1,474 research outputs found

    Online Embedding Compression for Text Classification using Low Rank Matrix Factorization

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    Deep learning models have become state of the art for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, however deploying these models in production system poses significant memory constraints. Existing compression methods are either lossy or introduce significant latency. We propose a compression method that leverages low rank matrix factorization during training,to compress the word embedding layer which represents the size bottleneck for most NLP models. Our models are trained, compressed and then further re-trained on the downstream task to recover accuracy while maintaining the reduced size. Empirically, we show that the proposed method can achieve 90% compression with minimal impact in accuracy for sentence classification tasks, and outperforms alternative methods like fixed-point quantization or offline word embedding compression. We also analyze the inference time and storage space for our method through FLOP calculations, showing that we can compress DNN models by a configurable ratio and regain accuracy loss without introducing additional latency compared to fixed point quantization. Finally, we introduce a novel learning rate schedule, the Cyclically Annealed Learning Rate (CALR), which we empirically demonstrate to outperform other popular adaptive learning rate algorithms on a sentence classification benchmark.Comment: Accepted in Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019

    Learning K-way D-dimensional Discrete Codes for Compact Embedding Representations

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    Conventional embedding methods directly associate each symbol with a continuous embedding vector, which is equivalent to applying a linear transformation based on a "one-hot" encoding of the discrete symbols. Despite its simplicity, such approach yields the number of parameters that grows linearly with the vocabulary size and can lead to overfitting. In this work, we propose a much more compact K-way D-dimensional discrete encoding scheme to replace the "one-hot" encoding. In the proposed "KD encoding", each symbol is represented by a DD-dimensional code with a cardinality of KK, and the final symbol embedding vector is generated by composing the code embedding vectors. To end-to-end learn semantically meaningful codes, we derive a relaxed discrete optimization approach based on stochastic gradient descent, which can be generally applied to any differentiable computational graph with an embedding layer. In our experiments with various applications from natural language processing to graph convolutional networks, the total size of the embedding layer can be reduced up to 98\% while achieving similar or better performance.Comment: ICML 2018. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1711.0306

    Tensorized Embedding Layers for Efficient Model Compression

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    The embedding layers transforming input words into real vectors are the key components of deep neural networks used in natural language processing. However, when the vocabulary is large, the corresponding weight matrices can be enormous, which precludes their deployment in a limited resource setting. We introduce a novel way of parametrizing embedding layers based on the Tensor Train (TT) decomposition, which allows compressing the model significantly at the cost of a negligible drop or even a slight gain in performance. We evaluate our method on a wide range of benchmarks in natural language processing and analyze the trade-off between performance and compression ratios for a wide range of architectures, from MLPs to LSTMs and Transformers

    Compression of Recurrent Neural Networks for Efficient Language Modeling

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    Recurrent neural networks have proved to be an effective method for statistical language modeling. However, in practice their memory and run-time complexity are usually too large to be implemented in real-time offline mobile applications. In this paper we consider several compression techniques for recurrent neural networks including Long-Short Term Memory models. We make particular attention to the high-dimensional output problem caused by the very large vocabulary size. We focus on effective compression methods in the context of their exploitation on devices: pruning, quantization, and matrix decomposition approaches (low-rank factorization and tensor train decomposition, in particular). For each model we investigate the trade-off between its size, suitability for fast inference and perplexity. We propose a general pipeline for applying the most suitable methods to compress recurrent neural networks for language modeling. It has been shown in the experimental study with the Penn Treebank (PTB) dataset that the most efficient results in terms of speed and compression-perplexity balance are obtained by matrix decomposition techniques.Comment: 25 pages, 3 tables, 4 figure

    Graph Embedding Techniques, Applications, and Performance: A Survey

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    Graphs, such as social networks, word co-occurrence networks, and communication networks, occur naturally in various real-world applications. Analyzing them yields insight into the structure of society, language, and different patterns of communication. Many approaches have been proposed to perform the analysis. Recently, methods which use the representation of graph nodes in vector space have gained traction from the research community. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive and structured analysis of various graph embedding techniques proposed in the literature. We first introduce the embedding task and its challenges such as scalability, choice of dimensionality, and features to be preserved, and their possible solutions. We then present three categories of approaches based on factorization methods, random walks, and deep learning, with examples of representative algorithms in each category and analysis of their performance on various tasks. We evaluate these state-of-the-art methods on a few common datasets and compare their performance against one another. Our analysis concludes by suggesting some potential applications and future directions. We finally present the open-source Python library we developed, named GEM (Graph Embedding Methods, available at https://github.com/palash1992/GEM), which provides all presented algorithms within a unified interface to foster and facilitate research on the topic.Comment: Submitted to Knowledge Based Systems for revie

