1,910 research outputs found

    Current Status and Future of Cardiac Mapping in Atrial Fibrillation

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    The outstanding evolution of recording techniques paved the way for better understanding of electrophysiological phenomena within the human organs, including the cardiovascular, ophthalmologic and neural systems. In the field of cardiac electrophysiology, the development of more and more sophisticated recording and mapping techniques made it possible to elucidate the mechanism of various cardiac arrhythmias. This has even led to the evolution of techniques to ablate and cure most complex cardiac arrhythmias. Nevertheless, there is still a long way ahead and this book can be considered a valuable addition to the current knowledge in subjects related to bioelectricity from plants to the human heart

    The Application of Computer Techniques to ECG Interpretation

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    This book presents some of the latest available information on automated ECG analysis written by many of the leading researchers in the field. It contains a historical introduction, an outline of the latest international standards for signal processing and communications and then an exciting variety of studies on electrophysiological modelling, ECG Imaging, artificial intelligence applied to resting and ambulatory ECGs, body surface mapping, big data in ECG based prediction, enhanced reliability of patient monitoring, and atrial abnormalities on the ECG. It provides an extremely valuable contribution to the field

    Therapeutic DNA: Delivery and as a delivery vehicle

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    A review of gene delivery methods and gene editing methods, as well as original research utilizing DNA as a delivery vehicle is presented in the following thesis. Thousands of diseases have been linked to genes. Gene therapy, either delivering therapeutic genes or editing DNA bases, has arisen as a treatment option with the potential to cure diseases, rather than just ease symptoms. Genes and editing tools need to be delivered to cells for these therapies to be effective and many techniques have been developed to address the issue of delivery. Nonviral and viral methods have been used to deliver nucleic acids and several different protein systems have been employed to edit genes. Gene therapy will continue to evolve as delivery are improved. Along with being delivered as a therapeutic molecule, DNA has been investigated as a carrier itself. DNA origami, have been utilized to deliver chemotherapies to breast cancer. Globally, millions of women are affected by breast cancer each year. DNA origami was analyzed as a carrier for the chemotherapy Doxorubicin (DOX) in two triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cell lines, a type of breast cancer with few treatments. The killing efficiency and uptake of DOX loaded into a model DNA origami triangle (DOX-DNA-T) were elucidated. Inhibition of various pathways revealed DOX-DNA-T was internalization by multiple energy-dependent pathways. DOX-DNA-T altered the subcellular localization of DOX and increased the concentration of DOX inside cells. A delayed killing was observed with DOX-DNA-T compared to free DOX, but the carrier was able to modulate the toxicity between cell lines. Overall, DNA delivery is able to treat various disease conditions and DNA origami is an interesting carrier for therapeutics --Abstract, page iv

    Comparison of electrophysiological auditory measures in fishes

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. Sounds provide fishes with important information used to mediate behaviors such as predator avoidance, prey detection, and social communication. How we measure auditory capabilities in fishes, therefore, has crucial implications for interpreting how individual species use acoustic information in their natural habitat. Recent analyses have highlighted differences between behavioral and electrophysiologically determined hearing thresholds, but less is known about how physiological measures at different auditory processing levels compare within a single species. Here we provide one of the first comparisons of auditory threshold curves determined by different recording methods in a single fish species, the soniferous Hawaiian sergeant fish Abudefduf abdominalis, and review past studies on representative fish species with tuning curves determined by different methods. The Hawaiian sergeant is a colonial benthic-spawning damselfish (Pomacentridae) that produces low-frequency, low-intensity sounds associated with reproductive and agonistic behaviors. We compared saccular potentials, auditory evoked potentials (AEP), and single neuron recordings from acoustic nuclei of the hindbrain and midbrain torus semicircularis. We found that hearing thresholds were lowest at low frequencies (~75–300 Hz) for all methods, which matches the spectral components of sounds produced by this species. However, thresholds at best frequency determined via single cell recordings were ~15–25 dB lower than those measured by AEP and saccular potential techniques. While none of these physiological techniques gives us a true measure of the auditory “perceptual” abilities of a naturally behaving fish, this study highlights that different methodologies can reveal similar detectable range of frequencies for a given species, but absolute hearing sensitivity may vary considerably

