29 research outputs found

    Secondary Indexing in One Dimension: Beyond B-trees and Bitmap Indexes

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    Let S be a finite, ordered alphabet, and let x = x_1 x_2 ... x_n be a string over S. A "secondary index" for x answers alphabet range queries of the form: Given a range [a_l,a_r] over S, return the set I_{[a_l;a_r]} = {i |x_i \in [a_l; a_r]}. Secondary indexes are heavily used in relational databases and scientific data analysis. It is well-known that the obvious solution, storing a dictionary for the position set associated with each character, does not always give optimal query time. In this paper we give the first theoretically optimal data structure for the secondary indexing problem. In the I/O model, the amount of data read when answering a query is within a constant factor of the minimum space needed to represent I_{[a_l;a_r]}, assuming that the size of internal memory is (|S| log n)^{delta} blocks, for some constant delta > 0. The space usage of the data structure is O(n log |S|) bits in the worst case, and we further show how to bound the size of the data structure in terms of the 0-th order entropy of x. We show how to support updates achieving various time-space trade-offs. We also consider an approximate version of the basic secondary indexing problem where a query reports a superset of I_{[a_l;a_r]} containing each element not in I_{[a_l;a_r]} with probability at most epsilon, where epsilon > 0 is the false positive probability. For this problem the amount of data that needs to be read by the query algorithm is reduced to O(|I_{[a_l;a_r]}| log(1/epsilon)) bits.Comment: 16 page

    Towards Optimal Multi-Dimensional Query Processing with BitmapIndices

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    A New Data Layout For Set Intersection on GPUs

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    Set intersection is the core in a variety of problems, e.g. frequent itemset mining and sparse boolean matrix multiplication. It is well-known that large speed gains can, for some computational problems, be obtained by using a graphics processing unit (GPU) as a massively parallel computing device. However, GPUs require highly regular control flow and memory access patterns, and for this reason previous GPU methods for intersecting sets have used a simple bitmap representation. This representation requires excessive space on sparse data sets. In this paper we present a novel data layout, "BatMap", that is particularly well suited for parallel processing, and is compact even for sparse data. Frequent itemset mining is one of the most important applications of set intersection. As a case-study on the potential of BatMaps we focus on frequent pair mining, which is a core special case of frequent itemset mining. The main finding is that our method is able to achieve speedups over both Apriori and FP-growth when the number of distinct items is large, and the density of the problem instance is above 1%. Previous implementations of frequent itemset mining on GPU have not been able to show speedups over the best single-threaded implementations.Comment: A version of this paper appears in Proceedings of IPDPS 201

    DOE's SciDAC Visualization and Analytics Center for EnablingTechnologies -- Strategy for Petascale Visual Data Analysis Success

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    An Analysis of netCDF-FastBit Integration and Primitive Spatial-Temporal Operations

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    A process allowing for the intuitive use of SQL queries on dense multidimensional data stored in Network Common Data Format (netCDF) files is developed using advanced bitmap indexing provided by the FastBit bitmap indexing tool. A method for netCDF data extraction and FastBit index creation is presented and a geospatial Range and pseudo-KNN search based on the haversine function is implemented via SQL. A two step filtering algorithm is shown to greatly enhance the speed of these geospatial queries, allowing for extremely efficient processing of the netCDF data in bitmap indexed form