33,161 research outputs found

    Variations of Independence in Boolean Algebras

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    We give a definition of some classes of boolean algebras generalizing free boolean algebras; they satisfy a universal property that certain functions extend to homomorphisms. We give a combinatorial property of generating sets of these algebras, which we call n -independent. The properties of these classes (n-free and omega-free boolean algebras) are investigated. These include connections to hypergraph theory and cardinal invariants on these algebras. Related cardinal functions, n Ind, which is the supremum of the cardinalities of n-independent subsets; i_n, the minimum size of a maximal n -independent subset; and i_omega, the minimum size of an omega-independent subset, are introduced and investigated. The values of i_n and i_omega on P(omega)/fin are shown to be independent of ZFC. Ideal-independence is also considered, and it is shown that the cardinal function p <= s_mm for infinite boolean algebras. We also define and consider moderately generated boolean algebras; that is, those boolean algebras that have a generating set consisting of elements that split finitely many elements of the boolean algebra.Comment: PhD thesi

    Monotone Boolean Functions, Feasibility/Infeasibility, LP-type problems and MaxCon

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    This paper outlines connections between Monotone Boolean Functions, LP-Type problems and the Maximum Consensus Problem. The latter refers to a particular type of robust fitting characterisation, popular in Computer Vision (MaxCon). Indeed, this is our main motivation but we believe the results of the study of these connections are more widely applicable to LP-type problems (at least 'thresholded versions', as we describe), and perhaps even more widely. We illustrate, with examples from Computer Vision, how the resulting perspectives suggest new algorithms. Indeed, we focus, in the experimental part, on how the Influence (a property of Boolean Functions that takes on a special form if the function is Monotone) can guide a search for the MaxCon solution.Comment: Parts under conference review, work in progress. Keywords: Monotone Boolean Functions, Consensus Maximisation, LP-Type Problem, Computer Vision, Robust Fitting, Matroid, Simplicial Complex, Independence System

    Non-Commutative Stochastic Independence and Cumulants

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    In a central lemma we characterize "generating functions" of certain functors on the category of algebraic non-commutative probability spaces. Special families of such generating functions correspond to "unital, associative universal products" on this category, which again define a notion of non-commutative stochastic independence. Using the central lemma, we can prove the existence of cumulants and of "cumulant Lie-algebras" for a wide class of independences. These include the five independences (tensor, free, Boolean, monotone, anti-monotone) appearing in N. Murakis classification, c-free independence of M. Bozejko and R. Speicher, the indented product of T. Hasebe and the bi-free independence of D. Voiculescu. We show that the non-commutative independence can be reconstructed from its cumulants and cumulant Lie algebras

    Topological Perspectives on Statistical Quantities I

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    In statistics cumulants are defined to be functions that measure the linear independence of random variables. In the non-communicative case the Boolean cumulants can be described as functions that measure deviation of a map between algebras from being an algebra morphism. In Algebraic topology maps that are homotopic to being algebra morphisms are studied using the theory of AA_\infty algebras. In this paper we will explore the link between these two points of views on maps between algebras that are not algebra maps

    Polynomial Threshold Functions: Structure, Approximation and Pseudorandomness

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    We study the computational power of polynomial threshold functions, that is, threshold functions of real polynomials over the boolean cube. We provide two new results bounding the computational power of this model. Our first result shows that low-degree polynomial threshold functions cannot approximate any function with many influential variables. We provide a couple of examples where this technique yields tight approximation bounds. Our second result relates to constructing pseudorandom generators fooling low-degree polynomial threshold functions. This problem has received attention recently, where Diakonikolas et al proved that kk-wise independence suffices to fool linear threshold functions. We prove that any low-degree polynomial threshold function, which can be represented as a function of a small number of linear threshold functions, can also be fooled by kk-wise independence. We view this as an important step towards fooling general polynomial threshold functions, and we discuss a plausible approach achieving this goal based on our techniques. Our results combine tools from real approximation theory, hyper-contractive inequalities and probabilistic methods. In particular, we develop several new tools in approximation theory which may be of independent interest

    Relations between convolutions and transforms in operator-valued free probability

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    We introduce a class of independence relations, which include free, Boolean and monotone independence, in operator valued probability. We show that this class of independence relations have a matricial extension property so that we can easily study their associated convolutions via Voiculescu's fully matricial function theory. Based the matricial extension property, we show that many results can be generalized to multi-variable cases. Besides free, Boolean and monotone independence convolutions, we will focus on two important convolutions, which are orthogonal and subordination additive convolutions. We show that the operator-valued subordination functions, which come from the free additive convolutions or the operator-valued free convolution powers, are reciprocal Cauchy transforms of operator-valued random variables which are uniquely determined up to Voiculescu's fully matricial function theory. In the end, we study relations between certain convolutions and transforms in CC^*-operator valued probability.Comment: Some typos are corrected. Comments welcom

