78 research outputs found

    Skew-constacyclic codes over Fq[v]⟨ vq−v ⟩\frac{\mathbb{F}_q[v]}{\langle\,v^q-v\,\rangle}

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    In this paper, the investigation on the algebraic structure of the ring Fq[v]⟨ vq−v ⟩\frac{\mathbb{F}_q[v]}{\langle\,v^q-v\,\rangle} and the description of its automorphism group, enable to study the algebraic structure of codes and their dual over this ring. We explore the algebraic structure of skew-constacyclic codes, by using a linear Gray map and we determine their generator polynomials. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of self-dual skew cyclic and self-dual skew negacyclic codes over Fq[v]⟨ vq−v ⟩\frac{\mathbb{F}_q[v]}{\langle\,v^q-v\,\rangle} are given

    A note on the duals of skew constacyclic codes

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    Let Fq\mathbb{F}_q be a finite field with qq elements and denote by θ:Fq→Fq\theta : \mathbb{F}_q\to\mathbb{F}_q an automorphism of Fq\mathbb{F}_q. In this paper, we deal with skew constacyclic codes, that is, linear codes of Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n which are invariant under the action of a semi-linear map Φα,θ:Fqn→Fqn\Phi_{\alpha,\theta}:\mathbb{F}_q^n\to\mathbb{F}_q^n, defined by Φα,θ(a0,...,an−2,an−1):=(αθ(an−1),θ(a0),...,θ(an−2))\Phi_{\alpha,\theta}(a_0,...,a_{n-2}, a_{n-1}):=(\alpha \theta(a_{n-1}),\theta(a_0),...,\theta(a_{n-2})) for some α∈Fq∖{0}\alpha\in\mathbb{F}_q\setminus\{0\} and n≥2n\geq 2. In particular, we study some algebraic and geometric properties of their dual codes and we give some consequences and research results on 11-generator skew quasi-twisted codes and on MDS skew constacyclic codes.Comment: 31 pages, 3 tables; this is a revised version that includes improvements to the presentation of the main results, a new subsection and an appendix which is an extension of Section 2 of the previous versio

    On the codes over the Z_3+vZ_3+v^2Z_3

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    In this paper, we study the structure of cyclic, quasi-cyclic, constacyclic codes and their skew codes over the finite ring R=Z_3+vZ_3+v^2Z_3, v^3=v. The Gray images of cyclic, quasi-cyclic, skew cyclic, skew quasi-cyclic and skew constacyclic codes over R are obtained. A necessary and sufficient condition for cyclic (negacyclic) codes over R that contains its dual has been given. The parameters of quantum error correcting codes are obtained from both cyclic and negacyclic codes over R. It is given some examples. Firstly, quasi-constacyclic and skew quasi-constacyclic codes are introduced. By giving two product, it is investigated their duality. A sufficient condition for 1-generator skew quasi-constacyclic codes to be free is determined

    Skew Constacyclic Codes over Finite Chain Rings

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    Skew polynomial rings over finite fields ([7] and [10]) and over Galois rings ([8]) have been used to study codes. In this paper, we extend this concept to finite chain rings. Properties of skew constacyclic codes generated by monic right divisors of xn−λx^n-\lambda, where λ\lambda is a unit element, are exhibited. When λ2=1\lambda^2=1, the generators of Euclidean and Hermitian dual codes of such codes are determined together with necessary and sufficient conditions for them to be Euclidean and Hermitian self-dual. Of more interest are codes over the ring Fpm+uFpm\mathbb{F}_{p^m}+u\mathbb{F}_{p^m}. The structure of all skew constacyclic codes is completely determined. This allows us to express generators of Euclidean and Hermitian dual codes of skew cyclic and skew negacyclic codes in terms of the generators of the original codes. An illustration of all skew cyclic codes of length~2 over F3+uF3\mathbb{F}_{3}+u\mathbb{F}_{3} and their Euclidean and Hermitian dual codes is also provided.Comment: 24 Pages, Submitted to Advances in Mathematics of Communication

    Skew constacyclic codes over Fq+uFq+vFq

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    In this paper skew constacyclic codes over finite non-chain ring R = F_q+uF_q+vF_q, where q= p^m, p is an odd prime and u^{2}=u, v^{2}=v, uv = vu = 0 are studied. We show that Gray image of a skew alpha-constacyclic cyclic code of length n over R is a skew alpha-quasi-cyclic code of length 3n3n over F_{q} of index 3. It is also shown that skew alpha-constacyclic codes are either equivalent to alpha-constacyclic codes or alpha-quasi-twisted codes over R. Further, the structural properties of skew constacyclic over R are obtained by decomposition method.Comment: 10 pages paper communicated to the Journal of Algebra and its Application