    A high-throughput chemically induced inflammation assay in zebrafish

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    Artículo de publicación ISIBackground: Studies on innate immunity have benefited from the introduction of zebrafish as a model system. Transgenic fish expressing fluorescent proteins in leukocyte populations allow direct, quantitative visualization of an inflammatory response in vivo. It has been proposed that this animal model can be used for high-throughput screens aimed at the identification of novel immunomodulatory lead compounds. However, current assays require invasive manipulation of fish individually, thus preventing high-content screening. Results: Here we show that specific, noninvasive damage to lateral line neuromast cells can induce a robust acute inflammatory response. Exposure of fish larvae to sublethal concentrations of copper sulfate selectively damages the sensory hair cell population inducing infiltration of leukocytes to neuromasts within 20 minutes. Inflammation can be assayed in real time using transgenic fish expressing fluorescent proteins in leukocytes or by histochemical assays in fixed larvae. We demonstrate the usefulness of this method for chemical and genetic screens to detect the effect of immunomodulatory compounds and mutations affecting the leukocyte response. Moreover, we transformed the assay into a high-throughput screening method by using a customized automated imaging and processing system that quantifies the magnitude of the inflammatory reaction. Conclusions: This approach allows rapid screening of thousands of compounds or mutagenized zebrafish for effects on inflammation and enables the identification of novel players in the regulation of innate immunity and potential lead compounds toward new immunomodulatory therapies. We have called this method the chemically induced inflammation assay, or ChIn assay.This work was supported by grants to MA from Fondecyt (1070867), FONDAP (15090007), ICM (P06-039F), CORFO-Innova (09MCSS-6705), DFG-Conicyt 075-2009; to CD from UNAB (DI- 01-09/1) and Fondecyt (24090004); to UL from Dopaminet (EU FP7 223744); and to CG by a Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant (EU FP7; PIRG07-GA-2010-267552)

    Towards respiratory muscle-protective mechanical ventilation in the critically ill: technology to monitor and assist physiology

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    Inadequate delivery of ventilatory assist and unphysiological respiratory drive may severely worsen respiratory muscle function in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients. Diaphragm weakness in these patients is exceedingly common (>60% of patients) and associated with poor clinical outcomes, including difficult ventilator liberation, increased risks of intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital readmission, and mortality. The underlying mechanisms of diaphragm dysfunction were extensively discussed in this thesis. Pathways primarily include the development of diaphragm disuse atrophy due to muscle inactivity or low respiratory drive (strong clinical evidence), and diaphragm injury as a result of excessive breathing effort due to insufficient ventilator assist or excessive respiratory drive (moderate evidence, mostly from experimental work). Excessive breathing effort may also worsen lung injury through pathways that include high lung stress and strain, pendelluft, increased lung perfusion, and patient-ventilator dyssynchrony. Relatively little attention has been paid to the effects of critical illness and mechanical ventilation on the expiratory muscles; however, dysfunction of these muscles has been linked to inadequate central airway clearance and extubation failure. The motivation for performing the work presented in this thesis was the hypothesis that maintaining physiological levels of respiratory muscle activity under mechanical ventilation could prevent or attenuate the development respiratory muscle weakness, and hence, improve patient outcomes. This strategy, integrated with lung-protective ventilation, was recently proposed by international experts from different professional societies (this thesis), and is referred to as a combined lung and diaphragm-protective ventilation approach. Today, an important barrier for implementing and evaluating such an approach is the lack of feasible, reliable and well-understood modalities to assess breathing effort at the bedside, as well as strategies for assisting and restoring respiratory muscle function during mechanical ventilation. Furthermore, monitoring breathing effort is crucial to identify potential relationships between patient management and detrimental respiratory (muscle) function that can be targeted to improve clinical outcomes. In this thesis we identified and improved monitoring modalities for the diaphragm (Part I), we investigated the impact of mechanical ventilation on the respiratory pump, especially the diaphragm (Part II), and we evaluated a novel strategy for maintaining expiratory muscle activity under mechanical ventilation (Part III)