8,519 research outputs found

    Online Network Design Algorithms via Hierarchical Decompositions

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    We develop a new approach for online network design and obtain improved competitive ratios for several problems. Our approach gives natural deterministic algorithms and simple analyses. At the heart of our work is a novel application of embeddings into hierarchically well-separated trees (HSTs) to the analysis of online network design algorithms --- we charge the cost of the algorithm to the cost of the optimal solution on any HST embedding of the terminals. This analysis technique is widely applicable to many problems and gives a unified framework for online network design. In a sense, our work brings together two of the main approaches to online network design. The first uses greedy-like algorithms and analyzes them using dual-fitting. The second uses tree embeddings and results in randomized O(logn)O(\log n)-competitive algorithms, where nn is the total number of vertices in the graph. Our approach uses deterministic greedy-like algorithms but analyzes them via HST embeddings of the terminals. Our proofs are simpler as we do not need to carefully construct dual solutions and we get O(logk)O(\log k) competitive ratios, where kk is the number of terminals. In this paper, we apply our approach to obtain deterministic O(logk)O(\log k)-competitive online algorithms for the following problems. - Steiner network with edge duplication. Previously, only a randomized O(logn)O(\log n)-competitive algorithm was known. - Rent-or-buy. Previously, only deterministic O(log2k)O(\log^2 k)-competitive and randomized O(logk)O(\log k)-competitive algorithms by Awerbuch, Azar and Bartal (2004) were known. - Connected facility location. Previously, only a randomized O(log2k)O(\log^2 k)-competitive algorithm by San Felice, Williamson and Lee (2014) was known. - Prize-collecting Steiner forest. We match the competitive ratio first achieved by Qian and Williamson (2011) and give a simpler analysis.Comment: Accepted to SODA 201

    Covering problems in edge- and node-weighted graphs

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    This paper discusses the graph covering problem in which a set of edges in an edge- and node-weighted graph is chosen to satisfy some covering constraints while minimizing the sum of the weights. In this problem, because of the large integrality gap of a natural linear programming (LP) relaxation, LP rounding algorithms based on the relaxation yield poor performance. Here we propose a stronger LP relaxation for the graph covering problem. The proposed relaxation is applied to designing primal-dual algorithms for two fundamental graph covering problems: the prize-collecting edge dominating set problem and the multicut problem in trees. Our algorithms are an exact polynomial-time algorithm for the former problem, and a 2-approximation algorithm for the latter problem, respectively. These results match the currently known best results for purely edge-weighted graphs.Comment: To appear in SWAT 201

    Dual Averaging Method for Online Graph-structured Sparsity

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    Online learning algorithms update models via one sample per iteration, thus efficient to process large-scale datasets and useful to detect malicious events for social benefits, such as disease outbreak and traffic congestion on the fly. However, existing algorithms for graph-structured models focused on the offline setting and the least square loss, incapable for online setting, while methods designed for online setting cannot be directly applied to the problem of complex (usually non-convex) graph-structured sparsity model. To address these limitations, in this paper we propose a new algorithm for graph-structured sparsity constraint problems under online setting, which we call \textsc{GraphDA}. The key part in \textsc{GraphDA} is to project both averaging gradient (in dual space) and primal variables (in primal space) onto lower dimensional subspaces, thus capturing the graph-structured sparsity effectively. Furthermore, the objective functions assumed here are generally convex so as to handle different losses for online learning settings. To the best of our knowledge, \textsc{GraphDA} is the first online learning algorithm for graph-structure constrained optimization problems. To validate our method, we conduct extensive experiments on both benchmark graph and real-world graph datasets. Our experiment results show that, compared to other baseline methods, \textsc{GraphDA} not only improves classification performance, but also successfully captures graph-structured features more effectively, hence stronger interpretability.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    The Fast Heuristic Algorithms and Post-Processing Techniques to Design Large and Low-Cost Communication Networks

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    It is challenging to design large and low-cost communication networks. In this paper, we formulate this challenge as the prize-collecting Steiner Tree Problem (PCSTP). The objective is to minimize the costs of transmission routes and the disconnected monetary or informational profits. Initially, we note that the PCSTP is MAX SNP-hard. Then, we propose some post-processing techniques to improve suboptimal solutions to PCSTP. Based on these techniques, we propose two fast heuristic algorithms: the first one is a quasilinear time heuristic algorithm that is faster and consumes less memory than other algorithms; and the second one is an improvement of a stateof-the-art polynomial time heuristic algorithm that can find high-quality solutions at a speed that is only inferior to the first one. We demonstrate the competitiveness of our heuristic algorithms by comparing them with the state-of-the-art ones on the largest existing benchmark instances (169 800 vertices and 338 551 edges). Moreover, we generate new instances that are even larger (1 000 000 vertices and 10 000 000 edges) to further demonstrate their advantages in large networks. The state-ofthe-art algorithms are too slow to find high-quality solutions for instances of this size, whereas our new heuristic algorithms can do this in around 6 to 45s on a personal computer. Ultimately, we apply our post-processing techniques to update the bestknown solution for a notoriously difficult benchmark instance to show that they can improve near-optimal solutions to PCSTP. In conclusion, we demonstrate the usefulness of our heuristic algorithms and post-processing techniques for designing large and low-cost communication networks

