604 research outputs found

    Throttling for the game of Cops and Robbers on graphs

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    We consider the cop-throttling number of a graph GG for the game of Cops and Robbers, which is defined to be the minimum of (k+captk(G))(k + \text{capt}_k(G)), where kk is the number of cops and captk(G)\text{capt}_k(G) is the minimum number of rounds needed for kk cops to capture the robber on GG over all possible games. We provide some tools for bounding the cop-throttling number, including showing that the positive semidefinite (PSD) throttling number, a variant of zero forcing throttling, is an upper bound for the cop-throttling number. We also characterize graphs having low cop-throttling number and investigate how large the cop-throttling number can be for a given graph. We consider trees, unicyclic graphs, incidence graphs of finite projective planes (a Meyniel extremal family of graphs), a family of cop-win graphs with maximum capture time, grids, and hypercubes. All the upper bounds on the cop-throttling number we obtain for families of graphs are O(n) O(\sqrt n).Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    The resolving number of a graph

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    We study a graph parameter related to resolving sets and metric dimension, namely the resolving number, introduced by Chartrand, Poisson and Zhang. First, we establish an important difference between the two parameters: while computing the metric dimension of an arbitrary graph is known to be NP-hard, we show that the resolving number can be computed in polynomial time. We then relate the resolving number to classical graph parameters: diameter, girth, clique number, order and maximum degree. With these relations in hand, we characterize the graphs with resolving number 3 extending other studies that provide characterizations for smaller resolving number.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Generalized Tur\'an problems for even cycles

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    Given a graph HH and a set of graphs F\mathcal F, let ex(n,H,F)ex(n,H,\mathcal F) denote the maximum possible number of copies of HH in an F\mathcal F-free graph on nn vertices. We investigate the function ex(n,H,F)ex(n,H,\mathcal F), when HH and members of F\mathcal F are cycles. Let CkC_k denote the cycle of length kk and let Ck={C3,C4,…,Ck}\mathscr C_k=\{C_3,C_4,\ldots,C_k\}. Some of our main results are the following. (i) We show that ex(n,C2l,C2k)=Θ(nl)ex(n, C_{2l}, C_{2k}) = \Theta(n^l) for any l,k≥2l, k \ge 2. Moreover, we determine it asymptotically in the following cases: We show that ex(n,C4,C2k)=(1+o(1))(k−1)(k−2)4n2ex(n,C_4,C_{2k}) = (1+o(1)) \frac{(k-1)(k-2)}{4} n^2 and that the maximum possible number of C6C_6's in a C8C_8-free bipartite graph is n3+O(n5/2)n^3 + O(n^{5/2}). (ii) Solymosi and Wong proved that if Erd\H{o}s's Girth Conjecture holds, then for any l≥3l \ge 3 we have ex(n,C2l,C2l−1)=Θ(n2l/(l−1))ex(n,C_{2l},\mathscr C_{2l-1})=\Theta(n^{2l/(l-1)}). We prove that forbidding any other even cycle decreases the number of C2lC_{2l}'s significantly: For any k>lk > l, we have ex(n,C2l,C2l−1∪{C2k})=Θ(n2).ex(n,C_{2l},\mathscr C_{2l-1} \cup \{C_{2k}\})=\Theta(n^2). More generally, we show that for any k>lk > l and m≥2m \ge 2 such that 2k≠ml2k \neq ml, we have ex(n,Cml,C2l−1∪{C2k})=Θ(nm).ex(n,C_{ml},\mathscr C_{2l-1} \cup \{C_{2k}\})=\Theta(n^m). (iii) We prove ex(n,C2l+1,C2l)=Θ(n2+1/l),ex(n,C_{2l+1},\mathscr C_{2l})=\Theta(n^{2+1/l}), provided a strong version of Erd\H{o}s's Girth Conjecture holds (which is known to be true when l=2,3,5l = 2, 3, 5). Moreover, forbidding one more cycle decreases the number of C2l+1C_{2l+1}'s significantly: More precisely, we have ex(n,C2l+1,C2l∪{C2k})=O(n2−1l+1),ex(n, C_{2l+1}, \mathscr C_{2l} \cup \{C_{2k}\}) = O(n^{2-\frac{1}{l+1}}), and ex(n,C2l+1,C2l∪{C2k+1})=O(n2)ex(n, C_{2l+1}, \mathscr C_{2l} \cup \{C_{2k+1}\}) = O(n^2) for l>k≥2l > k \ge 2. (iv) We also study the maximum number of paths of given length in a CkC_k-free graph, and prove asymptotically sharp bounds in some cases.Comment: 37 Pages; Substantially revised, contains several new results. Mistakes corrected based on the suggestions of a refere
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