1,653 research outputs found

    Off-line Arabic Handwriting Recognition System Using Fast Wavelet Transform

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    In this research, off-line handwriting recognition system for Arabic alphabet is introduced. The system contains three main stages: preprocessing, segmentation and recognition stage. In the preprocessing stage, Radon transform was used in the design of algorithms for page, line and word skew correction as well as for word slant correction. In the segmentation stage, Hough transform approach was used for line extraction. For line to words and word to characters segmentation, a statistical method using mathematic representation of the lines and words binary image was used. Unlike most of current handwriting recognition system, our system simulates the human mechanism for image recognition, where images are encoded and saved in memory as groups according to their similarity to each other. Characters are decomposed into a coefficient vectors, using fast wavelet transform, then, vectors, that represent a character in different possible shapes, are saved as groups with one representative for each group. The recognition is achieved by comparing a vector of the character to be recognized with group representatives. Experiments showed that the proposed system is able to achieve the recognition task with 90.26% of accuracy. The system needs only 3.41 seconds a most to recognize a single character in a text of 15 lines where each line has 10 words on average

    Assessment of OCR Quality and Font Identification in Historical Documents

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    Mass digitization of historical documents is a challenging problem for optical character recognition (OCR) tools. Issues include noisy backgrounds and faded text due to aging, border/marginal noise, bleed-through, skewing, warping, as well as irregular fonts and page layouts. As a result, OCR tools often produce a large number of spurious bounding boxes (BBs) in addition to those that correspond to words in the document. To improve the OCR output, in this thesis we develop machine-learning methods to assess the quality of historical documents and label/tag documents (with the page problems) in the EEBO/ECCO collections—45 million pages available through the Early Modern OCR Project at Texas A&M University. We present an iterative classification algorithm to automatically label BBs (i.e., as text or noise) based on their spatial distribution and geometry. The approach uses a rule-base classifier to generate initial text/noise labels for each BB, followed by an iterative classifier that refines the initial labels by incorporating local information to each BB, its spatial location, shape and size. When evaluated on a dataset containing over 72,000 manually-labeled BBs from 159 historical documents, the algorithm can classify BBs with 0.95 precision and 0.96 recall. Further evaluation on a collection of 6,775 documents with ground-truth transcriptions shows that the algorithm can also be used to predict document quality (0.7 correlation) and improve OCR transcriptions in 85% of the cases. This thesis also aims at generating font metadata for historical documents. Knowledge of the font can aid OCR system to produce very accurate text transcriptions, but getting font information for 45 million documents is a daunting task. We present an active learning based font identification system that can classify document images into fonts. In active learning, a learner queries the human for labels on examples it finds most informative. We capture the characteristics of the fonts using word image features related to character width, angled strokes, and Zernike moments. To extract page level features, we use bag-of-word feature (BoF) model. A font classification model trained using BoF and active learning requires only 443 labeled instances to achieve 89.3% test accuracy

    Machine Learning for Handwriting Recognition

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    With the knowledge of current data about particular subject, machine learning tries to extract hidden information that lies in the data. By applying some mathematical functions and concepts to extract hidden information, machine learning can be achieved and we can predict output for unknown data. Pattern recognition is one of the main application of ML. Patterns are usually recognized with the help of large image data-set. Handwriting recognition is an application of pattern recognition through image. By using such concepts, we can train computers to read letters and numbers belonging to any language present in an image. There exists several methods by which we can recognize hand-written characters. We will be discussing some of the methods in this paper
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