26 research outputs found

    Stallings graphs for quasi-convex subgroups

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    We show that one can define and effectively compute Stallings graphs for quasi-convex subgroups of automatic groups (\textit{e.g.} hyperbolic groups or right-angled Artin groups). These Stallings graphs are finite labeled graphs, which are canonically associated with the corresponding subgroups. We show that this notion of Stallings graphs allows a unified approach to many algorithmic problems: some which had already been solved like the generalized membership problem or the computation of a quasi-convexity constant (Kapovich, 1996); and others such as the computation of intersections, the conjugacy or the almost malnormality problems. Our results extend earlier algorithmic results for the more restricted class of virtually free groups. We also extend our construction to relatively quasi-convex subgroups of relatively hyperbolic groups, under certain additional conditions.Comment: 40 pages. New and improved versio

    Normality of one-matching semi-Cayley graphs over finite abelian groups with maximum degree three

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    A graph Γ\Gamma is said to be a semi-Cayley graph over a group GG if it admits GG as a semiregular automorphism group with two orbits of equal size. We say that Γ\Gamma is normal if GG is a normal subgroup of Aut(Γ){\rm Aut}(\Gamma). We prove that every connected intransitive one-matching semi-Cayley graph, with maximum degree three, over a finite abelian group is normal and characterize all such non-normal graphs.Comment: 10 page

    Algebraic degrees of nn-Cayley digraphs over abelian groups

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    A digraph is called an nn-Cayley digraph if its automorphism group has an nn-orbit semiregular subgroup. We determine the splitting fields of nn-Cayley digraphs over abelian groups and compute a bound on their algebraic degrees, before applying our results on Cayley digraphs over non-abelian groups

    On prisms, M\"obius ladders and the cycle space of dense graphs

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    For a graph X, let f_0(X) denote its number of vertices, d(X) its minimum degree and Z_1(X;Z/2) its cycle space in the standard graph-theoretical sense (i.e. 1-dimensional cycle group in the sense of simplicial homology theory with Z/2-coefficients). Call a graph Hamilton-generated if and only if the set of all Hamilton circuits is a Z/2-generating system for Z_1(X;Z/2). The main purpose of this paper is to prove the following: for every s > 0 there exists n_0 such that for every graph X with f_0(X) >= n_0 vertices, (1) if d(X) >= (1/2 + s) f_0(X) and f_0(X) is odd, then X is Hamilton-generated, (2) if d(X) >= (1/2 + s) f_0(X) and f_0(X) is even, then the set of all Hamilton circuits of X generates a codimension-one subspace of Z_1(X;Z/2), and the set of all circuits of X having length either f_0(X)-1 or f_0(X) generates all of Z_1(X;Z/2), (3) if d(X) >= (1/4 + s) f_0(X) and X is square bipartite, then X is Hamilton-generated. All these degree-conditions are essentially best-possible. The implications in (1) and (2) give an asymptotic affirmative answer to a special case of an open conjecture which according to [European J. Combin. 4 (1983), no. 3, p. 246] originates with A. Bondy.Comment: 33 pages; 5 figure

    R\R-trees and laminations for free groups II: The dual lamination of an R\R-tree

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    This is the second part of a series of three articles which introduce laminations for free groups (see math.GR/0609416 for the first part). Several definition of the dual lamination of a very small action of a free group on an R\R-tree are given and proved to be equivalent.Comment: corrections of typos and minor updat