4,195 research outputs found

    Mining the Demographics of Political Sentiment from Twitter Using Learning from Label Proportions

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    Opinion mining and demographic attribute inference have many applications in social science. In this paper, we propose models to infer daily joint probabilities of multiple latent attributes from Twitter data, such as political sentiment and demographic attributes. Since it is costly and time-consuming to annotate data for traditional supervised classification, we instead propose scalable Learning from Label Proportions (LLP) models for demographic and opinion inference using U.S. Census, national and state political polls, and Cook partisan voting index as population level data. In LLP classification settings, the training data is divided into a set of unlabeled bags, where only the label distribution in of each bag is known, removing the requirement of instance-level annotations. Our proposed LLP model, Weighted Label Regularization (WLR), provides a scalable generalization of prior work on label regularization to support weights for samples inside bags, which is applicable in this setting where bags are arranged hierarchically (e.g., county-level bags are nested inside of state-level bags). We apply our model to Twitter data collected in the year leading up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election, producing estimates of the relationships among political sentiment and demographics over time and place. We find that our approach closely tracks traditional polling data stratified by demographic category, resulting in error reductions of 28-44% over baseline approaches. We also provide descriptive evaluations showing how the model may be used to estimate interactions among many variables and to identify linguistic temporal variation, capabilities which are typically not feasible using traditional polling methods

    Statistical framework for video decoding complexity modeling and prediction

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    Video decoding complexity modeling and prediction is an increasingly important issue for efficient resource utilization in a variety of applications, including task scheduling, receiver-driven complexity shaping, and adaptive dynamic voltage scaling. In this paper we present a novel view of this problem based on a statistical framework perspective. We explore the statistical structure (clustering) of the execution time required by each video decoder module (entropy decoding, motion compensation, etc.) in conjunction with complexity features that are easily extractable at encoding time (representing the properties of each module's input source data). For this purpose, we employ Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) and an expectation-maximization algorithm to estimate the joint execution-time - feature probability density function (PDF). A training set of typical video sequences is used for this purpose in an offline estimation process. The obtained GMM representation is used in conjunction with the complexity features of new video sequences to predict the execution time required for the decoding of these sequences. Several prediction approaches are discussed and compared. The potential mismatch between the training set and new video content is addressed by adaptive online joint-PDF re-estimation. An experimental comparison is performed to evaluate the different approaches and compare the proposed prediction scheme with related resource prediction schemes from the literature. The usefulness of the proposed complexity-prediction approaches is demonstrated in an application of rate-distortion-complexity optimized decoding

    Semi-Streaming Set Cover

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    This paper studies the set cover problem under the semi-streaming model. The underlying set system is formalized in terms of a hypergraph G=(V,E)G = (V, E) whose edges arrive one-by-one and the goal is to construct an edge cover FEF \subseteq E with the objective of minimizing the cardinality (or cost in the weighted case) of FF. We consider a parameterized relaxation of this problem, where given some 0ϵ<10 \leq \epsilon < 1, the goal is to construct an edge (1ϵ)(1 - \epsilon)-cover, namely, a subset of edges incident to all but an ϵ\epsilon-fraction of the vertices (or their benefit in the weighted case). The key limitation imposed on the algorithm is that its space is limited to (poly)logarithmically many bits per vertex. Our main result is an asymptotically tight trade-off between ϵ\epsilon and the approximation ratio: We design a semi-streaming algorithm that on input graph GG, constructs a succinct data structure D\mathcal{D} such that for every 0ϵ<10 \leq \epsilon < 1, an edge (1ϵ)(1 - \epsilon)-cover that approximates the optimal edge \mbox{(11-)cover} within a factor of f(ϵ,n)f(\epsilon, n) can be extracted from D\mathcal{D} (efficiently and with no additional space requirements), where f(ϵ,n)={O(1/ϵ),if ϵ>1/nO(n),otherwise. f(\epsilon, n) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} O (1 / \epsilon), & \text{if } \epsilon > 1 / \sqrt{n} \\ O (\sqrt{n}), & \text{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \, . In particular for the traditional set cover problem we obtain an O(n)O(\sqrt{n})-approximation. This algorithm is proved to be best possible by establishing a family (parameterized by ϵ\epsilon) of matching lower bounds.Comment: Full version of the extended abstract that will appear in Proceedings of ICALP 2014 track