17,420 research outputs found

    Latent Variable Algorithms for Multimodal Learning and Sensor Fusion

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    Multimodal learning has been lacking principled ways of combining information from different modalities and learning a low-dimensional manifold of meaningful representations. We study multimodal learning and sensor fusion from a latent variable perspective. We first present a regularized recurrent attention filter for sensor fusion. This algorithm can dynamically combine information from different types of sensors in a sequential decision making task. Each sensor is bonded with a modular neural network to maximize utility of its own information. A gating modular neural network dynamically generates a set of mixing weights for outputs from sensor networks by balancing utility of all sensors' information. We design a co-learning mechanism to encourage co-adaption and independent learning of each sensor at the same time, and propose a regularization based co-learning method. In the second part, we focus on recovering the manifold of latent representation. We propose a co-learning approach using probabilistic graphical model which imposes a structural prior on the generative model: multimodal variational RNN (MVRNN) model, and derive a variational lower bound for its objective functions. In the third part, we extend the siamese structure to sensor fusion for robust acoustic event detection. We perform experiments to investigate the latent representations that are extracted; works will be done in the following months. Our experiments show that the recurrent attention filter can dynamically combine different sensor inputs according to the information carried in the inputs. We consider MVRNN can identify latent representations that are useful for many downstream tasks such as speech synthesis, activity recognition, and control and planning. Both algorithms are general frameworks which can be applied to other tasks where different types of sensors are jointly used for decision making

    A Multimodal Anomaly Detector for Robot-Assisted Feeding Using an LSTM-based Variational Autoencoder

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    The detection of anomalous executions is valuable for reducing potential hazards in assistive manipulation. Multimodal sensory signals can be helpful for detecting a wide range of anomalies. However, the fusion of high-dimensional and heterogeneous modalities is a challenging problem. We introduce a long short-term memory based variational autoencoder (LSTM-VAE) that fuses signals and reconstructs their expected distribution. We also introduce an LSTM-VAE-based detector using a reconstruction-based anomaly score and a state-based threshold. For evaluations with 1,555 robot-assisted feeding executions including 12 representative types of anomalies, our detector had a higher area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.8710 than 5 other baseline detectors from the literature. We also show the multimodal fusion through the LSTM-VAE is effective by comparing our detector with 17 raw sensory signals versus 4 hand-engineered features.Comment: 8 pages, under revie

    Squeezed Convolutional Variational AutoEncoder for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Edge Device Industrial Internet of Things

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    In this paper, we propose Squeezed Convolutional Variational AutoEncoder (SCVAE) for anomaly detection in time series data for Edge Computing in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The proposed model is applied to labeled time series data from UCI datasets for exact performance evaluation, and applied to real world data for indirect model performance comparison. In addition, by comparing the models before and after applying Fire Modules from SqueezeNet, we show that model size and inference times are reduced while similar levels of performance is maintained

    SAIFE: Unsupervised Wireless Spectrum Anomaly Detection with Interpretable Features

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    Detecting anomalous behavior in wireless spectrum is a demanding task due to the sheer complexity of the electromagnetic spectrum use. Wireless spectrum anomalies can take a wide range of forms from the presence of an unwanted signal in a licensed band to the absence of an expected signal, which makes manual labeling of anomalies difficult and suboptimal. We present, Spectrum Anomaly Detector with Interpretable FEatures (SAIFE), an Adversarial Autoencoder (AAE) based anomaly detector for wireless spectrum anomaly detection using Power Spectral Density (PSD) data which achieves good anomaly detection and localization in an unsupervised setting. In addition, we investigate the model's capabilities to learn interpretable features such as signal bandwidth, class and center frequency in a semi-supervised fashion. Along with anomaly detection the model exhibits promising results for lossy PSD data compression up to 120X and semisupervised signal classification accuracy close to 100% on three datasets just using 20% labeled samples. Finally the model is tested on data from one of the distributed Electrosense sensors over a long term of 500 hours showing its anomaly detection capabilities.Comment: Copyright IEEE, Accepted for DySPAN 201

    Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks for Multivariate Time Series

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    Today's Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are large, complex, and affixed with networked sensors and actuators that are targets for cyber-attacks. Conventional detection techniques are unable to deal with the increasingly dynamic and complex nature of the CPSs. On the other hand, the networked sensors and actuators generate large amounts of data streams that can be continuously monitored for intrusion events. Unsupervised machine learning techniques can be used to model the system behaviour and classify deviant behaviours as possible attacks. In this work, we proposed a novel Generative Adversarial Networks-based Anomaly Detection (GAN-AD) method for such complex networked CPSs. We used LSTM-RNN in our GAN to capture the distribution of the multivariate time series of the sensors and actuators under normal working conditions of a CPS. Instead of treating each sensor's and actuator's time series independently, we model the time series of multiple sensors and actuators in the CPS concurrently to take into account of potential latent interactions between them. To exploit both the generator and the discriminator of our GAN, we deployed the GAN-trained discriminator together with the residuals between generator-reconstructed data and the actual samples to detect possible anomalies in the complex CPS. We used our GAN-AD to distinguish abnormal attacked situations from normal working conditions for a complex six-stage Secure Water Treatment (SWaT) system. Experimental results showed that the proposed strategy is effective in identifying anomalies caused by various attacks with high detection rate and low false positive rate as compared to existing methods.Comment: This paper was presented in the 7th International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications on the ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining conference, August 2018, London, United Kingdo

