184 research outputs found

    Corrigendum to New Generalized Cyclotomic Binary Sequences of Period p2p^2

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    New generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of period p2p^2 are proposed in this paper, where pp is an odd prime. The sequences are almost balanced and their linear complexity is determined. The result shows that the proposed sequences have very large linear complexity if pp is a non-Wieferich prime.Comment: In the appended corrigendum, we pointed out that the proof of Lemma 6 in the paper only holds for f=2f=2 and gave a proof for any f=2rf=2^r when pp is a non-Wieferich prim

    Linear complexity of generalized cyclotomic sequences of period 2pm2p^{m}

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    In this paper, we construct two generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of period 2pm2p^{m} based on the generalized cyclotomy and compute their linear complexity, showing that they are of high linear complexity when mβ‰₯2m\geq 2

    A lower bound on the 2-adic complexity of Ding-Helleseth generalized cyclotomic sequences of period pnp^n

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    Let pp be an odd prime, nn a positive integer and gg a primitive root of pnp^n. Suppose Di(pn)={g2s+i∣s=0,1,2,⋯ ,(pβˆ’1)pnβˆ’12}D_i^{(p^n)}=\{g^{2s+i}|s=0,1,2,\cdots,\frac{(p-1)p^{n-1}}{2}\}, i=0,1i=0,1, is the generalized cyclotomic classes with Zpnβˆ—=D0βˆͺD1Z_{p^n}^{\ast}=D_0\cup D_1. In this paper, we prove that Gauss periods based on D0D_0 and D1D_1 are both equal to 0 for nβ‰₯2n\geq2. As an application, we determine a lower bound on the 2-adic complexity of a class of Ding-Helleseth generalized cyclotomic sequences of period pnp^n. The result shows that the 2-adic complexity is at least pnβˆ’pnβˆ’1βˆ’1p^n-p^{n-1}-1, which is larger than N+12\frac{N+1}{2}, where N=pnN=p^n is the period of the sequence.Comment: 1

    The linear complexity of new binary cyclotomic sequences of period pnp^n

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    In this paper, we determine the linear complexity of a class of new binary cyclotomic sequences of period pn constructed by Z. Xiao et al. (Des. Codes Cryptogr. DOI 10.1007/s10623-017-0408-7) and prove their conjecture about high linear complexity of these sequences

    Note about the linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of period 2pn2p^n

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    This paper examines the linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of period 2pn2p^n recently proposed by Yi Ouang et al. (arXiv:1808.08019v1 [cs.IT] 24 Aug 2018). We generalize results obtained by them and discuss author's conjecture of this paper

    Linear Complexity of Geometric Sequences Defined by Cyclotomic Classes and Balanced Binary Sequences Constructed by the Geometric Sequences

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    Pseudorandom number generators are required to generate pseudorandom numbers which have good statistical properties as well as unpredictability in cryptography. An m-sequence is a linear feedback shift register sequence with maximal period over a finite field. M-sequences have good statistical properties, however we must nonlinearize m-sequences for cryptographic purposes. A geometric sequence is a sequence given by applying a nonlinear feedforward function to an m-sequence. Nogami, Tada and Uehara proposed a geometric sequence whose nonlinear feedforward function is given by the Legendre symbol, and showed the period, periodic autocorrelation and linear complexity of the sequence. Furthermore, Nogami et al. proposed a generalization of the sequence, and showed the period and periodic autocorrelation. In this paper, we first investigate linear complexity of the geometric sequences. In the case that the Chan--Games formula which describes linear complexity of geometric sequences does not hold, we show the new formula by considering the sequence of complement numbers, Hasse derivative and cyclotomic classes. Under some conditions, we can ensure that the geometric sequences have a large linear complexity from the results on linear complexity of Sidel'nikov sequences. The geometric sequences have a long period and large linear complexity under some conditions, however they do not have the balance property. In order to construct sequences that have the balance property, we propose interleaved sequences of the geometric sequence and its complement. Furthermore, we show the periodic autocorrelation and linear complexity of the proposed sequences. The proposed sequences have the balance property, and have a large linear complexity if the geometric sequences have a large one.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1709.0516

    A further study on the linear complexity of new binary cyclotomic sequence of length prp^r

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    Recently, a conjecture on the linear complexity of a new class of generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of period prp^r was proposed by Z. Xiao et al. (Des. Codes Cryptogr., DOI 10.1007/s10623-017-0408-7). Later, for the case ff being the form 2r2^r with rβ‰₯1r\ge 1, Vladimir Edemskiy proved the conjecture (arXiv:1712.03947). In this paper, under the assumption of 2pβˆ’1≑̸1β€Šmodβ€Šp22^{p-1} \not\equiv 1 \bmod p^2 and gcd⁑(pβˆ’1ordp(2),f)=1\gcd(\frac{p-1}{{\rm {ord}}_{p}(2)},f)=1, the conjecture proposed by Z. Xiao et al. is proved for a general ff by using the Euler quotient. Actually, a generic construction of prp^r-periodic binary sequence based on the generalized cyclotomy is introduced in this paper, which admits a flexible support set and includes Xiao's construction as a special case, and then an efficient method to compute the linear complexity of the sequence by the generic construction is presented, based on which the conjecture proposed by Z. Xiao et al. could be easily proved under the aforementioned assumption

    Linear complexity and trace representation of quaternary sequences over Z4\mathbb{Z}_4 based on generalized cyclotomic classes modulo pqpq

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    We define a family of quaternary sequences over the residue class ring modulo 44 of length pqpq, a product of two distinct odd primes, using the generalized cyclotomic classes modulo pqpq and calculate the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the sequences. The DFT helps us to determine the exact values of linear complexity and the trace representation of the sequences.Comment: 16 page

    Linear complexity of generalized cyclotomic sequences of order 4 over F_l

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    Generalized cyclotomic sequences of period pq have several desirable randomness properties if the two primes p and q are chosen properly. In particular,Ding deduced the exact formulas for the autocorrelation and the linear complexity of these sequences of order 2. In this paper, we consider the generalized sequences of order 4. Under certain conditions, the linear complexity of these sequences of order 4 is developed over a finite field F_l. Results show that in many cases they have high linear complexity.Comment: Since there is a crucial error in Theorem 1 in the first version, we replace it by the new on

    Linear Complexity of Ding-Helleseth Generalized Cyclotomic Binary Sequences of Any Order

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    This paper gives the linear complexity of binary Ding-Helleseth generalized cyclotomic sequences of any order
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