6,220 research outputs found

    Polyglot Semantic Parsing in APIs

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    Traditional approaches to semantic parsing (SP) work by training individual models for each available parallel dataset of text-meaning pairs. In this paper, we explore the idea of polyglot semantic translation, or learning semantic parsing models that are trained on multiple datasets and natural languages. In particular, we focus on translating text to code signature representations using the software component datasets of Richardson and Kuhn (2017a,b). The advantage of such models is that they can be used for parsing a wide variety of input natural languages and output programming languages, or mixed input languages, using a single unified model. To facilitate modeling of this type, we develop a novel graph-based decoding framework that achieves state-of-the-art performance on the above datasets, and apply this method to two other benchmark SP tasks.Comment: accepted for NAACL-2018 (camera ready version

    Improving Statistical Machine Translation Using Comparable Corpora

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    With thousands of languages in the world, and the increasing speed and quantity of information being distributed across the world, automatic translation between languages by computers, Machine Translation (MT), has become an increasingly important area of research. State-of-the-art MT systems rely not upon hand-crafted translation rules written by human experts, but rather on learned statistical models that translate a source language to a target language. These models are typically generated from large, parallel corpora containing copies of text in both the source and target languages. The co-occurrence of words across languages in parallel corpora allows the creation of translation rules that specify the probability of translating words or phrases from one language to the other. Monolingual corpora, containing text only in one language--primarily the target language--are not used to model the translation process, but are used to better model the structure of the target language. Unlike parallel data, which require expensive human translators to generate, monolingual data are cheap and widely available. Similar topics and events to those in a source document that is being translated often occur in documents in a comparable monolingual corpus. In much the same way that a human translator would use world knowledge to aid translation, the MT system may be able to use these relevant documents from comparable corpora to guide translation by biasing the translation system to produce output more similar to the relevant documents. This thesis seeks to answer the following questions: (1) Is it possible to improve a modern, state-of-the-art translation system by biasing the MT output to be more similar to relevant passages from comparable monolingual text? (2) What level of similarity is necessary to exploit these techniques? (3) What is the nature of the relevant passages that are needed during the application of these techniques? To answer these questions, this thesis describes a method for generating new translation rules from monolingual data specifically targeted for the document that is being translated. Rule generation leverages the existing translation system and topical overlap between the foreign source text and the monolingual text, and unlike regular translation rule generation does not require parallel text. For each source document to be translated, potentially comparable documents are selected from the monolingual data using cross-lingual information retrieval. By biasing the MT system towards the selected relevant documents and then measuring the similarity of the biased output to the relevant documents using Translation Edit Rate Plus (TERp), it is possible to identify sub-sentential regions of the source and comparable documents that are possible translations of each other. This process results in the generation of new translation rules, where the source side is taken from the document to be translated and the target side is fluent target language text taken from the monolingual data. The use of these rules results in improvements over a state-of-the-art statistical translation system. These techniques are most effective when there is a high degree of similarity between the source and relevant passages--such as when they report on the same new stories--but some benefit, approximately half, can be achieved when the passages are only historically or topically related. The discovery of the feasibility of improving MT by using comparable passages to bias MT output provides a basis for future investigation on problems of this type. Ultimately, the goal is to provide a framework within which translation rules may be generated without additional parallel corpora, thus allowing researchers to test longstanding hypotheses about machine translation in the face of scarce parallel resources

    Lexical Features for Statistical Machine Translation

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    In modern phrasal and hierarchical statistical machine translation systems, two major features model translation: rule translation probabilities and lexical smoothing scores. The rule translation probabilities are computed as maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of an entire source (or target) phrase translating to a target (or source) phrase. The lexical smoothing scores are also a likelihood estimate of a source (target) phrase translating to a target (source) phrase, but they are computed using independent word-to-word translation probabilities. Intuitively, it would seem that the lexical smoothing score is a less powerful estimate of translation likelihood due to this independence assumption, but I present the somewhat surprising result that lexical smoothing is far more important to the quality of a state-of-the-art hierarchical SMT system than rule translation probabilities. I posit that this is due to a fundamental data sparsity problem: The average word-to-word translation is seen many more times than the average phrase-to-phrase translation, so the word-to-word translation probabilities (or lexical probabilities) are far better estimated. Motivated by this result, I present a number of novel methods for modifying the lexical probabilities to improve the quality of our MT output. First, I examine two methods of lexical probability biasing, where for each test document, a set of secondary lexical probabilities are extracted and interpolated with the primary lexical probability distribution. Biasing each document with the probabilities extracted from its own first-pass decoding output provides a small but consistent gain of about 0.4 BLEU. Second, I contextualize the lexical probabilities by factoring in additional information such as the previous or next word. The key to the success of this context-dependent lexical smoothing is a backoff model, where our "trust" of a context-dependent probability estimation is directly proportional to how many times it was seen in the training. In this way, I avoid the estimation problem seen in translation rules, where the amount of context is high but the probability estimation is inaccurate. When using the surrounding words as context, this feature provides a gain of about 0.6 BLEU on Arabic and Chinese. Finally, I describe several types of discriminatively trained lexical features, along with a new optimization procedure called Expected-BLEU optimization. This new optimization procedure is able to robustly estimate weights for thousands of decoding features, which can in effect discriminatively optimize a set of lexical probabilities to maximize BLEU. I also describe two other discriminative feature types, one of which is the part-of-speech analogue to lexical probabilities, and the other of which estimates training corpus weights based on lexical translations. The discriminative features produce a gain of 0.8 BLEU on Arabic and 0.4 BLEU on Chinese

    A Neural Network Approach to Context-Sensitive Generation of Conversational Responses

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    We present a novel response generation system that can be trained end to end on large quantities of unstructured Twitter conversations. A neural network architecture is used to address sparsity issues that arise when integrating contextual information into classic statistical models, allowing the system to take into account previous dialog utterances. Our dynamic-context generative models show consistent gains over both context-sensitive and non-context-sensitive Machine Translation and Information Retrieval baselines.Comment: A. Sordoni, M. Galley, M. Auli, C. Brockett, Y. Ji, M. Mitchell, J.-Y. Nie, J. Gao, B. Dolan. 2015. A Neural Network Approach to Context-Sensitive Generation of Conversational Responses. In Proc. of NAACL-HLT. Pages 196-20
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