7 research outputs found

    Distributed Online Convex Optimization with an Aggregative Variable

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    This paper investigates distributed online convex optimization in the presence of an aggregative variable without any global/central coordinators over a multi-agent network, where each individual agent is only able to access partial information of time-varying global loss functions, thus requiring local information exchanges between neighboring agents. Motivated by many applications in reality, the considered local loss functions depend not only on their own decision variables, but also on an aggregative variable, such as the average of all decision variables. To handle this problem, an Online Distributed Gradient Tracking algorithm (O-DGT) is proposed with exact gradient information and it is shown that the dynamic regret is upper bounded by three terms: a sublinear term, a path variation term, and a gradient variation term. Meanwhile, the O-DGT algorithm is also analyzed with stochastic/noisy gradients, showing that the expected dynamic regret has the same upper bound as the exact gradient case. To our best knowledge, this paper is the first to study online convex optimization in the presence of an aggregative variable, which enjoys new characteristics in comparison with the conventional scenario without the aggregative variable. Finally, a numerical experiment is provided to corroborate the obtained theoretical results

    Distributed Online Convex Optimization with Adversarial Constraints: Reduced Cumulative Constraint Violation Bounds under Slater's Condition

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    This paper considers distributed online convex optimization with adversarial constraints. In this setting, a network of agents makes decisions at each round, and then only a portion of the loss function and a coordinate block of the constraint function are privately revealed to each agent. The loss and constraint functions are convex and can vary arbitrarily across rounds. The agents collaborate to minimize network regret and cumulative constraint violation. A novel distributed online algorithm is proposed and it achieves an O(Tmax⁑{c,1βˆ’c})\mathcal{O}(T^{\max\{c,1-c\}}) network regret bound and an O(T1βˆ’c/2)\mathcal{O}(T^{1-c/2}) network cumulative constraint violation bound, where TT is the number of rounds and c∈(0,1)c\in(0,1) is a user-defined trade-off parameter. When Slater's condition holds (i.e, there is a point that strictly satisfies the inequality constraints), the network cumulative constraint violation bound is reduced to O(T1βˆ’c)\mathcal{O}(T^{1-c}). Moreover, if the loss functions are strongly convex, then the network regret bound is reduced to O(log⁑(T))\mathcal{O}(\log(T)), and the network cumulative constraint violation bound is reduced to O(log⁑(T)T)\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{\log(T)T}) and O(log⁑(T))\mathcal{O}(\log(T)) without and with Slater's condition, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to achieve reduced (network) cumulative constraint violation bounds for (distributed) online convex optimization with adversarial constraints under Slater's condition. Finally, the theoretical results are verified through numerical simulations

    A Two-Player Resource-Sharing Game with Asymmetric Information

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    This paper considers a two-player game where each player chooses a resource from a finite collection of options. Each resource brings a random reward. Both players have statistical information regarding the rewards of each resource. Additionally, there exists an information asymmetry where each player has knowledge of the reward realizations of different subsets of the resources. If both players choose the same resource, the reward is divided equally between them, whereas if they choose different resources, each player gains the full reward of the resource. We first implement the iterative best response algorithm to find an Ο΅\epsilon-approximate Nash equilibrium for this game. This method of finding a Nash equilibrium may not be desirable when players do not trust each other and place no assumptions on the incentives of the opponent. To handle this case, we solve the problem of maximizing the worst-case expected utility of the first player. The solution leads to counter-intuitive insights in certain special cases. To solve the general version of the problem, we develop an efficient algorithmic solution that combines online-convex optimization and the drift-plus penalty technique

    Online Learning under Budget and ROI Constraints via Weak Adaptivity

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    We study online learning problems in which a decision maker has to make a sequence of costly decisions, with the goal of maximizing their expected reward while adhering to budget and return-on-investment (ROI) constraints. Existing primal-dual algorithms designed for constrained online learning problems under adversarial inputs rely on two fundamental assumptions. First, the decision maker must know beforehand the value of parameters related to the degree of strict feasibility of the problem (i.e. Slater parameters). Second, a strictly feasible solution to the offline optimization problem must exist at each round. Both requirements are unrealistic for practical applications such as bidding in online ad auctions. In this paper, we show how such assumptions can be circumvented by endowing standard primal-dual templates with weakly adaptive regret minimizers. This results in a ``dual-balancing'' framework which ensures that dual variables stay sufficiently small, even in the absence of knowledge about Slater's parameter. We prove the first best-of-both-worlds no-regret guarantees which hold in absence of the two aforementioned assumptions, under stochastic and adversarial inputs. Finally, we show how to instantiate the framework to optimally bid in various mechanisms of practical relevance, such as first- and second-price auctions