66,609 research outputs found

    Outage Probability in Arbitrarily-Shaped Finite Wireless Networks

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    This paper analyzes the outage performance in finite wireless networks. Unlike most prior works, which either assumed a specific network shape or considered a special location of the reference receiver, we propose two general frameworks for analytically computing the outage probability at any arbitrary location of an arbitrarily-shaped finite wireless network: (i) a moment generating function-based framework which is based on the numerical inversion of the Laplace transform of a cumulative distribution and (ii) a reference link power gain-based framework which exploits the distribution of the fading power gain between the reference transmitter and receiver. The outage probability is spatially averaged over both the fading distribution and the possible locations of the interferers. The boundary effects are accurately accounted for using the probability distribution function of the distance of a random node from the reference receiver. For the case of the node locations modeled by a Binomial point process and Nakagami-mm fading channel, we demonstrate the use of the proposed frameworks to evaluate the outage probability at any location inside either a disk or polygon region. The analysis illustrates the location dependent performance in finite wireless networks and highlights the importance of accurately modeling the boundary effects.Comment: accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Binomial Line Cox Processes: Statistical Characterization and Applications in Wireless Network Analysis

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    The current analysis of wireless networks whose transceivers are confined to streets is largely based on Poissonian models, such as Poisson line processes and Poisson line Cox processes. We demonstrate important scenarios where a model with a finite and deterministic number of streets, termed binomial line process, is more accurate. We characterize the statistical properties of the BLP and the corresponding binomial line Cox process and apply them to analyze the performance of a network whose access points are deployed along the streets of a city. Such a deployment scenario will be typical for 5G and future wireless networks. In order to obtain a fine-grained insight into the network performance, we derive the meta distribution of the signal-to-interference and noise ratio. Accordingly, we investigate the mean local delay in transmission and the density of successful transmission. These metrics, respectively, characterize the latency and coverage performance of the network and are key performance indicators of next-generation wireless systems.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Stochastic Geometry Modeling and Analysis of Single- and Multi-Cluster Wireless Networks

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    This paper develops a stochastic geometry-based approach for the modeling and analysis of single- and multi-cluster wireless networks. We first define finite homogeneous Poisson point processes to model the number and locations of the transmitters in a confined region as a single-cluster wireless network. We study the coverage probability for a reference receiver for two strategies; closest-selection, where the receiver is served by the closest transmitter among all transmitters, and uniform-selection, where the serving transmitter is selected randomly with uniform distribution. Second, using Matern cluster processes, we extend our model and analysis to multi-cluster wireless networks. Here, the receivers are modeled in two types, namely, closed- and open-access. Closed-access receivers are distributed around the cluster centers of the transmitters according to a symmetric normal distribution and can be served only by the transmitters of their corresponding clusters. Open-access receivers, on the other hand, are placed independently of the transmitters and can be served by all transmitters. In all cases, the link distance distribution and the Laplace transform (LT) of the interference are derived. We also derive closed-form lower bounds on the LT of the interference for single-cluster wireless networks. The impact of different parameters on the performance is also investigated

    ALOHA With Collision Resolution(ALOHA-CR): Theory and Software Defined Radio Implementation

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    A cross-layer scheme, namely ALOHA With Collision Resolution (ALOHA-CR), is proposed for high throughput wireless communications in a cellular scenario. Transmissions occur in a time-slotted ALOHA-type fashion but with an important difference: simultaneous transmissions of two users can be successful. If more than two users transmit in the same slot the collision cannot be resolved and retransmission is required. If only one user transmits, the transmitted packet is recovered with some probability, depending on the state of the channel. If two users transmit the collision is resolved and the packets are recovered by first over-sampling the collision signal and then exploiting independent information about the two users that is contained in the signal polyphase components. The ALOHA-CR throughput is derived under the infinite backlog assumption and also under the assumption of finite backlog. The contention probability is determined under these two assumptions in order to maximize the network throughput and maintain stability. Queuing delay analysis for network users is also conducted. The performance of ALOHA-CR is demonstrated on the Wireless Open Access Research Platform (WARP) test-bed containing five software defined radio nodes. Analysis and test-bed results indicate that ALOHA-CR leads to significant increase in throughput and reduction of service delays

    On the Design of a Novel Joint Network-Channel Coding Scheme for the Multiple Access Relay Channel

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    This paper proposes a novel joint non-binary network-channel code for the Time-Division Decode-and-Forward Multiple Access Relay Channel (TD-DF-MARC), where the relay linearly combines -- over a non-binary finite field -- the coded sequences from the source nodes. A method based on an EXIT chart analysis is derived for selecting the best coefficients of the linear combination. Moreover, it is shown that for different setups of the system, different coefficients should be chosen in order to improve the performance. This conclusion contrasts with previous works where a random selection was considered. Monte Carlo simulations show that the proposed scheme outperforms, in terms of its gap to the outage probabilities, the previously published joint network-channel coding approaches. Besides, this gain is achieved by using very short-length codewords, which makes the scheme particularly attractive for low-latency applications.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures; Submitted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Theories and Methods for Advanced Wireless Relays, 201
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