28,045 research outputs found

    Session Type Systems based on Linear Logic:Classical versus Intuitionistic

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    Session type systems have been given logical foundations via Curry-Howard correspondences based on both intuitionistic and classical linear logic. The type systems derived from the two logics enforce communication correctness on the same class of pi-calculus processes, but they are significantly different. Caires, Pfenning and Toninho informally observed that, unlike the classical type system, the intuitionistic type system enforces locality for shared channels, i.e. received channels cannot be used for replicated input. In this paper, we revisit this observation from a formal standpoint. We develop United Linear Logic (ULL), a logic encompassing both classical and intuitionistic linear logic. Then, following the Curry-Howard correspondences for session types, we define piULL, a session type system for the pi-calculus based on ULL. Using piULL we can formally assess the difference between the intuitionistic and classical type systems, and justify the role of locality and symmetry therein.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2020, arXiv:2004.0106

    Towards Races in Linear Logic

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    Process calculi based in logic, such as π\piDILL and CP, provide a foundation for deadlock-free concurrent programming, but exclude non-determinism and races. HCP is a reformulation of CP which addresses a fundamental shortcoming: the fundamental operator for parallel composition from the π\pi-calculus does not correspond to any rule of linear logic, and therefore not to any term construct in CP. We introduce non-deterministic HCP, which extends HCP with a novel account of non-determinism. Our approach draws on bounded linear logic to provide a strongly-typed account of standard process calculus expressions of non-determinism. We show that our extension is expressive enough to capture many uses of non-determinism in untyped calculi, such as non-deterministic choice, while preserving HCP's meta-theoretic properties, including deadlock freedom

    A theorem proving framework for the formal verification of Web Services Composition

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    We present a rigorous framework for the composition of Web Services within a higher order logic theorem prover. Our approach is based on the proofs-as-processes paradigm that enables inference rules of Classical Linear Logic (CLL) to be translated into pi-calculus processes. In this setting, composition is achieved by representing available web services as CLL sentences, proving the requested composite service as a conjecture, and then extracting the constructed pi-calculus term from the proof. Our framework, implemented in HOL Light, not only uses an expressive logic that allows us to incorporate multiple Web Services properties in the composition process, but also provides guarantees of soundness and correctness for the composition.Comment: In Proceedings WWV 2011, arXiv:1108.208

    Non-Deterministic Functions as Non-Deterministic Processes (Extended Version)

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    We study encodings of the lambda-calculus into the pi-calculus in the unexplored case of calculi with non-determinism and failures. On the sequential side, we consider lambdafail, a new non-deterministic calculus in which intersection types control resources (terms); on the concurrent side, we consider spi, a pi-calculus in which non-determinism and failure rest upon a Curry-Howard correspondence between linear logic and session types. We present a typed encoding of lambdafail into spi and establish its correctness. Our encoding precisely explains the interplay of non-deterministic and fail-prone evaluation in lambdafail via typed processes in spi. In particular, it shows how failures in sequential evaluation (absence/excess of resources) can be neatly codified as interaction protocols

    Observational equivalences for linear logic CC languages

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    Linear logic Concurrent Constraint programming (LCC) is an extension of concurrent constraint programming (CC) where the constraint system is based on Girard's linear logic instead of the classical logic. In this paper we address the problem of program equivalence for this programming framework. For this purpose, we present a structural operational semantics for LCC based on a label transition system and investigate different notions of observational equivalences inspired by the state of art of process algebras. Then, we demonstrate that the asynchronous \pi-calculus can be viewed as simple syntactical restrictions of LCC. Finally we show LCC observational equivalences can be transposed straightforwardly to classical Concurrent Constraint languages and Constraint Handling Rules, and investigate the resulting equivalences.Comment: 17 page

    Better Late Than Never: A Fully-abstract Semantics for Classical Processes

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    We present Hypersequent Classical Processes (HCP), a revised interpretation of the "Proofs as Processes" correspondence between linear logic and the {\pi}-calculus initially proposed by Abramsky [1994], and later developed by Bellin and Scott [1994], Caires and Pfenning [2010], and Wadler [2014], among others. HCP mends the discrepancies between linear logic and the syntax and observable semantics of parallel composition in the {\pi}-calculus, by conservatively extending linear logic to hyperenvironments (collections of environments, inspired by the hypersequents by Avron [1991]). Separation of environments in hyperenvironments is internalised by \otimes and corresponds to parallel process behaviour. Thanks to this property, for the first time we are able to extract a labelled transition system (lts) semantics from proof rewritings. Leveraging the information on parallelism at the level of types, we obtain a logical reconstruction of the delayed actions that Merro and Sangiorgi [2004] formulated to model non-blocking I/O in the {\pi}-calculus. We define a denotational semantics for processes based on Brzozowski derivatives, and uncover that non-interference in HCP corresponds to Fubini's theorem of double antiderivation. Having an lts allows us to validate HCP using the standard toolbox of behavioural theory. We instantiate bisimilarity and barbed congruence for HCP, and obtain a full abstraction result: bisimilarity, denotational equivalence, and barbed congruence coincide

    Towards Races in Linear Logic

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    Process calculi based in logic, such as π\piDILL and CP, provide a foundation for deadlock-free concurrent programming, but exclude non-determinism and races. HCP is a reformulation of CP which addresses a fundamental shortcoming: the fundamental operator for parallel composition from the π\pi-calculus does not correspond to any rule of linear logic, and therefore not to any term construct in CP. We introduce non-deterministic HCP, which extends HCP with a novel account of non-determinism. Our approach draws on bounded linear logic to provide a strongly-typed account of standard process calculus expressions of non-determinism. We show that our extension is expressive enough to capture many uses of non-determinism in untyped calculi, such as non-deterministic choice, while preserving HCP's meta-theoretic properties, including deadlock freedom

    Circular Proofs as Session-Typed Processes: A Local Validity Condition

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    Proof theory provides a foundation for studying and reasoning about programming languages, most directly based on the well-known Curry-Howard isomorphism between intuitionistic logic and the typed lambda-calculus. More recently, a correspondence between intuitionistic linear logic and the session-typed pi-calculus has been discovered. In this paper, we establish an extension of the latter correspondence for a fragment of substructural logic with least and greatest fixed points. We describe the computational interpretation of the resulting infinitary proof system as session-typed processes, and provide an effectively decidable local criterion to recognize mutually recursive processes corresponding to valid circular proofs as introduced by Fortier and Santocanale. We show that our algorithm imposes a stricter requirement than Fortier and Santocanale's guard condition, but is local and compositional and therefore more suitable as the basis for a programming language.Comment: The revised version, 48 pages, submitted to Logical Methods in Computer Scienc