12 research outputs found

    The Weight Distributions of Cyclic Codes and Elliptic Curves

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    Cyclic codes with two zeros and their dual codes as a practically and theoretically interesting class of linear codes, have been studied for many years. However, the weight distributions of cyclic codes are difficult to determine. From elliptic curves, this paper determines the weight distributions of dual codes of cyclic codes with two zeros for a few more cases

    A Class of Three-Weight Cyclic Codes

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    Cyclic codes are a subclass of linear codes and have applications in consumer electronics, data storage systems, and communication systems as they have efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. In this paper, a class of three-weight cyclic codes over \gf(p) whose duals have two zeros is presented, where pp is an odd prime. The weight distribution of this class of cyclic codes is settled. Some of the cyclic codes are optimal. The duals of a subclass of the cyclic codes are also studied and proved to be optimal.Comment: 11 Page

    The weight distributions of a class of cyclic codes III

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    Recently, the weight distributions of the duals of the cyclic codes with two zeros have been obtained for several cases. In this paper we solve one more special case. The problem of finding the weight distribution is transformed into a problem of evaluating certain character sums over finite fields, which in turn can be solved by using the Jacobi sums directly

    Five Families of Three-Weight Ternary Cyclic Codes and Their Duals

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    As a subclass of linear codes, cyclic codes have applications in consumer electronics, data storage systems, and communication systems as they have efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. In this paper, five families of three-weight ternary cyclic codes whose duals have two zeros are presented. The weight distributions of the five families of cyclic codes are settled. The duals of two families of the cyclic codes are optimal

    Weight distributions of cyclic codes with respect to pairwise coprime order elements

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    Let Fr\Bbb F_r be an extension of a finite field Fq\Bbb F_q with r=qmr=q^m. Let each gig_i be of order nin_i in Frβˆ—\Bbb F_r^* and gcd⁑(ni,nj)=1\gcd(n_i, n_j)=1 for 1≀iβ‰ j≀u1\leq i \neq j \leq u. We define a cyclic code over Fq\Bbb F_q by C(q,m,n1,n2,...,nu)={c(a1,a2,...,au):a1,a2,...,au∈Fr},\mathcal C_{(q, m, n_1,n_2, ..., n_u)}=\{c(a_1, a_2, ..., a_u) : a_1, a_2, ..., a_u \in \Bbb F_r\}, where c(a1,a2,...,au)=(Trr/q(βˆ‘i=1uaigi0),...,Trr/q(βˆ‘i=1uaiginβˆ’1))c(a_1, a_2, ..., a_u)=({Tr}_{r/q}(\sum_{i=1}^ua_ig_i^0), ..., {Tr}_{r/q}(\sum_{i=1}^ua_ig_i^{n-1})) and n=n1n2...nun=n_1n_2... n_u. In this paper, we present a method to compute the weights of C(q,m,n1,n2,...,nu)\mathcal C_{(q, m, n_1,n_2, ..., n_u)}. Further, we determine the weight distributions of the cyclic codes C(q,m,n1,n2)\mathcal C_{(q, m, n_1,n_2)} and C(q,m,n1,n2,1)\mathcal C_{(q, m, n_1,n_2,1)}.Comment: 18 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1306.527

    Weight distribution of two classes of cyclic codes with respect to two distinct order elements

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    Cyclic codes are an interesting type of linear codes and have wide applications in communication and storage systems due to their efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. Cyclic codes have been studied for many years, but their weight distribution are known only for a few cases. In this paper, let Fr\Bbb F_r be an extension of a finite field Fq\Bbb F_q and r=qmr=q^m, we determine the weight distribution of the cyclic codes C={c(a,b):a,b∈Fr},\mathcal C=\{c(a, b): a, b \in \Bbb F_r\}, c(a, b)=(\mbox {Tr}_{r/q}(ag_1^0+bg_2^0), \ldots, \mbox {Tr}_{r/q}(ag_1^{n-1}+bg_2^{n-1})), g_1, g_2\in \Bbb F_r, in the following two cases: (1) \ord(g_1)=n, n|r-1 and g2=1g_2=1; (2) \ord(g_1)=n, g2=g12g_2=g_1^2, \ord(g_2)=\frac n 2, m=2m=2 and 2(rβˆ’1)n∣(q+1)\frac{2(r-1)}n|(q+1)