695 research outputs found

    Maass waveforms and low-lying zeros

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    The Katz-Sarnak Density Conjecture states that the behavior of zeros of a family of LL-functions near the central point (as the conductors tend to zero) agrees with the behavior of eigenvalues near 1 of a classical compact group (as the matrix size tends to infinity). Using the Petersson formula, Iwaniec, Luo and Sarnak proved that the behavior of zeros near the central point of holomorphic cusp forms agrees with the behavior of eigenvalues of orthogonal matrices for suitably restricted test functions ϕ\phi. We prove similar results for families of cuspidal Maass forms, the other natural family of GL2/Q{\rm GL}_2/\mathbb{Q} LL-functions. For suitable weight functions on the space of Maass forms, the limiting behavior agrees with the expected orthogonal group. We prove this for \Supp(\widehat{\phi})\subseteq (-3/2, 3/2) when the level NN tends to infinity through the square-free numbers; if the level is fixed the support decreases to being contained in (−1,1)(-1,1), though we still uniquely specify the symmetry type by computing the 2-level density.Comment: Version 2.1, 33 pages, expanded introduction on low-lying zeros and the Katz-Sarnak density conjecture, fixed some typo

    Statistics for low-lying zeros of symmetric power L-functions in the level aspect

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    We study one-level and two-level densities for low lying zeros of symmetric power L-functions in the level aspect. It allows us to completely determine the symmetry types of some families of symmetric power L-functions with prescribed sign of functional equation. We also compute the moments of one-level density and exhibit mock-Gaussian behavior discovered by Hughes & Rudnick.Comment: 45 page
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