6 research outputs found

    Open networks of infinite server queues with non-homogeneous multivariate batch Poisson arrivals

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    In this paper, we consider the occupancy distribution for an open network of infinite server queues with multivariate batch arrivals following a non-homogeneous Poisson process, and general service time distributions. We derive a probability generating function for the transient occupancy distribution of the network, and prove that it is necessary and sufficient for ergodicity that the expected occupancy time for each batch be finite. Further, we recover recurrence relations for the transient probability mass function formulated in terms of a distribution obtained by compounding the batch size with a multinomial distribution

    Non-Stationary Queues with Batch Arrivals

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    Motivated by applications that involve setting proper staffing levels for multi-server queueing systems with batch arrivals, we present a thorough study of the queue-length process {Q(t);t≥0}\{Q(t); t \geq 0\}, departure process {D(t);t≥0}\{D(t); t \geq 0\}, and the workload process {W(t);t≥0}\{W(t); t \geq 0\} associated with the MtBt_{t}^{B_{t}}/Gt_{t}/∞\infty queueing system, where arrivals occur in batches, with the batch size distribution varying with time. Notably, we first show that both Q(t)Q(t) and D(t)D(t) are equal in distribution to an infinite sum of independent, scaled Poisson random variables. When the batch size distribution has finite support, this sum becomes finite as well. We then derive the finite-dimensional distributions of both the queue-length process and the departure process, and we use these results to show that these finite-dimensional distributions converge weakly under a certain scaling regime, where the finite-dimensional distributions of the queue-length process converge weakly to a shot-noise process driven by a non-homogeneous Poisson process. Next, we derive an expression for the joint Laplace-Stieltjes transform of W(t)W(t), Q(t)Q(t), and D(t)D(t), and we show that these three random variables, under the same scaling regime, converge weakly, where the limit associated with the workload process corresponds to another Poisson-driven shot-noise process