3,567 research outputs found

    Storage codes -- coding rate and repair locality

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    The {\em repair locality} of a distributed storage code is the maximum number of nodes that ever needs to be contacted during the repair of a failed node. Having small repair locality is desirable, since it is proportional to the number of disk accesses during repair. However, recent publications show that small repair locality comes with a penalty in terms of code distance or storage overhead if exact repair is required. Here, we first review some of the main results on storage codes under various repair regimes and discuss the recent work on possible (information-theoretical) trade-offs between repair locality and other code parameters like storage overhead and code distance, under the exact repair regime. Then we present some new information theoretical lower bounds on the storage overhead as a function of the repair locality, valid for all common coding and repair models. In particular, we show that if each of the nn nodes in a distributed storage system has storage capacity \ga and if, at any time, a failed node can be {\em functionally} repaired by contacting {\em some} set of rr nodes (which may depend on the actual state of the system) and downloading an amount \gb of data from each, then in the extreme cases where \ga=\gb or \ga = r\gb, the maximal coding rate is at most r/(r+1)r/(r+1) or 1/2, respectively (that is, the excess storage overhead is at least 1/r1/r or 1, respectively).Comment: Accepted for publication in ICNC'13, San Diego, US

    High-Rate Regenerating Codes Through Layering

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    In this paper, we provide explicit constructions for a class of exact-repair regenerating codes that possess a layered structure. These regenerating codes correspond to interior points on the storage-repair-bandwidth tradeoff, and compare very well in comparison to scheme that employs space-sharing between MSR and MBR codes. For the parameter set (n,k,d=k)(n,k,d=k) with n<2k1n < 2k-1, we construct a class of codes with an auxiliary parameter ww, referred to as canonical codes. With ww in the range nk<w<kn-k < w < k, these codes operate in the region between the MSR point and the MBR point, and perform significantly better than the space-sharing line. They only require a field size greater than w+nkw+n-k. For the case of (n,n1,n1)(n,n-1,n-1), canonical codes can also be shown to achieve an interior point on the line-segment joining the MSR point and the next point of slope-discontinuity on the storage-repair-bandwidth tradeoff. Thus we establish the existence of exact-repair codes on a point other than the MSR and the MBR point on the storage-repair-bandwidth tradeoff. We also construct layered regenerating codes for general parameter set (n,k<d,k)(n,k<d,k), which we refer to as non-canonical codes. These codes also perform significantly better than the space-sharing line, though they require a significantly higher field size. All the codes constructed in this paper are high-rate, can repair multiple node-failures and do not require any computation at the helper nodes. We also construct optimal codes with locality in which the local codes are layered regenerating codes.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Optimal Locally Repairable Codes and Connections to Matroid Theory

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    Petabyte-scale distributed storage systems are currently transitioning to erasure codes to achieve higher storage efficiency. Classical codes like Reed-Solomon are highly sub-optimal for distributed environments due to their high overhead in single-failure events. Locally Repairable Codes (LRCs) form a new family of codes that are repair efficient. In particular, LRCs minimize the number of nodes participating in single node repairs during which they generate small network traffic. Two large-scale distributed storage systems have already implemented different types of LRCs: Windows Azure Storage and the Hadoop Distributed File System RAID used by Facebook. The fundamental bounds for LRCs, namely the best possible distance for a given code locality, were recently discovered, but few explicit constructions exist. In this work, we present an explicit and optimal LRCs that are simple to construct. Our construction is based on grouping Reed-Solomon (RS) coded symbols to obtain RS coded symbols over a larger finite field. We then partition these RS symbols in small groups, and re-encode them using a simple local code that offers low repair locality. For the analysis of the optimality of the code, we derive a new result on the matroid represented by the code generator matrix.Comment: Submitted for publication, a shorter version was presented at ISIT 201

    A Class of MSR Codes for Clustered Distributed Storage

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    Clustered distributed storage models real data centers where intra- and cross-cluster repair bandwidths are different. In this paper, exact-repair minimum-storage-regenerating (MSR) codes achieving capacity of clustered distributed storage are designed. Focus is given on two cases: ϵ=0\epsilon=0 and ϵ=1/(nk)\epsilon=1/(n-k), where ϵ\epsilon is the ratio of the available cross- and intra-cluster repair bandwidths, nn is the total number of distributed nodes and kk is the number of contact nodes in data retrieval. The former represents the scenario where cross-cluster communication is not allowed, while the latter corresponds to the case of minimum cross-cluster bandwidth that is possible under the minimum storage overhead constraint. For the ϵ=0\epsilon=0 case, two types of locally repairable codes are proven to achieve the MSR point. As for ϵ=1/(nk)\epsilon=1/(n-k), an explicit MSR coding scheme is suggested for the two-cluster situation under the specific condition of n=2kn = 2k.Comment: 9 pages, a part of this paper is submitted to IEEE ISIT201

    A family of optimal locally recoverable codes

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    A code over a finite alphabet is called locally recoverable (LRC) if every symbol in the encoding is a function of a small number (at most rr) other symbols. We present a family of LRC codes that attain the maximum possible value of the distance for a given locality parameter and code cardinality. The codewords are obtained as evaluations of specially constructed polynomials over a finite field, and reduce to a Reed-Solomon code if the locality parameter rr is set to be equal to the code dimension. The size of the code alphabet for most parameters is only slightly greater than the code length. The recovery procedure is performed by polynomial interpolation over rr points. We also construct codes with several disjoint recovering sets for every symbol. This construction enables the system to conduct several independent and simultaneous recovery processes of a specific symbol by accessing different parts of the codeword. This property enables high availability of frequently accessed data ("hot data").Comment: Minor changes. This is the final published version of the pape