15 research outputs found

    One-To-Many Multilingual End-to-end Speech Translation

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    Nowadays, training end-to-end neural models for spoken language translation (SLT) still has to confront with extreme data scarcity conditions. The existing SLT parallel corpora are indeed orders of magnitude smaller than those available for the closely related tasks of automatic speech recognition (ASR) and machine translation (MT), which usually comprise tens of millions of instances. To cope with data paucity, in this paper we explore the effectiveness of transfer learning in end-to-end SLT by presenting a multilingual approach to the task. Multilingual solutions are widely studied in MT and usually rely on ``\textit{target forcing}'', in which multilingual parallel data are combined to train a single model by prepending to the input sequences a language token that specifies the target language. However, when tested in speech translation, our experiments show that MT-like \textit{target forcing}, used as is, is not effective in discriminating among the target languages. Thus, we propose a variant that uses target-language embeddings to shift the input representations in different portions of the space according to the language, so to better support the production of output in the desired target language. Our experiments on end-to-end SLT from English into six languages show important improvements when translating into similar languages, especially when these are supported by scarce data. Further improvements are obtained when using English ASR data as an additional language (up to +2.5+2.5 BLEU points).Comment: 8 pages, one figure, version accepted at ASRU 201

    Instance-Based Model Adaptation For Direct Speech Translation

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    Despite recent technology advancements, the effectiveness of neural approaches to end-to-end speech-to-text translation is still limited by the paucity of publicly available training corpora. We tackle this limitation with a method to improve data exploitation and boost the system's performance at inference time. Our approach allows us to customize "on the fly" an existing model to each incoming translation request. At its core, it exploits an instance selection procedure to retrieve, from a given pool of data, a small set of samples similar to the input query in terms of latent properties of its audio signal. The retrieved samples are then used for an instance-specific fine-tuning of the model. We evaluate our approach in three different scenarios. In all data conditions (different languages, in/out-of-domain adaptation), our instance-based adaptation yields coherent performance gains over static models.Comment: 6 pages, under review at ICASSP 202

    End-to-End Speech-Translation with Knowledge Distillation: FBK@IWSLT2020

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    This paper describes FBK's participation in the IWSLT 2020 offline speech translation (ST) task. The task evaluates systems' ability to translate English TED talks audio into German texts. The test talks are provided in two versions: one contains the data already segmented with automatic tools and the other is the raw data without any segmentation. Participants can decide whether to work on custom segmentation or not. We used the provided segmentation. Our system is an end-to-end model based on an adaptation of the Transformer for speech data. Its training process is the main focus of this paper and it is based on: i) transfer learning (ASR pretraining and knowledge distillation), ii) data augmentation (SpecAugment, time stretch and synthetic data), iii) combining synthetic and real data marked as different domains, and iv) multi-task learning using the CTC loss. Finally, after the training with word-level knowledge distillation is complete, our ST models are fine-tuned using label smoothed cross entropy. Our best model scored 29 BLEU on the MuST-C En-De test set, which is an excellent result compared to recent papers, and 23.7 BLEU on the same data segmented with VAD, showing the need for researching solutions addressing this specific data condition.Comment: Accepted at IWSLT202

    On Target Segmentation for Direct Speech Translation

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    Recent studies on direct speech translation show continuous improvements by means of data augmentation techniques and bigger deep learning models. While these methods are helping to close the gap between this new approach and the more traditional cascaded one, there are many incongruities among different studies that make it difficult to assess the state of the art. Surprisingly, one point of discussion is the segmentation of the target text. Character-level segmentation has been initially proposed to obtain an open vocabulary, but it results on long sequences and long training time. Then, subword-level segmentation became the state of the art in neural machine translation as it produces shorter sequences that reduce the training time, while being superior to word-level models. As such, recent works on speech translation started using target subwords despite the initial use of characters and some recent claims of better results at the character level. In this work, we perform an extensive comparison of the two methods on three benchmarks covering 8 language directions and multilingual training. Subword-level segmentation compares favorably in all settings, outperforming its character-level counterpart in a range of 1 to 3 BLEU points.Comment: 14 pages single column, 4 figures, accepted for presentation at the AMTA2020 research trac