    LadaBERT: Lightweight Adaptation of BERT through Hybrid Model Compression

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    BERT is a cutting-edge language representation model pre-trained by a large corpus, which achieves superior performances on various natural language understanding tasks. However, a major blocking issue of applying BERT to online services is that it is memory-intensive and leads to unsatisfactory latency of user requests, raising the necessity of model compression. Existing solutions leverage the knowledge distillation framework to learn a smaller model that imitates the behaviors of BERT. However, the training procedure of knowledge distillation is expensive itself as it requires sufficient training data to imitate the teacher model. In this paper, we address this issue by proposing a hybrid solution named LadaBERT (Lightweight adaptation of BERT through hybrid model compression), which combines the advantages of different model compression methods, including weight pruning, matrix factorization and knowledge distillation. LadaBERT achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on various public datasets while the training overheads can be reduced by an order of magnitude

    Spectral Network Embedding: A Fast and Scalable Method via Sparsity

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    Network embedding aims to learn low-dimensional representations of nodes in a network, while the network structure and inherent properties are preserved. It has attracted tremendous attention recently due to significant progress in downstream network learning tasks, such as node classification, link prediction, and visualization. However, most existing network embedding methods suffer from the expensive computations due to the large volume of networks. In this paper, we propose a 10×∼100×10\times \sim 100\times faster network embedding method, called Progle, by elegantly utilizing the sparsity property of online networks and spectral analysis. In Progle, we first construct a \textit{sparse} proximity matrix and train the network embedding efficiently via sparse matrix decomposition. Then we introduce a network propagation pattern via spectral analysis to incorporate local and global structure information into the embedding. Besides, this model can be generalized to integrate network information into other insufficiently trained embeddings at speed. Benefiting from sparse spectral network embedding, our experiment on four different datasets shows that Progle outperforms or is comparable to state-of-the-art unsupervised comparison approaches---DeepWalk, LINE, node2vec, GraRep, and HOPE, regarding accuracy, while is 10×10\times faster than the fastest word2vec-based method. Finally, we validate the scalability of Progle both in real large-scale networks and multiple scales of synthetic networks

    Improving Word Embedding Factorization for Compression Using Distilled Nonlinear Neural Decomposition

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    Word-embeddings are vital components of Natural Language Processing (NLP) models and have been extensively explored. However, they consume a lot of memory which poses a challenge for edge deployment. Embedding matrices, typically, contain most of the parameters for language models and about a third for machine translation systems. In this paper, we propose Distilled Embedding, an (input/output) embedding compression method based on low-rank matrix decomposition and knowledge distillation. First, we initialize the weights of our decomposed matrices by learning to reconstruct the full pre-trained word-embedding and then fine-tune end-to-end, employing knowledge distillation on the factorized embedding. We conduct extensive experiments with various compression rates on machine translation and language modeling, using different data-sets with a shared word-embedding matrix for both embedding and vocabulary projection matrices. We show that the proposed technique is simple to replicate, with one fixed parameter controlling compression size, has higher BLEU score on translation and lower perplexity on language modeling compared to complex, difficult to tune state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted at Findings of EMNLP 202

    DeepFont: Identify Your Font from An Image

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    As font is one of the core design concepts, automatic font identification and similar font suggestion from an image or photo has been on the wish list of many designers. We study the Visual Font Recognition (VFR) problem, and advance the state-of-the-art remarkably by developing the DeepFont system. First of all, we build up the first available large-scale VFR dataset, named AdobeVFR, consisting of both labeled synthetic data and partially labeled real-world data. Next, to combat the domain mismatch between available training and testing data, we introduce a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) decomposition approach, using a domain adaptation technique based on a Stacked Convolutional Auto-Encoder (SCAE) that exploits a large corpus of unlabeled real-world text images combined with synthetic data preprocessed in a specific way. Moreover, we study a novel learning-based model compression approach, in order to reduce the DeepFont model size without sacrificing its performance. The DeepFont system achieves an accuracy of higher than 80% (top-5) on our collected dataset, and also produces a good font similarity measure for font selection and suggestion. We also achieve around 6 times compression of the model without any visible loss of recognition accuracy.Comment: To Appear in ACM Multimedia as a full pape

    Weight Squeezing: Reparameterization for Extreme Compression and Fast Inference

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    In this work, we present a novel approach for simultaneous knowledge transfer and model compression called Weight Squeezing. With this method, we perform knowledge transfer from a pre-trained teacher model by learning the mapping from its weights to smaller student model weights, without significant loss of model accuracy. We applied Weight Squeezing to a pre-trained text classification model and compared our method to various other knowledge transfer and model compression methods on several downstream text classification tasks based on the GLUE dataset. We observed that our approach produces better results than other methods for training student models without any loss in inference speed. We also compared Weight Squeezing with Low-Rank Factorization approach and observed that our method is significantly faster at inference while being competitive in terms of accuracy
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