4 research outputs found

    Finding forest-orderings of tournaments is NP-complete

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    Given a class of (undirected) graphs C\mathcal{C}, we say that a FAS FF is a C\mathcal{C}-FAS if the graph induced by the edges of FF (forgetting their orientations) belongs to C\mathcal{C}. We show that deciding if a tournament has a C\mathcal{C}-FAS is NP-complete when C\mathcal{C} is the class of all forests. We are motivated by connections between C\mathcal{C}-FAS and structural parameters of tournaments, such as the dichromatic number, the clique number of tournaments, and the strong Erd\H{o}s-Hajnal property

    Some results and problems on tournament structure

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    This paper is a survey of results and problems related to the following question: is it true that if G is a tournament with sufficiently large chromatic number, then G has two vertex-disjoint subtournaments A,B, both with large chromatic number, such that all edges between them are directed from A to B? We describe what we know about this question, and report some progress on several other related questions, on tournament colouring and domination

    On the existence of two non-neighboring subgraphs in a graph

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