4 research outputs found

    Computing the Mostar index in networks with applications to molecular graphs

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    Recently, a bond-additive topological descriptor, named as the Mostar index, has been introduced as a measure of peripherality in networks. For a connected graph GG, the Mostar index is defined as Mo(G)=∑e=uv∈E(G)∣nu(e)−nv(e)∣Mo(G) = \sum_{e=uv \in E(G)} |n_u(e) - n_v(e)|, where for an edge e=uve=uv we denote by nu(e)n_u(e) the number of vertices of GG that are closer to uu than to vv and by nv(e)n_v(e) the number of vertices of GG that are closer to vv than to uu. In this paper, we generalize the definition of the Mostar index to weighted graphs and prove that the Mostar index of a weighted graph can be computed in terms of Mostar indices of weighted quotient graphs. As a consequence, we show that the Mostar index of a benzenoid system can be computed in sub-linear time with respect to the number of vertices. Finally, our method is applied to some benzenoid systems and to a fullerene patch

    Computing weighted Szeged and PI indices from quotient graphs

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    The weighted Szeged index and the weighted vertex-PI index of a connected graph GG are defined as wSz(G)=∑e=uv∈E(G)(deg(u)+deg(v))nu(e)nv(e)wSz(G) = \sum_{e=uv \in E(G)} (deg (u) + deg (v))n_u(e)n_v(e) and wPIv(G)=∑e=uv∈E(G)(deg(u)+deg(v))(nu(e)+nv(e))wPI_v(G) = \sum_{e=uv \in E(G)} (deg(u) + deg(v))( n_u(e) + n_v(e)), respectively, where nu(e)n_u(e) denotes the number of vertices closer to uu than to vv and nv(e)n_v(e) denotes the number of vertices closer to vv than to uu. Moreover, the weighted edge-Szeged index and the weighted PI index are defined analogously. As the main result of this paper, we prove that if GG is a connected graph, then all these indices can be computed in terms of the corresponding indices of weighted quotient graphs with respect to a partition of the edge set that is coarser than the Θ∗\Theta^*-partition. If GG is a benzenoid system or a phenylene, then it is possible to choose a partition of the edge set in such a way that the quotient graphs are trees. As a consequence, it is shown that for a benzenoid system the mentioned indices can be computed in sub-linear time with respect to the number of vertices. Moreover, closed formulas for linear phenylenes are also deduced. However, our main theorem is proved in a more general form and therefore, we present how it can be used to compute some other topological indices

    On the difference between the Szeged and Wiener index

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    We prove a conjecture of Nadjafi-Arani, Khodashenas and Ashrafi on the difference between the Szeged and Wiener index of a graph. Namely, if GG is a 2-connected non-complete graph on nn vertices, then Sz(G)−W(G)≥2n−6Sz(G)-W(G)\ge 2n-6. Furthermore, the equality is obtained if and only if GG is the complete graph Kn−1K_{n-1} with an extra vertex attached to either 22 or n−2n-2 vertices of Kn−1K_{n-1}. We apply our method to strengthen some known results on the difference between the Szeged and Wiener index of bipartite graphs, graphs of girth at least five, and the difference between the revised Szeged and Wiener index. We also propose a stronger version of the aforementioned conjecture

    General cut method for computing Szeged-like topological indices with applications to molecular graphs

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    Szeged, PI and Mostar indices are some of the most investigated distance-based molecular descriptors. Recently, many different variations of these topological indices appeared in the literature and sometimes they are all together called Szeged-like topological indices. In this paper, we formally introduce the concept of a general Szeged-like topological index, which includes all mentioned indices and also infinitely many other topological indices that can be defined in a similar way. As the main result of the paper, we provide a cut method for computing a general Szeged-like topological index for any strength-weighted graph. This greatly generalizes various methods known for some of the mentioned indices and therefore rounds off such investigations. Moreover, we provide applications of our main result to benzenoid systems, phenylenes, and coronoid systems, which are well-known families of molecular graphs. In particular, closed-form formulas for some subfamilies of these graphs are deduced