16,806 research outputs found

    Sparse Coding on Symmetric Positive Definite Manifolds using Bregman Divergences

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    This paper introduces sparse coding and dictionary learning for Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices, which are often used in machine learning, computer vision and related areas. Unlike traditional sparse coding schemes that work in vector spaces, in this paper we discuss how SPD matrices can be described by sparse combination of dictionary atoms, where the atoms are also SPD matrices. We propose to seek sparse coding by embedding the space of SPD matrices into Hilbert spaces through two types of Bregman matrix divergences. This not only leads to an efficient way of performing sparse coding, but also an online and iterative scheme for dictionary learning. We apply the proposed methods to several computer vision tasks where images are represented by region covariance matrices. Our proposed algorithms outperform state-of-the-art methods on a wide range of classification tasks, including face recognition, action recognition, material classification and texture categorization

    Building efficient deep Hebbian networks for image classification tasks

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    Multi-layer models of sparse coding (deep dictionary learning) and dimensionality reduction (PCANet) have shown promise as unsupervised learning models for image classification tasks. However, the pure implementations of these models have limited generalisation capabilities and high computational cost. This work introduces the Deep Hebbian Network (DHN), which combines the advantages of sparse coding, dimensionality reduction, and convolutional neural networks for learning features from images. Unlike in other deep neural networks, in this model, both the learning rules and neural architectures are derived from cost-function minimizations. Moreover, the DHN model can be trained online due to its Hebbian components. Different configurations of the DHN have been tested on scene and image classification tasks. Experiments show that the DHN model can automatically discover highly discriminative features directly from image pixels without using any data augmentation or semi-labeling

    Transform learning based image and video processing

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    In recent years, sparse signal modeling, especially using the synthesis dictionary model, has received much attention. Sparse coding in the synthesis model is, however, NP-hard. Various methods have been proposed to learn such synthesis dictionaries from data. Numerous applications such as image denoising, magnetic resonance image (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) reconstruction have been shown to benefit from a good adaptive sparse model. Recently, the sparsifying transform model has received interest, for which sparse coding is cheap and exact, and learning, or data-driven adaptation admits computationally efficient solutions. In this thesis, we present two extensions to the transform learning framework, and some applications. In the first part of this thesis, we propose a union of sparsifying transforms model. Sparse coding in this model reduces to a form of clustering. The proposed model is also equivalent to a structured overcomplete sparsifying transform model with block cosparsity, dubbed OCTOBOS. The alternating algorithm introduced for learning such transforms involves simple closed-form solutions. Theoretical analysis provides a convergence guarantee for this algorithm. It is shown to be globally convergent to the set of partial minimizers of the non-convex learning problem. When applied to images, the algorithm learns a collection of well-conditioned square transforms, and a good clustering of patches or textures. The resulting sparse representations for the images are better than those obtained with a single learned transform, or with analytical transforms. We show the promising performance of the proposed approach in image denoising, which compares quite favorably with approaches involving a single learned square transform or an overcomplete synthesis dictionary, or Gaussian mixture models. The proposed denoising method is also faster than the synthesis dictionary based approach. Next, we develop a methodology for online learning of square sparsifying transforms. Such online learning can be particularly useful when dealing with big data, and for signal processing applications such as real-time sparse representation and denoising. The proposed transform learning algorithms are shown to have a significantly lower computational cost than online synthesis dictionary learning. In practice, the sequential learning of a sparsifying transform typically converges faster than batch mode transform learning. Preliminary experiments show the usefulness of the proposed schemes for sparse representation, and denoising. In the third part, we present a video denoising framework based on online 3D sparsifying transform learning. The proposed scheme has low computational and memory costs, and can handle streaming video. Our numerical experiments show promising performance for the proposed video denoising method compared to popular prior or state-of-the-art methods

    Online Learning Discriminative Dictionary with Label Information for Robust Object Tracking

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    A supervised approach to online-learn a structured sparse and discriminative representation for object tracking is presented. Label information from training data is incorporated into the dictionary learning process to construct a robust and discriminative dictionary. This is accomplished by adding an ideal-code regularization term and classification error term to the total objective function. By minimizing the total objective function, we learn the high quality dictionary and optimal linear multiclassifier jointly using iterative reweighed least squares algorithm. Combined with robust sparse coding, the learned classifier is employed directly to separate the object from background. As the tracking continues, the proposed algorithm alternates between robust sparse coding and dictionary updating. Experimental evaluations on the challenging sequences show that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods in terms of effectiveness, accuracy, and robustness

    Orthogonal procrustes analysis for dictionary learning in sparse linear representation

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    In the sparse representation model, the design of overcomplete dictionaries plays a key role for the effectiveness and applicability in different domains. Recent research has produced several dictionary learning approaches, being proven that dictionaries learnt by data examples significantly outperform structured ones, e.g. wavelet transforms. In this context, learning consists in adapting the dictionary atoms to a set of training signals in order to promote a sparse representation that minimizes the reconstruction error. Finding the best fitting dictionary remains a very difficult task, leaving the question still open. A well-established heuristic method for tackling this problem is an iterative alternating scheme, adopted for instance in the well-known K-SVD algorithm. Essentially, it consists in repeating two stages; the former promotes sparse coding of the training set and the latter adapts the dictionary to reduce the error. In this paper we present R-SVD, a new method that, while maintaining the alternating scheme, adopts the Orthogonal Procrustes analysis to update the dictionary atoms suitably arranged into groups. Comparative experiments on synthetic data prove the effectiveness of R-SVD with respect to well known dictionary learning algorithms such as K-SVD, ILS-DLA and the online method OSDL. Moreover, experiments on natural data such as ECG compression, EEG sparse representation, and image modeling confirm R-SVD's robustness and wide applicability
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