8,909 research outputs found

    Quark mass dependence of the nucleon axial-vector coupling constant

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    We study the quark mass expansion of the axial-vector coupling constant g_A of the nucleon. The aim is to explore the feasibility of chiral effective field theory methods for extrapolation of lattice QCD results - so far determined at relatively large quark masses corresponding to pion masses larger than 0.6 GeV - down to the physical value of the pion mass. We compare two versions of non-relativistic chiral effective field theory: One scheme restricted to pion and nucleon degrees of freedom only, and an alternative approach which incorporates explicit Delta(1230) resonance degrees of freedom. It turns out that, in order to approach the physical value of g_A in a leading-one-loop calculation, the inclusion of the explicit Delta(1230) degrees of freedom is crucial. With information on important higher order couplings constrained from analyses of inelastic pion production processes, a chiral extrapolation function for g_A is obtained, which works well from the chiral limit across the physical point into the region of present lattice data. The resulting enhancement of our extrapolation function near the physical pion mass is found to arise from an interplay between long- and short- distance physics.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, 7 figure

    Numerical study of the scaling properties of SU(2) lattice gauge theory in Palumbo non-compact regularization

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    In the framework of a non-compact lattice regularization of nonabelian gauge theories we look, in the SU(2) case, for the scaling window through the analysis of the ratio of two masses of hadronic states. In the two-dimensional parameter space of the theory we find the region where the ratio is constant, and equal to the one in the Wilson regularization. In the scaling region we calculate the lattice spacing, finding it at least 20% larger than in the Wilson case; therefore the simulated physical volume is larger.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Chiral Magnetism of the Nucleon

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    We study the quark mass expansion of the magnetic moments of the nucleon in a chiral effective field theory including nucleons, pions and delta resonances as explicit degrees of freedom. We point out that the usual powercounting applied so far to this problem misses important quark mass structures generated via an intermediate isovector M1 nucleon-delta transition. We propose a modified powercounting and compare the resulting chiral extrapolation function to available (quenched) lattice data. The extrapolation is found to work surprisingly well, given that the lattice data result from rather large quark masses. Our calculation raises the hope that extrapolations of lattice data utilizing chiral effective field theory might be applicable over a wider range in quark masses than previously thought, and we discuss some open questions in this context. Furthermore, we observe that within the current lattice data uncertainties the extrapolations presented here are consistent with the Pade fit ansatz introduced by the Adelaide group a few years ago.Comment: 30 pages, Latex, 7 figure

    Non-perturbative renormalization of the quark condensate in Ginsparg-Wilson regularizations

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    We present a method to compute non-perturbatively the renormalization constant of the scalar density for Ginsparg-Wilson fermions. It relies on chiral symmetry and is based on a matching of renormalization group invariant masses at fixed pseudoscalar meson mass, making use of results previously obtained by the ALPHA Collaboration for O(a)-improved Wilson fermions. Our approach is quite general and enables the renormalization of scalar and pseudoscalar densities in lattice regularizations that preserve chiral symmetry and of fermion masses in any regularization. As an application we compute the non-perturbative factor which relates the renormalization group invariant quark condensate to its bare counterpart, obtained with overlap fermions at beta=5.85 in the quenched approximation.Comment: 21 pages, 4 postscript files, LaTe

    Regularization-independent study of renormalized non-perturbative quenched QED

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    A recently proposed regularization-independent method is used for the first time to solve the renormalized fermion Schwinger-Dyson equation numerically in quenched QED4_4. The Curtis-Pennington vertex is used to illustrate the technique and to facilitate comparison with previous calculations which used the alternative regularization schemes of modified ultraviolet cut-off and dimensional regularization. Our new results are in excellent numerical agreement with these, and so we can now conclude with confidence that there is no residual regularization dependence in these results. Moreover, from a computational point of view the regularization independent method has enormous advantages, since all integrals are absolutely convergent by construction, and so do not mix small and arbitrarily large momentum scales. We analytically predict power law behaviour in the asymptotic region, which is confirmed numerically with high precision. The successful demonstration of this efficient new technique opens the way for studies of unquenched QED to be undertaken in the near future.Comment: 20 pages,5 figure