37,520 research outputs found

    Tight upper bound on the maximum anti-forcing numbers of graphs

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    Let GG be a simple graph with a perfect matching. Deng and Zhang showed that the maximum anti-forcing number of GG is no more than the cyclomatic number. In this paper, we get a novel upper bound on the maximum anti-forcing number of GG and investigate the extremal graphs. If GG has a perfect matching MM whose anti-forcing number attains this upper bound, then we say GG is an extremal graph and MM is a nice perfect matching. We obtain an equivalent condition for the nice perfect matchings of GG and establish a one-to-one correspondence between the nice perfect matchings and the edge-involutions of GG, which are the automorphisms α\alpha of order two such that vv and α(v)\alpha(v) are adjacent for every vertex vv. We demonstrate that all extremal graphs can be constructed from K2K_2 by implementing two expansion operations, and GG is extremal if and only if one factor in a Cartesian decomposition of GG is extremal. As examples, we have that all perfect matchings of the complete graph K2nK_{2n} and the complete bipartite graph Kn,nK_{n, n} are nice. Also we show that the hypercube QnQ_n, the folded hypercube FQnFQ_n (n≥4n\geq4) and the enhanced hypercube Qn,kQ_{n, k} (0≤k≤n−40\leq k\leq n-4) have exactly nn, n+1n+1 and n+1n+1 nice perfect matchings respectively.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    The maximum forcing number of polyomino

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    The forcing number of a perfect matching MM of a graph GG is the cardinality of the smallest subset of MM that is contained in no other perfect matchings of GG. For a planar embedding of a 2-connected bipartite planar graph GG which has a perfect matching, the concept of Clar number of hexagonal system had been extended by Abeledo and Atkinson as follows: a spanning subgraph CC of is called a Clar cover of GG if each of its components is either an even face or an edge, the maximum number of even faces in Clar covers of GG is called Clar number of GG, and the Clar cover with the maximum number of even faces is called the maximum Clar cover. It was proved that if GG is a hexagonal system with a perfect matching MM and K′K' is a set of hexagons in a maximum Clar cover of GG, then G−K′G-K' has a unique 1-factor. Using this result, Xu {\it et. at.} proved that the maximum forcing number of the elementary hexagonal system are equal to their Clar numbers, and then the maximum forcing number of the elementary hexagonal system can be computed in polynomial time. In this paper, we show that an elementary polyomino has a unique perfect matching when removing the set of tetragons from its maximum Clar cover. Thus the maximum forcing number of elementary polyomino equals to its Clar number and can be computed in polynomial time. Also, we have extended our result to the non-elementary polyomino and hexagonal system

    Six Noise Type Military Sound Classifier

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    Blast noise from military installations often has a negative impact on the quality of life of residents living in nearby communities. This negatively impacts the military's testing \& training capabilities due to restrictions, curfews, or range closures enacted to address noise complaints. In order to more directly manage noise around military installations, accurate noise monitoring has become a necessity. Although most noise monitors are simple sound level meters, more recent ones are capable of discerning blasts from ambient noise with some success. Investigators at the University of Pittsburgh previously developed a more advanced noise classifier that can discern between wind, aircraft, and blast noise, while simultaneously lowering the measurement threshold. Recent work will be presented from the development of a more advanced classifier that identifies additional classes of noise such as machine gun fire, vehicles, and thunder. Additional signal metrics were explored given the increased complexity of the classifier. By broadening the types of noise the system can accurately classify and increasing the number of metrics, a new system was developed with increased blast noise accuracy, decreased number of missed events, and significantly fewer false positives

    On the Computational Complexity of Defining Sets

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    Suppose we have a family F{\cal F} of sets. For every S∈FS \in {\cal F}, a set D⊆SD \subseteq S is a {\sf defining set} for (F,S)({\cal F},S) if SS is the only element of F\cal{F} that contains DD as a subset. This concept has been studied in numerous cases, such as vertex colorings, perfect matchings, dominating sets, block designs, geodetics, orientations, and Latin squares. In this paper, first, we propose the concept of a defining set of a logical formula, and we prove that the computational complexity of such a problem is Σ2\Sigma_2-complete. We also show that the computational complexity of the following problem about the defining set of vertex colorings of graphs is Σ2\Sigma_2-complete: {\sc Instance:} A graph GG with a vertex coloring cc and an integer kk. {\sc Question:} If C(G){\cal C}(G) be the set of all χ(G)\chi(G)-colorings of GG, then does (C(G),c)({\cal C}(G),c) have a defining set of size at most kk? Moreover, we study the computational complexity of some other variants of this problem

    Heavy Quarks: Lessons Learned from HERA and Tevatron

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    We review some of the recent developments which have enabled the heavy quark mass to be incorporated into both the calculation of the hard-scattering cross section and the PDFs. We compare and contrast some of the schemes that have been used in recent global PDF analyses, and look at issues that arise when these calculations are extended to NNLO.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop "New Trends in HERA Physics 2008
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