829 research outputs found

    Joint source-channel coding with feedback

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    This paper quantifies the fundamental limits of variable-length transmission of a general (possibly analog) source over a memoryless channel with noiseless feedback, under a distortion constraint. We consider excess distortion, average distortion and guaranteed distortion (dd-semifaithful codes). In contrast to the asymptotic fundamental limit, a general conclusion is that allowing variable-length codes and feedback leads to a sizable improvement in the fundamental delay-distortion tradeoff. In addition, we investigate the minimum energy required to reproduce kk source samples with a given fidelity after transmission over a memoryless Gaussian channel, and we show that the required minimum energy is reduced with feedback and an average (rather than maximal) power constraint.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Joint source-channel coding with feedback

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    This paper quantifies the fundamental limits of variable-length transmission of a general (possibly analog) source over a memoryless channel with noiseless feedback, under a distortion constraint. We consider excess distortion, average distortion and guaranteed distortion (d-semifaithful codes). In contrast to the asymptotic fundamental limit, a general conclusion is that allowing variable-length codes and feedback leads to a sizable improvement in the fundamental delay-distortion tradeoff

    Energy-Distortion Tradeoff with Multiple Sources and Feedback

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    Abstract The energy-distortion tradeoff for lossy transmission of sources over multi-user networks is studied. The energydistortion function E(D) is de�ned as the minimum energy required to transmit a source to the receiver within the target distortion D, when there is no restriction on the number of channel uses per source sample. For point-to-point channels, E(D) is shown to be equal to the product of the minimum energy per bit Ebmin and the rate distortion function R(D), indicating the optimality of source-channel separation in this setting. It is shown that the optimal E(D) can also be achieved by the Schalkwijk Kailath (SK) scheme, as well as separate coding, in the presence of perfect channel output feedback. Then, it is shown that the optimality of separation in terms of E(D) does not extend to multi-user networks. The scenario with two encoders observing correlated Gaussian sources in which the encoders communicate to the receiver over a Gaussian multipleaccess channel (MAC) with perfect channel output feedback is studied. First a lower bound on E(D) is provided and compared against two upper bounds achievable by separation and an uncoded SK type scheme, respectively. Even though neither of these achievable schemes meets the lower bound in general, it is shown that their energy requirements lie within a constant gap of E(D) in the low distortion regime, for which the energy requirement grows unbounded. It is shown that the SK based scheme outperforms the separation based scheme in certain scenarios, which establishes the sub-optimality of separation in this multi-user setting. I

    Energy Harvesting Wireless Communications: A Review of Recent Advances

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    This article summarizes recent contributions in the broad area of energy harvesting wireless communications. In particular, we provide the current state of the art for wireless networks composed of energy harvesting nodes, starting from the information-theoretic performance limits to transmission scheduling policies and resource allocation, medium access and networking issues. The emerging related area of energy transfer for self-sustaining energy harvesting wireless networks is considered in detail covering both energy cooperation aspects and simultaneous energy and information transfer. Various potential models with energy harvesting nodes at different network scales are reviewed as well as models for energy consumption at the nodes.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (Special Issue: Wireless Communications Powered by Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy Transfer

    Fundamental limits in Gaussian channels with feedback: confluence of communication, estimation, and control

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    The emerging study of integrating information theory and control systems theory has attracted tremendous attention, mainly motivated by the problems of control under communication constraints, feedback information theory, and networked systems. An often overlooked element is the estimation aspect; however, estimation cannot be studied isolatedly in those problems. Therefore, it is natural to investigate systems from the perspective of unifying communication, estimation, and control;This thesis is the first work to advocate such a perspective. To make Matters concrete, we focus on communication systems over Gaussian channels with feedback. For some of these channels, their fundamental limits for communication have been studied using information theoretic methods and control-oriented methods but remain open. In this thesis, we address the problems of characterizing and achieving the fundamental limits for these Gaussian channels with feedback by applying the unifying perspective;We establish a general equivalence among feedback communication, estimation, and feedback stabilization over the same Gaussian channels. As a consequence, we see that the information transmission (communication), information processing (estimation), and information utilization (control), seemingly different and usually separately treated, are in fact three sides of the same entity. We then reveal that the fundamental limitations in feedback communication, estimation, and control coincide: The achievable communication rates in the feedback communication problems can be alternatively given by the decay rates of the Cramer-Rao bounds (CRB) in the associated estimation problems or by the Bode sensitivity integrals in the associated control problems. Utilizing the general equivalence, we design optimal feedback communication schemes based on the celebrated Kalman filtering algorithm; these are the first deterministic, optimal communication schemes for these channels with feedback (except for the degenerated AWGN case). These schemes also extend the Schalkwijk-Kailath (SK) coding scheme and inherit its useful features, such as reduced coding complexity and improved performance. Hence, this thesis demonstrates that the new perspective plays a significant role in gaining new insights and new results in studying Gaussian feedback communication systems. We anticipate that the perspective could be extended to more general problems and helpful in building a theoretically and practically sound paradigm that unifies information, estimation, and control

    The price of certainty: "waterslide curves" and the gap to capacity

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    The classical problem of reliable point-to-point digital communication is to achieve a low probability of error while keeping the rate high and the total power consumption small. Traditional information-theoretic analysis uses `waterfall' curves to convey the revolutionary idea that unboundedly low probabilities of bit-error are attainable using only finite transmit power. However, practitioners have long observed that the decoder complexity, and hence the total power consumption, goes up when attempting to use sophisticated codes that operate close to the waterfall curve. This paper gives an explicit model for power consumption at an idealized decoder that allows for extreme parallelism in implementation. The decoder architecture is in the spirit of message passing and iterative decoding for sparse-graph codes. Generalized sphere-packing arguments are used to derive lower bounds on the decoding power needed for any possible code given only the gap from the Shannon limit and the desired probability of error. As the gap goes to zero, the energy per bit spent in decoding is shown to go to infinity. This suggests that to optimize total power, the transmitter should operate at a power that is strictly above the minimum demanded by the Shannon capacity. The lower bound is plotted to show an unavoidable tradeoff between the average bit-error probability and the total power used in transmission and decoding. In the spirit of conventional waterfall curves, we call these `waterslide' curves.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. This version corrects a subtle bug in the proofs of the original submission and improves the bounds significantl
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