    Unsupervised Online Bayesian Autonomic Happy Internet-of-Things Management

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    In Happy IoT, the revenue of service providers synchronizes to the unobservable and dynamic usage-contexts (e.g. emotion, environmental information, etc.) of Smart-device users. Hence, the usage-context-estimation from the unreliable Smart-device sensed data is justified as an unsupervised and non-linear optimization problem. Accordingly, Autonomic Happy IoT Management is aimed at attracting initial user-groups based on the common interests (i.e. recruitment ), then uncovering their latent usage-contexts from unreliable sensed data (i.e. revenue-renewal ) and synchronizing to usage-context dynamics (i.e. stochastic monetization). In this context, we have proposed an unsupervised online Bayesian mechanism, namely Whiz (Greek word, meaning Smart), in which, (a) once latent user-groups are initialized (i.e measurement model ), (b) usage-context is iteratively estimated from the unreliable sensed data (i.e. learning model ), (c) followed by online filtering of Bayesian knowledge about usage-context (i.e. filtering model ). Finally, we have proposed an Expectation Maximization (EM)-based iterative algorithm Whiz, which facilitates Happy IoT by solving (a) recruitment, (b) revenue-renewal and (c) stochastic- monetization problems with (a) measurement, (b) learning, and (c) filtering models, respectively

    Unsupervised preprocessing for Tactile Data

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    Tactile information is important for gripping, stable grasp, and in-hand manipulation, yet the complexity of tactile data prevents widespread use of such sensors. We make use of an unsupervised learning algorithm that transforms the complex tactile data into a compact, latent representation without the need to record ground truth reference data. These compact representations can either be used directly in a reinforcement learning based controller or can be used to calibrate the tactile sensor to physical quantities with only a few datapoints. We show the quality of our latent representation by predicting important features and with a simple control task

    Multi-Modal Active Perception for Information Gathering in Science Missions

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    Robotic science missions in remote environments, such as deep ocean and outer space, can involve studying phenomena that cannot directly be observed using on-board sensors but must be deduced by combining measurements of correlated variables with domain knowledge. Traditionally, in such missions, robots passively gather data along prescribed paths, while inference, path planning, and other high level decision making is largely performed by a supervisory science team. However, communication constraints hinder these processes, and hence the rate of scientific progress. This paper presents an active perception approach that aims to reduce robots' reliance on human supervision and improve science productivity by encoding scientists' domain knowledge and decision making process on-board. We use Bayesian networks to compactly model critical aspects of scientific knowledge while remaining robust to observation and modeling uncertainty. We then formulate path planning and sensor scheduling as an information gain maximization problem, and propose a sampling-based solution based on Monte Carlo tree search to plan informative sensing actions which exploit the knowledge encoded in the network. The computational complexity of our framework does not grow with the number of observations taken and allows long horizon planning in an anytime manner, making it highly applicable to field robotics. Simulation results show statistically significant performance improvements over baseline methods, and we validate the practicality of our approach through both hardware experiments and simulated experiments with field data gathered during the NASA Mojave Volatiles Prospector science expedition

    Detecting Weak but Hierarchically-Structured Patterns in Networks

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    The ability to detect weak distributed activation patterns in networks is critical to several applications, such as identifying the onset of anomalous activity or incipient congestion in the Internet, or faint traces of a biochemical spread by a sensor network. This is a challenging problem since weak distributed patterns can be invisible in per node statistics as well as a global network-wide aggregate. Most prior work considers situations in which the activation/non-activation of each node is statistically independent, but this is unrealistic in many problems. In this paper, we consider structured patterns arising from statistical dependencies in the activation process. Our contributions are three-fold. First, we propose a sparsifying transform that succinctly represents structured activation patterns that conform to a hierarchical dependency graph. Second, we establish that the proposed transform facilitates detection of very weak activation patterns that cannot be detected with existing methods. Third, we show that the structure of the hierarchical dependency graph governing the activation process, and hence the network transform, can be learnt from very few (logarithmic in network size) independent snapshots of network activity

    Coupled IGMM-GANs for deep multimodal anomaly detection in human mobility data

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    Detecting anomalous activity in human mobility data has a number of applications including road hazard sensing, telematic based insurance, and fraud detection in taxi services and ride sharing. In this paper we address two challenges that arise in the study of anomalous human trajectories: 1) a lack of ground truth data on what defines an anomaly and 2) the dependence of existing methods on significant pre-processing and feature engineering. While generative adversarial networks seem like a natural fit for addressing these challenges, we find that existing GAN based anomaly detection algorithms perform poorly due to their inability to handle multimodal patterns. For this purpose we introduce an infinite Gaussian mixture model coupled with (bi-directional) generative adversarial networks, IGMM-GAN, that is able to generate synthetic, yet realistic, human mobility data and simultaneously facilitates multimodal anomaly detection. Through estimation of a generative probability density on the space of human trajectories, we are able to generate realistic synthetic datasets that can be used to benchmark existing anomaly detection methods. The estimated multimodal density also allows for a natural definition of outlier that we use for detecting anomalous trajectories. We illustrate our methodology and its improvement over existing GAN anomaly detection on several human mobility datasets, along with MNIST.Comment: Submitted and pending notification from AAA
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