    Skew constacyclic codes over a non-chain ring Fq[u,v]/⟨f(u),g(v),uv−vu⟩\mathbb{F}_{q}[u,v]/\langle f(u),g(v), uv-vu\rangle

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    Let f(u)f(u) and g(v)g(v) be two polynomials of degree kk and ℓ\ell respectively, not both linear, which split into distinct linear factors over Fq\mathbb{F}_{q}. Let R=Fq[u,v]/⟨f(u),g(v),uv−vu⟩\mathcal{R}=\mathbb{F}_{q}[u,v]/\langle f(u),g(v),\\uv-vu\rangle be a finite commutative non-chain ring. In this paper, we study ψ\psi-skew cyclic and θt\theta_t-skew constacyclic codes over the ring R\mathcal{R} where ψ\psi and θt\theta_t are two automorphisms defined on R\mathcal{R}.Comment: 15 page

    Zq(Zq+uZq)\mathbb{Z}_{q}(\mathbb{Z}_{q}+u\mathbb{Z}_{q})-Linear Skew Constacyclic Codes

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    In this paper, we study skew constacyclic codes over the ring ZqR\mathbb{Z}_{q}R where R=Zq+uZqR=\mathbb{Z}_{q}+u\mathbb{Z}_{q}, q=psq=p^{s} for a prime pp and u2=0u^{2}=0. We give the definition of these codes as subsets of the ring ZqαRβ\mathbb{Z}_{q}^{\alpha}R^{\beta}. Some structural properties of the skew polynomial ring R[x,θ] R[x,\theta] are discussed, where θ \theta is an automorphism of RR. We describe the generator polynomials of skew constacyclic codes over R R and ZqR\mathbb{Z}_{q}R. Using Gray images of skew constacyclic codes over ZqR\mathbb{Z}_{q}R we obtained some new linear codes over Z4\mathbb{Z}_4. Further, we have generalized these codes to double skew constacyclic codes over ZqR\mathbb{Z}_{q}R

    On Principal (f,σ,δ)(f, \sigma, \delta)-Codes over Rings

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    Let AA be a ring with identity, σ\sigma a ring endomorphism of AA that maps the identity to itself, δ\delta a σ\sigma-derivation of AA, and consider the skew-polynomial ring A[X;σ,δ]A[X;\sigma,\delta]. When AA is a finite field, a Galois ring, or a general ring, some fairly recent literature used A[X;σ,δ]A[X;\sigma,\delta] to construct new interesting codes (e.g. skew-cyclic and skew-constacyclic codes) that generalize their classical counterparts over finite fields (e.g. cyclic and constacyclic linear codes). This paper presents results concerning {\it principal} (f,σ,δ)(f, \sigma, \delta)-codes over a ring AA, where f∈A[X;σ,δ]f\in A[X;\sigma,\delta] is monic. We provide recursive formulas that compute the entries of both a generating matrix and a control matrix of such a code C\mathcal{C}. When AA is a finite commutative ring with identity and σ\sigma is a ring automorphism of AA, we also give recursive formulas for the entries of a parity-check matrix of C\mathcal{C}. Also in this case, with δ=0\delta=0, we give a generating matrix of the dual C⊥\mathcal{C}^\perp, present a characterization of principal σ\sigma-codes whose duals are also principal σ\sigma-codes, and deduce a characterization of self-dual principal σ\sigma-codes. Some corollaries concerning principal σ\sigma-constacyclic codes are also given, and some highlighting examples are provided.Comment: 17 page

    New Quantum MDS codes constructed from Constacyclic codes

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    Quantum maximum-distance-separable (MDS) codes are an important class of quantum codes. In this paper, using constacyclic codes and Hermitain construction, we construct some new quantum MDS codes of the form q=2am+tq=2am+t, n=q2+1an=\frac{q^{2}+1}{a}. Most of these quantum MDS codes are new in the sense that their parameters are not covered be the codes available in the literature.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1803.0416

    Entanglement-assisted quantum MDS codes from constacyclic codes with large minimum distance

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    The entanglement-assisted (EA) formalism allows arbitrary classical linear codes to transform into entanglement-assisted quantum error correcting codes (EAQECCs) by using pre-shared entanglement between the sender and the receiver. In this work, we propose a decomposition of the defining set of constacyclic codes. Using this method, we construct four classes of qq-ary entanglement-assisted quantum MDS (EAQMDS) codes based on classical constacyclic MDS codes by exploiting less pre-shared maximally entangled states. We show that a class of qq-ary EAQMDS have minimum distance upper limit greater than 3q−13q-1. Some of them have much larger minimum distance than the known quantum MDS (QMDS) codes of the same length. Most of these qq-ary EAQMDS codes are new in the sense that their parameters are not covered by the codes available in the literature
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