2 research outputs found

    Online Monitoring and Computational Steering of Massive Parallel CFD Simulations

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    Due to tremendous improvements of high-performance computing resources as well as numerical advances computational simulations became a common tool for modern engineers. Nowadays, simulation of complex physics is more and more substituting a large amount of physical experiments. While the vast compute power of large-scale high-performance systems enabled for simulating more complex numerical equations, handling the ever increasing amount of data with spatial and temporal resolution burdens new challenges to scientists. Huge hardware and energy costs desire for effcient utilization of high-performance systems. However, increasing complexity of simulations raises the risk of failing simulations resulting in a single simulation to be restarted multiple times. Computational Steering is a promising approach to interact with running simulations which could prevent simulation crashes. The large amount of data expands gaps in the amount of data that can be calculated and the amount of data that can be processed. Extreme-scale simulations produce more data that can even be stored. In this thesis, I propose several methods that enhance the process of steering, exploring, visualizing, and analyzing ongoing numerical simulations

    Online Monitoring and Computational Steering of Massive Parallel CFD Simulations

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    Aufgrund enormer technischer Fortschritte von hochperformanten Computersystemen und numerische Weiterentwicklungen ist computergestützte Simulation heute eines der wichtigsten Werkzeuge moderner Ingenieure. Mittlerweile werden experimentelle Methoden zur Untersuchung komplexer physikalischer Phänomene mehr und mehr durch Simulationen ersetzt. Während die Rechenpower moderner Computersysteme die Simulation immer komplexerer Systeme und Gleichungen ermöglicht, stellt die Verwaltung der ständig wachsenden Datengrö� ßen durch höhere zeitliche und räumliche Auflösungen jedoch neue Herausforderungen dar. Um numerische Simulationen auch in Zukunft e� ffizient durchführen zu können, müssen die verursachten Hardware- und Energiekosten minimal gehalten werden. Jedoch werden komplexe Simulationen oft mehrfach ausgeführt, weil verschiedene Fehlverhalten zum Neustart der kompletten Simulation führen können. Computational Steering, die Interaktion mit laufenden Simulationen, versucht hier steuernd einzugreifen und Neustarts zu verhindern. Die Menge an produzierten Daten lässt aber verschiedene Lücken kla� ffen zwischen der Menge der Daten, die berechnet werden können und die Menge der Daten, die verarbeitet werden können. So ist zum Beispiel die reine Speicherung aller erzeugten Daten unmöglich geworden. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Dissertation liegt auf der Entwicklung neuer Methoden die die Steuerung, Exploration, Visualisierung und Analyse laufender numerischer Simulationen erlauben.Due to tremendous improvements of high-performance computing resources as well as numerical advances computational simulations became a common tool for modern engineers. Nowadays, simulation of complex physics is more and more substituting a large amount of physical experiments. While the vast compute power of large-scale high-performance systems enabled for simulating more complex numerical equations, handling the ever increasing amount of data with spatial and temporal resolution burdens new challenges to scientists. Huge hardware and energy costs desire for e� cient utilization of high-performance systems. However, increasing complexity of simulations raises the risk of failing simulations resulting in a single simulation to be restarted multiple times. Computational Steering is a promising approach to interact with running simulations which could prevent simulation crashes. The large amount of data expands gaps in the amount of data that can be calculated and the amount of data that can be processed. Extreme-scale simulations produce more data that can even be stored. In this thesis, I propose several methods that enhance the process of steering, exploring, visualizing, and analyzing ongoing numerical simulations