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    Fundamental Limits of Rate-Constrained Multi-User Channels and Random Wireless Networks

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    This thesis contributes toward understanding fundamental limits of multi-user fading channels and random wireless networks. Specifically, considering different samples of channel gains corresponding to different users/nodes in a multi-user wireless system, the maximum number of channel gains supporting a minimum rate is asymptotically obtained. First, the user capacity of fading multi-user channels with minimum rates is analyzed. Three commonly used fading models, namely, Rayleigh, Rician and Nakagami are considered. For broadcast channels, a power allocation scheme is proposed to maximize the number of active receivers, for each of which, a minimum rate Rmin>0 can be achieved. Under the assumption of independent Rayleigh fading channels for different receivers, as the total number of receivers n goes to infinity, the maximum number of active receivers is shown to be arbitrarily close to ln(P.ln(n))/Rmin with probability approaching one, where P is the total transmit power. The results obtained for Rayleigh fading are extended to the cases of Rician and Nakagami fading models. Under the assumption of independent Rician fading channels for different receivers, as the total number of receivers n goes to infinity, the maximum number of active receivers is shown to be equal to ln(2P.ln(n))/Rmin with probability approaching one. For broadcast channels with Nakagami fading, the maximum number of active receivers is shown to be equal to ln(ω/μ.P.ln(n))/Rmin with probability approaching one, where ω and μ are the Nakagami distribution parameters. A by-product of the results is to also provide a power allocation strategy that maximizes the total throughput subject to the rate constraints. In multiple-access channels, the maximum number of simultaneous active transmitters (i.e. user capacity) is obtained in the many user case in which a minimum rate must be maintained for all active users. The results are presented in the form of scaling laws as the number of transmitters increases. It is shown that for all three fading distributions, the user capacity scales double logarithmically in the number of users and differs only by constants depending on the distributions. We also show that a scheduling policy that maximizes the number of simultaneous active transmitters can be implemented in a distributed fashion. Second, the maximum number of active links supporting a minimum rate is asymptotically obtained in a wireless network with an arbitrary topology. It is assumed that each source-destination pair communicates through a fading channel and destinations receive interference from all other active sources. Two scenarios are considered: 1) Small networks with multi-path fading, 2) Large Random networks with multi-path fading and path loss. In the first case, under the assumption of independent Rayleigh fading channels for different source-destination pairs, it is shown that the optimal number of active links is of the order log(N) with probability approaching one as the total number of nodes, N, tends to infinity. The achievable total throughput also scales logarithmically with the total number of links/nodes in the network. In the second case, a two-dimensional large wireless network is considered and it is assumed that nodes are Poisson distributed with a finite intensity. Under the assumption of independent multi-path fading for different source-destination pairs, it is shown that the optimal number of active links is of the order N with probability approaching one. As a result, the achievable per-node throughput obtained by multi-hop routing scales with Θ(1/√N)

    Rate-Constrained Wireless Networks with Fading Channels: Interference-Limited and Noise-Limited Regimes

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    A network of nn wireless communication links is considered in a Rayleigh fading environment. It is assumed that each link can be active and transmit with a constant power PP or remain silent. The objective is to maximize the number of active links such that each active link can transmit with a constant rate λ\lambda. An upper bound is derived that shows the number of active links scales at most like 1λlogn\frac{1}{\lambda} \log n. To obtain a lower bound, a decentralized link activation strategy is described and analyzed. It is shown that for small values of λ\lambda, the number of supported links by this strategy meets the upper bound; however, as λ\lambda grows, this number becomes far below the upper bound. To shrink the gap between the upper bound and the achievability result, a modified link activation strategy is proposed and analyzed based on some results from random graph theory. It is shown that this modified strategy performs very close to the optimum. Specifically, this strategy is \emph{asymptotically almost surely} optimum when λ\lambda approaches \infty or 0. It turns out the optimality results are obtained in an interference-limited regime. It is demonstrated that, by proper selection of the algorithm parameters, the proposed scheme also allows the network to operate in a noise-limited regime in which the transmission rates can be adjusted by the transmission powers. The price for this flexibility is a decrease in the throughput scaling law by a multiplicative factor of loglogn\log \log n.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Information Theor

    Throughput Scaling Laws for Wireless Networks with Fading Channels

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    A network of n communication links, operating over a shared wireless channel, is considered. Fading is assumed to be the dominant factor affecting the strength of the channels between transmitter and receiver terminals. It is assumed that each link can be active and transmit with a constant power P or remain silent. The objective is to maximize the throughput over the selection of active links. By deriving an upper bound and a lower bound, it is shown that in the case of Rayleigh fading (i) the maximum throughput scales like logn\log n (ii) the maximum throughput is achievable in a distributed fashion. The upper bound is obtained using probabilistic methods, where the key point is to upper bound the throughput of any random set of active links by a chi-squared random variable. To obtain the lower bound, a decentralized link activation strategy is proposed and analyzed.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (Revised