    On the performance of a cavity method based algorithm for the Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree Problem on graphs

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    We study the behavior of an algorithm derived from the cavity method for the Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree (PCST) problem on graphs. The algorithm is based on the zero temperature limit of the cavity equations and as such is formally simple (a fixed point equation resolved by iteration) and distributed (parallelizable). We provide a detailed comparison with state-of-the-art algorithms on a wide range of existing benchmarks networks and random graphs. Specifically, we consider an enhanced derivative of the Goemans-Williamson heuristics and the DHEA solver, a Branch and Cut Linear/Integer Programming based approach. The comparison shows that the cavity algorithm outperforms the two algorithms in most large instances both in running time and quality of the solution. Finally we prove a few optimality properties of the solutions provided by our algorithm, including optimality under the two post-processing procedures defined in the Goemans-Williamson derivative and global optimality in some limit cases

    From Cost Sharing Mechanisms to Online Selection Problems

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    We consider a general class of online optimization problems, called online selection problems, where customers arrive sequentially, and one has to decide upon arrival whether to accept or reject each customer. If a customer is rejected, then a rejection cost is incurred. The accepted customers are served with minimum possible cost, either online or after all customers have arrived. The goal is to minimize the total production costs for the accepted customers plus the rejection costs for the rejected customers. These selection problems are related to online variants of offline prize collecting combinatorial optimization problems that have been widely studied in the computer science literature. In this paper, we provide a general framework to develop online algorithms for this class of selection problems. In essence, the algorithmic framework leverages any cost sharing mechanism with certain properties into a poly-logarithmic competitive online algorithm for the respective problem; the competitive ratios are shown to be near-optimal. We believe that the general and transparent connection we establish between cost sharing mechanisms and online algorithms could lead to additional online algorithms for problems beyond the ones studied in this paper.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER Award CMMI-0846554)United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-11-1-0150)United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-08-1-0369)Solomon Buchsbaum AT&T Research Fun

    Node-Weighted Prize Collecting Steiner Tree and Applications

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    The Steiner Tree problem has appeared in the Karp's list of the first 21 NP-hard problems and is well known as one of the most fundamental problems in Network Design area. We study the Node-Weighted version of the Prize Collecting Steiner Tree problem. In this problem, we are given a simple graph with a cost and penalty value associated with each node. Our goal is to find a subtree T of the graph minimizing the cost of the nodes in T plus penalty of the nodes not in T. By a reduction from set cover problem it can be easily shown that the problem cannot be approximated in polynomial time within factor of (1-o(1))ln n unless NP has quasi-polynomial time algorithms, where n is the number of vertices of the graph. Moss and Rabani claimed an O(log n)-approximation algorithm for the problem using a Primal-Dual approach in their STOC'01 paper \cite{moss2001}. We show that their algorithm is incorrect by providing a counter example in which there is an O(n) gap between the dual solution constructed by their algorithm and the optimal solution. Further, evidence is given that their algorithm probably does not have a simple fix. We propose a new algorithm which is more involved and introduces novel ideas in primal dual approach for network design problems. Also, our algorithm is a Lagrangian Multiplier Preserving algorithm and we show how this property can be utilized to design an O(log n)-approximation algorithm for the Node-Weighted Quota Steiner Tree problem using the Lagrangian Relaxation method. We also show an application of the Node Weighted Quota Steiner Tree problem in designing algorithm with better approximation factor for Technology Diffusion problem, a problem proposed by Goldberg and Liu in \cite{goldberg2012} (SODA 2013). In Technology Diffusion, we are given a graph G and a threshold θ(v) associated with each vertex v and we are seeking a set of initial nodes called the seed set. Technology Diffusion is a dynamic process defined over time in which each vertex is either active or inactive. The vertices in the seed set are initially activated and each other vertex v gets activated whenever there are at least θ(v) active nodes connected to v through other active nodes. The Technology Diffusion problem asks to find the minimum seed set activating all nodes. Goldberg and Liu gave an O(rllog n)-approximation algorithm for the problem where r and l are the diameter of G and the number of distinct threshold values, respectively. We improve the approximation factor to O(min{r,l}log n) by establishing a close connection between the problem and the Node Weighted Quota Steiner Tree problem