    Domain Reduction for Monotonicity Testing: A o(d)o(d) Tester for Boolean Functions in dd-Dimensions

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    We describe a O~(d5/6)\tilde{O}(d^{5/6})-query monotonicity tester for Boolean functions f:[n]d{0,1}f:[n]^d \to \{0,1\} on the nn-hypergrid. This is the first o(d)o(d) monotonicity tester with query complexity independent of nn. Motivated by this independence of nn, we initiate the study of monotonicity testing of measurable Boolean functions f:Rd{0,1}f:\mathbb{R}^d \to \{0,1\} over the continuous domain, where the distance is measured with respect to a product distribution over Rd\mathbb{R}^d. We give a O~(d5/6)\tilde{O}(d^{5/6})-query monotonicity tester for such functions. Our main technical result is a domain reduction theorem for monotonicity. For any function f:[n]d{0,1}f:[n]^d \to \{0,1\}, let ϵf\epsilon_f be its distance to monotonicity. Consider the restriction f^\hat{f} of the function on a random [k]d[k]^d sub-hypergrid of the original domain. We show that for k=poly(d/ϵ)k = \text{poly}(d/\epsilon), the expected distance of the restriction is E[ϵf^]=Ω(ϵf)\mathbb{E}[\epsilon_{\hat{f}}] = \Omega(\epsilon_f). Previously, such a result was only known for d=1d=1 (Berman-Raskhodnikova-Yaroslavtsev, STOC 2014). Our result for testing Boolean functions over [n]d[n]^d then follows by applying the d5/6poly(1/ϵ,logn,logd)d^{5/6}\cdot \text{poly}(1/\epsilon,\log n, \log d)-query hypergrid tester of Black-Chakrabarty-Seshadhri (SODA 2018). To obtain the result for testing Boolean functions over Rd\mathbb{R}^d, we use standard measure theoretic tools to reduce monotonicity testing of a measurable function ff to monotonicity testing of a discretized version of ff over a hypergrid domain [N]d[N]^d for large, but finite, NN (that may depend on ff). The independence of NN in the hypergrid tester is crucial to getting the final tester over Rd\mathbb{R}^d

    Fooling intersections of low-weight halfspaces

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    A weight-tt halfspace is a Boolean function f(x)=f(x)=sign(w1x1++wnxnθ)(w_1 x_1 + \cdots + w_n x_n - \theta) where each wiw_i is an integer in {t,,t}.\{-t,\dots,t\}. We give an explicit pseudorandom generator that δ\delta-fools any intersection of kk weight-tt halfspaces with seed length poly(logn,logk,t,1/δ)(\log n, \log k,t,1/\delta). In particular, our result gives an explicit PRG that fools any intersection of any quasipoly(n)(n) number of halfspaces of any polylog(n)\log(n) weight to any 1/1/polylog(n)\log(n) accuracy using seed length polylog(n).\log(n). Prior to this work no explicit PRG with non-trivial seed length was known even for fooling intersections of nn weight-1 halfspaces to constant accuracy. The analysis of our PRG fuses techniques from two different lines of work on unconditional pseudorandomness for different kinds of Boolean functions. We extend the approach of Harsha, Klivans and Meka \cite{HKM12} for fooling intersections of regular halfspaces, and combine this approach with results of Bazzi \cite{Bazzi:07} and Razborov \cite{Razborov:09} on bounded independence fooling CNF formulas. Our analysis introduces new coupling-based ingredients into the standard Lindeberg method for establishing quantitative central limit theorems and associated pseudorandomness results.Comment: 27 page

    Free-Boolean independence for pairs of algebras

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    We construct pairs of algebras with mixed independence relations by using truncations of reduced free products of algebras. For example, we construct free-Boolean pairs of algebras and free-monotone pairs of algebras. We also introduce free-Boolean cumulants and show that free-Boolean independence is equivalent to the vanishing of mixed cumulants.Comment: Moments-condition for free-Boolean independence is added to Section 4. Title is changed. All comments are welcom

    Reduction of Database Independence to Dividing in Atomless Boolean Algebras

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    We prove that the form of conditional independence at play in database theory and independence logic is reducible to the first-order dividing calculus in the theory of atomless Boolean algebras. This establishes interesting connections between independence in database theory and stochastic independence. As indeed, in light of the aforementioned reduction and recent work of Ben-Yaacov [4], the former case of independence can be seen as the discrete version of the latter