1,316 research outputs found

    Dense Piecewise Planar RGB-D SLAM for Indoor Environments

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    The paper exploits weak Manhattan constraints to parse the structure of indoor environments from RGB-D video sequences in an online setting. We extend the previous approach for single view parsing of indoor scenes to video sequences and formulate the problem of recovering the floor plan of the environment as an optimal labeling problem solved using dynamic programming. The temporal continuity is enforced in a recursive setting, where labeling from previous frames is used as a prior term in the objective function. In addition to recovery of piecewise planar weak Manhattan structure of the extended environment, the orthogonality constraints are also exploited by visual odometry and pose graph optimization. This yields reliable estimates in the presence of large motions and absence of distinctive features to track. We evaluate our method on several challenging indoors sequences demonstrating accurate SLAM and dense mapping of low texture environments. On existing TUM benchmark we achieve competitive results with the alternative approaches which fail in our environments.Comment: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 201

    Fine-To-Coarse Global Registration of RGB-D Scans

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    RGB-D scanning of indoor environments is important for many applications, including real estate, interior design, and virtual reality. However, it is still challenging to register RGB-D images from a hand-held camera over a long video sequence into a globally consistent 3D model. Current methods often can lose tracking or drift and thus fail to reconstruct salient structures in large environments (e.g., parallel walls in different rooms). To address this problem, we propose a "fine-to-coarse" global registration algorithm that leverages robust registrations at finer scales to seed detection and enforcement of new correspondence and structural constraints at coarser scales. To test global registration algorithms, we provide a benchmark with 10,401 manually-clicked point correspondences in 25 scenes from the SUN3D dataset. During experiments with this benchmark, we find that our fine-to-coarse algorithm registers long RGB-D sequences better than previous methods

    3D indoor scene modeling from RGB-D data: a survey

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    3D scene modeling has long been a fundamental problem in computer graphics and computer vision. With the popularity of consumer-level RGB-D cameras, there is a growing interest in digitizing real-world indoor 3D scenes. However, modeling indoor 3D scenes remains a challenging problem because of the complex structure of interior objects and poor quality of RGB-D data acquired by consumer-level sensors. Various methods have been proposed to tackle these challenges. In this survey, we provide an overview of recent advances in indoor scene modeling techniques, as well as public datasets and code libraries which can facilitate experiments and evaluation

    Automatic Objects Removal for Scene Completion

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    With the explosive growth of web-based cameras and mobile devices, billions of photographs are uploaded to the internet. We can trivially collect a huge number of photo streams for various goals, such as 3D scene reconstruction and other big data applications. However, this is not an easy task due to the fact the retrieved photos are neither aligned nor calibrated. Furthermore, with the occlusion of unexpected foreground objects like people, vehicles, it is even more challenging to find feature correspondences and reconstruct realistic scenes. In this paper, we propose a structure based image completion algorithm for object removal that produces visually plausible content with consistent structure and scene texture. We use an edge matching technique to infer the potential structure of the unknown region. Driven by the estimated structure, texture synthesis is performed automatically along the estimated curves. We evaluate the proposed method on different types of images: from highly structured indoor environment to the natural scenes. Our experimental results demonstrate satisfactory performance that can be potentially used for subsequent big data processing: 3D scene reconstruction and location recognition.Comment: 6 pages, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 14), Workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data, Toronto, Canada, 201