468 research outputs found

    Design guidelines for spatial modulation

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    A new class of low-complexity, yet energyefficient Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) transmission techniques, namely the family of Spatial Modulation (SM) aided MIMOs (SM-MIMO) has emerged. These systems are capable of exploiting the spatial dimensions (i.e. the antenna indices) as an additional dimension invoked for transmitting information, apart from the traditional Amplitude and Phase Modulation (APM). SM is capable of efficiently operating in diverse MIMO configurations in the context of future communication systems. It constitutes a promising transmission candidate for large-scale MIMO design and for the indoor optical wireless communication whilst relying on a single-Radio Frequency (RF) chain. Moreover, SM may also be viewed as an entirely new hybrid modulation scheme, which is still in its infancy. This paper aims for providing a general survey of the SM design framework as well as of its intrinsic limits. In particular, we focus our attention on the associated transceiver design, on spatial constellation optimization, on link adaptation techniques, on distributed/ cooperative protocol design issues, and on their meritorious variants

    Time-Frequency Packing for High Capacity Coherent Optical Links

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    We consider realistic long-haul optical links, with linear and nonlinear impairments, and investigate the application of time-frequency packing with low-order constellations as a possible solution to increase the spectral efficiency. A detailed comparison with available techniques from the literature will be also performed. We will see that this technique represents a feasible solution to overcome the relevant theoretical and technological issues related to this spectral efficiency increase and could be more effective than the simple adoption of high-order modulation formats.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1406.5685 by other author

    Sub-graph based joint sparse graph for sparse code multiple access systems

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    Sparse code multiple access (SCMA) is a promising air interface candidate technique for next generation mobile networks, especially for massive machine type communications (mMTC). In this paper, we design a LDPC coded SCMA detector by combining the sparse graphs of LDPC and SCMA into one joint sparse graph (JSG). In our proposed scheme, SCMA sparse graph (SSG) defined by small size indicator matrix is utilized to construct the JSG, which is termed as sub-graph based joint sparse graph of SCMA (SG-JSG-SCMA). In this paper, we first study the binary-LDPC (B-LDPC) coded SGJSG- SCMA system. To combine the SCMA variable node (SVN) and LDPC variable node (LVN) into one joint variable node (JVN), a non-binary LDPC (NB-LDPC) coded SG-JSG-SCMA is also proposed. Furthermore, to reduce the complexity of NBLDPC coded SG-JSG-SCMA, a joint trellis representation (JTR) is introduced to represent the search space of NB-LDPC coded SG-JSG-SCMA. Based on JTR, a low complexity joint trellis based detection and decoding (JTDD) algorithm is proposed to reduce the computational complexity of NB-LDPC coded SGJSG- SCMA system. According to the simulation results, SG-JSGSCMA brings significant performance improvement compare to the conventional receiver using the disjoint approach, and it can also outperform a Turbo-structured receiver with comparable complexity. Moreover, the joint approach also has advantages in terms of processing latency compare to the Turbo approaches

    Receiver Performance for an Enhanced DGPS Data Channel

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    The Coast Guard currently operates a maritime differential GPS service consisting of two control centers and over 85 remote broadcast sites. This service broadcasts GPS correction information on marine radiobeacon frequencies to improve the accuracy and integrity of GPS. The existing system provides differential corrections over a medium frequency carrier using minimum shift keying (MSK) as the modulation method. MSK is a version of the Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying (CPFSK) modulation technique that is spectrally compact, meaning that it is a narrow band modulation scheme. In a binary signaling channel, the two instantaneous frequencies for this modulation method are chosen in such a way so as to produce orthogonal signaling with a minimum modulation index. Current DGPS corrections are transmitted at a relatively low data rate, with message structures designed in an era when Selective Availability was in full operation. Greater demands for accuracy coupled with current operations in a post SA environment have prompted a reexamination of the DGPS data and signal structure, with an eye towards improving information rate while minimizing legacy user impact. A two-phased plan for a new generation of DGPS capability can be envisioned. In the first phase (near-term) new ionospheric messages would be introduced to allow greater DGPS accuracy at larger distances from the beacons. This capability could support both double (LI/L2) and triple (L1/L2/L5) frequency operation. This phase requires only the definition of the new message type(s) and the commitment of receiver manufacturers to implement the usage of the new data. In the second phase (intermediate future) a new signal would come on line to support RTK using two and three frequencies and homeland security messaging. This signal would have the capacity to send 500 bps or so without disrupting the legacy signal or legacy receiver performance. This new signal could be one of the new modulation techniques that we have been investigating; phase trellis overlay and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing. Preliminary examinations of both of these techniques have shown the potential for increased bandwidth usage (ION NTM Jan. 2004), the effects on legacy receiver performance through a modulator test-bed (ION AM June 2004), and some effects of an actual transmitter (including antenna and coupler) on the signal (ION GNSS Sept 2004). The current paper describes recent investigations into the architecture of the receivers for these modulation methods including details of the demodulation and decoding methods. We also establish receiver performance measures and present preliminary performance results. Reprinted with permission from The Institute of Navigation (http://ion.org/) and The Proceedings of the 18th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, (pp. 788-800). Fairfax, VA: The Institute of Navigation

    Enhanced Multicarrier Techniques for Professional Ad-Hoc and Cell-Based Communications (EMPhAtiC) Document Number D3.3 Reduction of PAPR and non linearities effects

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    Livrable d'un projet Européen EMPHATICLike other multicarrier modulation techniques, FBMC suffers from high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), impacting its performance in the presence of a nonlinear high power amplifier (HPA) in two ways. The first impact is an in-band distortion affecting the error rate performance of the link. The second impact is an out-of-band effect appearing as power spectral density (PSD) regrowth, making the coexistence between FBMC based broad-band Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) systems with existing narrowband systems difficult to achieve. This report addresses first the theoretical analysis of in-band HPA distortions in terms of Bit Error Rate. Also, the out-of band impact of HPA nonlinearities is studied in terms of PSD regrowth prediction. Furthermore, the problem of PAPR reduction is addressed along with some HPA linearization techniques and nonlinearity compensation approaches

    Improved Hybrid Blind PAPR Reduction Algorithm for OFDM Systems

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    The ever growing demand for high data rate communication services resulted into the development of long-term evolution (LTE) technology. LTE uses orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) as a transmission technology in its PHY layer for down-link (DL) communications. OFDM is spectrally efficient multicarrier modulation technique ideal for high data transmissions over highly time and frequency varying channels. However, the transmitted signal in OFDM can have high peak values in the time domain due to inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) operation. This creates high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) when compared to single carrier systems. PAPR drives the power amplifiers to saturation degrading its efficiency by consuming more power. In this paper a hybrid blind PAPR reduction algorithm for OFDM systems is proposed, which is a combination of distortion technique (Clipping) and distortionless technique (DFT spreading). The DFT spreading is done prior to clipping reducing significantly the probability of having higher peaks in the composite signal prior to transmission. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms unprocessed conventional OFDM transmission by 9 dB. Comparison with existing blind algorithms shows 7 dB improvement at error rate 10–3 and 3 dB improvement at error rate 10–1 when operating in flat fading and doubly dispersive channels, respectively.Keywords:    LTE Systems; OFDM; Peak to Average Power Ratio; DFT spreading; Signal to Noise Power Ratio