-Based Learning

    An e-learning application based on the semantic web technology

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    The paper describes a framework for the implementation of an elearning system based on the Semantic Web, using software agents and Java Web Services. Hopefully we have elucidated the enormous potential of making web content machine-understandable. One of the killer applications for the Semantic Web might prove to be related to e-learning, considering the amount of research in this sector and the advantages those applications bring to the table compared to existing web-based learning courses.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en InformĂĄtica (RedUNCI

    Simulating Membrane Systems in Digital Computers

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    * Work partially supported by contribution of EU commission Under The Fifth Framework Programme, project “MolCoNet” IST-2001-32008.Membrane Computing started with the analogy between some processes produced inside the complex structure of living cells and computational processes. In the same way that in other branches of Natural Computing, the model is extracted from nature but it is not clear whether or not the model must come back to nature to be implemented. As in other cases in Natural Computing: Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, etc; the models have been implemented in digital computers. Hence, some papers have been published considering implementation of Membrane Computing in digital computers. This paper introduces an overview in the field of simulation in Membrane Computing