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    The A-Stokes approximation for non-stationary problems

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    Let A\mathcal A be an elliptic tensor. A function v∈L1(I;LDdiv(B))v\in L^1(I;LD_{div}(B)) is a solution to the non-stationary A\mathcal A -Stokes problem iff \begin{align}\label{abs} \int_Q v\cdot\partial_t\phi\,dx\,dt-\int_Q \mathcal A(\varepsilon(v),\varepsilon(\phi))\,dx\,dt=0\quad\forall\phi\in C^{\infty}_{0,div}(Q), \end{align} where Q:=I×BQ:=I\times B, B⊂RdB\subset\mathbb R^d bounded. If the l.h.s. is not zero but small we talk about almost solutions. We present an approximation result in the fashion of the A\mathcal A-caloric approximation for the non-stationary A\mathcal A -Stokes problem. Precisely, we show that every almost solution v∈Lp(I;Wdiv1,p(B))v\in L^p(I;W^{1,p}_{div}(B)), 1<p<∞1<p<\infty, can be approximated by a solution in the Ls(I;W1,s(B))L^s(I;W^{1,s}(B))-sense for all s<ps<p. So, we extend the stationary A\mathcal A-Stokes approximation by Breit-Diening-Fuchs to parabolic problems
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