3 research outputs found

    Motion Planning and Control for the Locomotion of Humanoid Robot

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    This thesis aims to contribute on the motion planning and control problem of the locomotion of humanoid robots. For the motion planning, various methods were proposed in different levels of model dependence. First, a model free approach was proposed which utilizes linear regression to estimate the relationship between foot placement and moving velocity. The data-based feature makes it quite robust to handle modeling error and external disturbance. As a generic control philosophy, it can be applied to various robots with different gaits. To reduce the risk of collecting experimental data of model-free method, based on the simplified linear inverted pendulum model, the classic planning method of model predictive control was explored to optimize CoM trajectory with predefined foot placements or optimize them two together with respect to the ZMP constraint. Along with elaborately designed re-planning algorithm and sparse discretization of trajectories, it is fast enough to run in real time and robust enough to resist external disturbance. Thereafter, nonlinear models are utilized for motion planning by performing forward simulation iteratively following the multiple shooting method. A walking pattern is predefined to fix most of the degrees of the robot, and only one decision variable, foot placement, is left in one motion plane and therefore able to be solved in milliseconds which is sufficient to run in real time. In order to track the planned trajectories and prevent the robot from falling over, diverse control strategies were proposed according to the types of joint actuators. CoM stabilizer was designed for the robots with position-controlled joints while quasi-static Cartesian impedance control and optimization-based full body torque control were implemented for the robots with torque-controlled joints. Various scenarios were set up to demonstrate the feasibility and robustness of the proposed approaches, like walking on uneven terrain, walking with narrow feet or straight leg, push recovery and so on

    Humanoid gait generation via MPC: stability, robustness and extensions

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    Research on humanoid robots has made significant progress in recent years, and Model Predictive Control (MPC) has seen great applicability as a technique for gait generation. The main advantages of MPC are the possibility of enforcing constraints on state and inputs, and the constant replanning which grants a degree of robustness. This thesis describes a framework based on MPC for humanoid gait generation, and analyzes some theoretical aspects which have often been neglected. In particular, the stability of the controller is proved. Due to the presence of constraints, this requires proving recursive feasibility, i.e., that the algorithm is able to recursively guarantee that a solution satisfying the constraints is found. The scheme is referred to as Intrinsically Stable MPC (IS-MPC). A basic scheme is presented, and its stability and feasibility guarantees are discussed. Then, several extensions are introduced. The guarantees of the basic scheme are carried over to a robust version of IS-MPC. Furthermore, extension to uneven ground and to a more accurate multi-mass model are discussed. Experiments on two robotic platforms (the humanoid robots HRP-4 and NAO) are presented in the concluding section

    Stable locomotion of humanoid robots based on mass concentrated model

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    El estudio de la locomoción de robots humanoides es actualmente un área muy activa, en el campo de la robótica. Partiendo del principio que el hombre esta construyendo robots para trabajar juntos cooperando en ambientes humanos. La estabilidad durante la caminata es un factor crítico que prevee la caída del robot, la cual puede causar deterioros al mismo y a las personas en su entorno. De esta manera, el presente trabajo pretende resolver una parte del problema de la locomoción bípeda, esto es los métodos empleados para “La generación del paso” (“Gait generation”) y asi obtener la caminata estable. Para obtener una marcha estable se utilizan modelos de masa concentrada. De esta manera el modelo del “pendulo invertido simple” y el modelo del “carro sobre la mesa” se han utilizado para conseguir la marcha estable de robots humanoides. En el modelo del pendulo invertido, la masa el pendulo conduce el movimiento del centro de gravedad (CDG) del robot humanoide durante la marcha. Se detallara que el CDG se mueve como una bola libre sobre un plano bajo las leyes del pendulo en el campo de gravedad. Mientras que en el modelo del “carro sobre la mesa”, el carro conduce el movimiento del CDG durante la marcha. En este caso, el movimiento del carro es tratado como un sistema servocontrolado, y el movimiento del CDG es obtenido con los actuales y futuros estados de referencia del Zero Moment Point (ZMP). El método para generar el paso propuesto esta compuesto de varias capas como son Movimiento global, movimiento local, generación de patrones de movimiento, cinemática inversa y dinámica inversa y finalmente una corrección off-line. Donde la entrada en este método es la meta global (es decir la configuración final del robot, en el entorno de marcha) y las salidas son los patrones de movimiento de las articulaciones junto con el patrón de referencia del ZMP. Por otro lado, se ha propuesto el método para generar el “Paso acíclico”. Este método abarca el movimiento del paso dinámico incluyendo todo el cuerpo del robot humanoide, desde desde cuaquier postura genérica estáticamente estable hasta otra; donde las entradas son los estados inicial y final del robot (esto es los ángulos iniciales y finales de las articulaciones) y las salidas son las trayectorias de referencia de cada articulación y del ZMP. Se han obtenido resultados satisfactorios en las simulaciones y en el robot humanoide real Rh-1 desarrollado en el Robotics lab de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. De igual manera el movimiento innovador llamado “Paso acíclico” se ha implemenado exitosamente en el robot humanoide HRP-2 (desarrollado por el AIST e Industrias Kawada Inc., Japon). Finalmente los resultados, contribuciones y trabajos futuros se expondran y discutirán. _______________________________________________The study of humanoid robot locomotion is currently a very active area in robotics, since humans build robots to work their environments in common cooperation and in harmony. Stability during walking motion is a critical fact in preventing the robot from falling down and causing the human or itself damages. This work tries to solve a part of the locomotion problem, which is, the “Gait Generation” methods used to obtain stable walking. Mass concentrated models are used to obtain stable walking motion. Thus the inverted pendulum model and the cart-table model are used to obtain stable walking motion in humanoid robots. In the inverted pendulum model, the mass of the pendulum drives the center of gravity (COG) motion of the humanoid robot while it is walking. It will be detailed that the COG moves like a free ball on a plane under the laws of the pendulum in the field of gravity. While in the cart-table model, the cart drives the COG motion during walking motion. In this case, the cart motion is treated as a servo control system, obtaining its motion from future reference states of the ZMP. The gait generation method proposed has many layers like Global motion, local motion, motion patterns generation, inverse kinematics and inverse dynamics and finally off-line correction. When the input in the gait generation method is the global goal (that is the final configuration of the robot in walking environment), and the output is the joint patterns and ZMP reference patterns. Otherwise, the “Acyclic gait” method is proposed. This method deals with the whole body humanoid robot dynamic step motion from any generic posture to another one when the input is the initial and goal robot states (that is the initial and goal joint angles) and the output is the joint and ZMP reference patterns. Successful simulation and actual results have been obtained with the Rh- 1 humanoid robot developed in the Robotics lab (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) and the innovative motion called “Acyclic gait” implemented in the HRP-2 humanoid robot platform (developed by the AIST and Kawada Industries Inc., Japan). Furthermore, the results, contributions and future works will be discussed