7,477 research outputs found

    On The Fastest Vickrey Algorithm

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    We investigate the algorithmic performance of Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanisms in the single item case. We provide a formal definition of a Vickrey algorithm for this framework, and give a number of examples of Vickrey algorithms. We consider three performance criteria, one corresponding to a Pareto criterion, one corresponding to worst case analysis, and a third criterion related to first-order stochastic dominance. We show that Pareto optimal Vickrey algorithms do not exist and that worst case analysis is of no use in discriminating between Vickrey algorithms. For the case of two bidders, we show the bisection auction to be optimal according to the third criterion. The bisection auction istherefore optimal in a very strong sense.operations research and management science;

    Enhancement of Sandwich Algorithms for Approximating Higher Dimensional Convex Pareto Sets

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    In many fields, we come across problems where we want to optimize several conflicting objectives simultaneously. To find a good solution for such multi-objective optimization problems, an approximation of the Pareto set is often generated. In this paper, we con- sider the approximation of Pareto sets for problems with three or more convex objectives and with convex constraints. For these problems, sandwich algorithms can be used to de- termine an inner and outer approximation between which the Pareto set is 'sandwiched'. Using these two approximations, we can calculate an upper bound on the approximation error. This upper bound can be used to determine which parts of the approximations must be improved and to provide a quality guarantee to the decision maker. In this paper, we extend higher dimensional sandwich algorithms in three different ways. Firstly, we introduce the new concept of adding dummy points to the inner approx- imation of a Pareto set. By using these dummy points, we can determine accurate inner and outer approximations more e±ciently, i.e., using less time-consuming optimizations. Secondly, we introduce a new method for the calculation of an error measure which is easy to interpret. The combination of easy calculation and easy interpretation makes this measure very suitable for sandwich algorithms. Thirdly, we show how transforming cer- tain objective functions can improve the results of sandwich algorithms and extend their applicability to certain non-convex problems. The calculation of the introduced error measure when using transformations will also be discussed. To show the effect of these enhancements, we make a numerical comparison using four test cases, including a four-dimensional case from the field of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). The results of the different cases show that we can indeed achieve an accurate approximation using significantly fewer optimizations by using the enhancements.Convexity;e-efficiency;e-Pareto optimality;Geometric programming;Higher dimensional;Inner and outer approximation;IMRT;Pareto set;Multi-objective optimiza- tion;Sandwich algorithms;Transformations

    What Drives the Optimal Bankruptcy Law Design?

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    The extensive economic research of bankruptcy within the last decade has made many issues connected with bankruptcy legislation much clearer but there is still a large area of disagreement about how an optimal bankruptcy law should look like. At the same time, the actual bankruptcy laws in various countries differ substantially and there is an agreement that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. This paper sets stage for the debate about the optimal bankruptcy law design in the Czech Republic. It shows what problems arise in connection with bankruptcy, what methods can be used to solve them, and what are the trade-offs faced by the use of individual methods. First, the question why bankruptcy legislation is needed at all is answered. Further, three mutually intersecting approaches to the determinants of optimal bankruptcy law design are presented: concepts of ex-post and ex-ante efficiency, principal-agent theory view, and the emphasis on judicial corruption problems within different bankruptcy designs.bankruptcy; capital and ownership structure; ex-ante and ex-post efficiency; asymmetric information; moral hazard; judicial corruption