22,400 research outputs found

    On the Relevance of Exchange Rate Regimes for Stabilization Policy

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    This paper assesses the relevance of the exchange rate regime for stabilization policy. This regime question cannot be dealt with independently of other institutions, in particular how .fiscal policy is designed. We show that once .fiscal policy is taken into account, the exchange rate regime is irrelevant. This is the case independently of the severity of price rigidities, independently of asymmetries across countries in shocks and transmission mechanisms and regardless of the incompleteness of international .financial markets. The only relevant condition is labor mobility. The imobility of labor across countries is a necessary condition for our results.

    Choice of Exchange Rate Regime in Central and Eastern European Countries: an Empirical Analysis

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    This paper identifies the sources of divergences between current exchange rate policies in Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs). We use an ordered logit model for the official (de jure) and the actual (de facto) exchange rate classifications. We find that the differences of the exchange rate strategies among CEECs cannot be explained by these classifications. Financial and trade openness are the major determinants of divergences among exchange rate strategies in CEECs. More financially and trade integrated countries switch to more rigid regimes.

    Does the exchange rate regime affect macroeconomic performance : evidence from transition economics

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    To examine whether a country's exchange rate regime has any impact on inflation and growth performance in transition economies, the authors develop an empirical framework that addresses some of the main problems plaguing empirical work in this strand of the literature: the Lucas critique, the endogeneity of the exchange rate regime, and the sample selection problem. Empirical results demonstrate that the exchange rate regime does affect inflation performance. the results suggest that: 1) Transition countries with intermediate arrangements might reduce inflation if they were to adopt a fixed regime. 2) Switching from a floating regime to an intermediate regime might not reduce inflation. 3) An unanticipated float--when a country whose fundamentals make it unlikely to adopt another regime adopts a floating regime--results in lower inflation. Based on their results, it is not possible to infer more about one particular exchange rate regime being superior to another in terms of growth performance. But empirical findings do underscore the different effects that policy variables--and other variables influencing economic activity--have on growth under different exchange-rate arrangements.ICT Policy and Strategies,Economic Theory&Research,Fiscal&Monetary Policy,Environmental Economics&Policies,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Macroeconomic Management,Economic Stabilization,Economic Theory&Research,Achieving Shared Growth,Fiscal&Monetary Policy

    State regulation of the national currency exchange rate by gold and foreign currency reserve management

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    Status of the national currency of Ukraine exchange rate has been characterized as unstable in recent years. Herewith, the Government has not implemented decisive measures on its stabilization, as a rule, underestimating the importance of the Hryvnia exchange rate stability for the successful economic growth in terms of socio-economic transformations. It should also be noted that in modern conditions among scientific and methodical approaches to the State exchange rate formation mechanisms some uncertainty regarding basic and additional tools for such regulatory activities allocation is still persist. The problem relevance is exacerbated by the lack of effective policy (coordination between the NBU and the Government actions) regarding the national currency stabilization as an indispensable prerequisite for an effective macroeconomic development. These circumstances determine the importance of factors influencing the national currency exchange rate and its regulation tools research, as well as new organizational and economic mechanisms for the national currency exchange rate in Ukraine stabilization identification. In the emerging market economy conditions formation of the efficient State currency exchange-rate regulation system provides an opportunity not only to stabilize its exchange rate in different socio-economic conditions, but to create the basis for improvement the country economic development as a whole. Given this, the issue of effective tools for the national currency exchange-rate regulation by the state determination is of theoretical, practical and methodological significance. This emphasizes the relevance of further scientific-methodological and practical principles in-depth development for the national currency exchange-rate regulation

    Inside the Impossible Triangle: Monetary Policy Autonomy in a Credible Target Zone

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    This paper examines the trade-off between exchange rate stability and monetary autonomy for a target zone. Using the guilder-mark target zone in the pre-EMU period as a case study, we empirically estimate how much policy discretion the Dutch central bank still enjoyed and how much had been ceded to the German central bank. The sum of these two measures is an estimate of the policy autonomy under a free float. We find that the narrow guilder-mark target zone still permitted a modest degree of policy independence. This result suggests that intermediate exchange rate regimes may offer an attractive trade-off compared to the corner solutions (free float and monetary union), which is consistent with the ‘fear of floating’ phenomenon.exchange rate regimes, monetary union, monetary autonomy, fear of floating, trilemma

    The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Case of Peru

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    The main objective of this document is to identify structural long-term factors that can help to understand the exchange rate policy in Peru during the last fifty years. Rather than identifying particular causes that could help to understand specific decisions at some point in time, the emphasis is on those general political economy arguments that explain the main trends and changes in exchange rate policy over long periods of time. Thus, two main things need to be understood: the choice of the exchange rate regime and its level.

    Issues on the choice of Exchange Rate Regimes and Currency Boards – An Analytical Survey

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    Currency boards have often been at the heart of monetary reforms proposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) : they have been instrumental either as a short term crisis management strategy that successfully restores financial order for many countries seeking stabilization in the aftermath of prolonged economic crisis or as a way of importing monetary credibility as part of a medium / long term strategy for conducting monetary policy. As backbone of a credible exchange-rate based stabilisation programme, they have also been the linchpin of several heterodox or orthodox programmes aimed at mitigating hyperinflation. This paper attempts to synthetize our thinking about currency boards by reviewing their strengths and weaknesses and endeavours to seek real world examples to rationalise their applicability as opposed to alternative exchange rate regimes. Architects of international financial stability at the IMF or at central banks often ponder about the prerequisites for such programme to work well. These are also reviewed using appropriate economic theory where necessary. Finally, this paper sheds light on the best exchange rate regime that may be adopted in the intermediate term by those countries wishing to adopt a currency board, not as a quick fix solution to end an economic chaos but rather, as integral part of a long term monetary strategy.Currency Boards ; IMF ; Crisis Management ; Monetary Credibility ; Heterodox / Orthodox Programs ; Hyperinflation ; Exchange Rate Regimes