118,632 research outputs found

    One-shot learning of object categories

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    Learning visual models of object categories notoriously requires hundreds or thousands of training examples. We show that it is possible to learn much information about a category from just one, or a handful, of images. The key insight is that, rather than learning from scratch, one can take advantage of knowledge coming from previously learned categories, no matter how different these categories might be. We explore a Bayesian implementation of this idea. Object categories are represented by probabilistic models. Prior knowledge is represented as a probability density function on the parameters of these models. The posterior model for an object category is obtained by updating the prior in the light of one or more observations. We test a simple implementation of our algorithm on a database of 101 diverse object categories. We compare category models learned by an implementation of our Bayesian approach to models learned from by maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum a posteriori (MAP) methods. We find that on a database of more than 100 categories, the Bayesian approach produces informative models when the number of training examples is too small for other methods to operate successfully

    Closing the Generalization Gap in One-Shot Object Detection

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    Despite substantial progress in object detection and few-shot learning, detecting objects based on a single example - one-shot object detection - remains a challenge: trained models exhibit a substantial generalization gap, where object categories used during training are detected much more reliably than novel ones. Here we show that this generalization gap can be nearly closed by increasing the number of object categories used during training. Our results show that the models switch from memorizing individual categories to learning object similarity over the category distribution, enabling strong generalization at test time. Importantly, in this regime standard methods to improve object detection models like stronger backbones or longer training schedules also benefit novel categories, which was not the case for smaller datasets like COCO. Our results suggest that the key to strong few-shot detection models may not lie in sophisticated metric learning approaches, but instead in scaling the number of categories. Future data annotation efforts should therefore focus on wider datasets and annotate a larger number of categories rather than gathering more images or instances per category

    Analogy-Forming Transformers for Few-Shot 3D Parsing

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    We present Analogical Networks, a model that encodes domain knowledge explicitly, in a collection of structured labelled 3D scenes, in addition to implicitly, as model parameters, and segments 3D object scenes with analogical reasoning: instead of mapping a scene to part segments directly, our model first retrieves related scenes from memory and their corresponding part structures, and then predicts analogous part structures for the input scene, via an end-to-end learnable modulation mechanism. By conditioning on more than one retrieved memories, compositions of structures are predicted, that mix and match parts across the retrieved memories. One-shot, few-shot or many-shot learning are treated uniformly in Analogical Networks, by conditioning on the appropriate set of memories, whether taken from a single, few or many memory exemplars, and inferring analogous parses. We show Analogical Networks are competitive with state-of-the-art 3D segmentation transformers in many-shot settings, and outperform them, as well as existing paradigms of meta-learning and few-shot learning, in few-shot settings. Analogical Networks successfully segment instances of novel object categories simply by expanding their memory, without any weight updates. Our code and models are publicly available in the project webpage: http://analogicalnets.github.io/.Comment: ICLR 202

    Improving Siamese Networks for One Shot Learning using Kernel Based Activation functions

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    The lack of a large amount of training data has always been the constraining factor in solving a lot of problems in machine learning, making One Shot Learning one of the most intriguing ideas in machine learning. It aims to learn information about object categories from one, or only a few training examples. This process of learning in deep learning is usually accomplished by proper objective function, i.e; loss function and embeddings extraction i.e; architecture. In this paper, we discussed about metrics based deep learning architectures for one shot learning such as Siamese neural networks and present a method to improve on their accuracy using Kafnets (kernel-based non-parametric activation functions for neural networks) by learning proper embeddings with relatively less number of epochs. Using kernel activation functions, we are able to achieve strong results which exceed those of ReLU based deep learning models in terms of embeddings structure, loss convergence, and accuracy.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure
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