475 research outputs found

    Throttling for the game of Cops and Robbers on graphs

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    We consider the cop-throttling number of a graph GG for the game of Cops and Robbers, which is defined to be the minimum of (k+captk(G))(k + \text{capt}_k(G)), where kk is the number of cops and captk(G)\text{capt}_k(G) is the minimum number of rounds needed for kk cops to capture the robber on GG over all possible games. We provide some tools for bounding the cop-throttling number, including showing that the positive semidefinite (PSD) throttling number, a variant of zero forcing throttling, is an upper bound for the cop-throttling number. We also characterize graphs having low cop-throttling number and investigate how large the cop-throttling number can be for a given graph. We consider trees, unicyclic graphs, incidence graphs of finite projective planes (a Meyniel extremal family of graphs), a family of cop-win graphs with maximum capture time, grids, and hypercubes. All the upper bounds on the cop-throttling number we obtain for families of graphs are O(n) O(\sqrt n).Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    A probabilistic version of the game of Zombies and Survivors on graphs

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    We consider a new probabilistic graph searching game played on graphs, inspired by the familiar game of Cops and Robbers. In Zombies and Survivors, a set of zombies attempts to eat a lone survivor loose on a given graph. The zombies randomly choose their initial location, and during the course of the game, move directly toward the survivor. At each round, they move to the neighbouring vertex that minimizes the distance to the survivor; if there is more than one such vertex, then they choose one uniformly at random. The survivor attempts to escape from the zombies by moving to a neighbouring vertex or staying on his current vertex. The zombies win if eventually one of them eats the survivor by landing on their vertex; otherwise, the survivor wins. The zombie number of a graph is the minimum number of zombies needed to play such that the probability that they win is strictly greater than 1/2. We present asymptotic results for the zombie numbers of several graph families, such as cycles, hypercubes, incidence graphs of projective planes, and Cartesian and toroidal grids

    Graphs with Large Girth and Small Cop Number

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    In this paper we consider the cop number of graphs with no, or few, short cycles. We show that when the girth of GG is at least 88 and the minimum degree is sufficiently large, δ(lnn)11α\delta \geq (\ln{n})^{\frac{1}{1-\alpha}} where α(0,1)\alpha \in (0,1), then c(G)=o(nδβg4)c(G) = o(n \delta^{\beta -\lfloor \frac{g}{4} \rfloor}) as δ\delta \rightarrow \infty where β>1α\beta> 1-\alpha. This extends work of Frankl and implies that if GG is large and dense in the sense that δn2go(1)\delta \geq n^{\frac{2}{g} - o(1)} while also having girth g8g \geq 8, then GG satisfies Meyniel's conjecture, that is c(G)=O(n)c(G) = O(\sqrt{n}). Moreover, it implies that if GG is large and dense in the sense that there δnϵ\delta \geq n^{\epsilon} for some ϵ>0\epsilon >0, while also having girth g8g \geq 8, then there exists an α>0\alpha>0 such that c(G)=O(n1α)c(G) = O(n^{1-\alpha}), thereby satisfying the weak Meyniel's conjecture. Of course, this implies similar results for dense graphs with small, that is O(n1α)O(n^{1-\alpha}), numbers of short cycles, as each cycle can be broken by adding a single cop. We also, show that there are graphs GG with girth gg and minimum degree δ\delta such that the cop number is at most o(g(δ1)(1+o(1))g4)o(g (\delta-1)^{(1+o(1))\frac{g}{4}}). This resolves a recent conjecture by Bradshaw, Hosseini, Mohar, and Stacho, by showing that the constant 14\frac{1}{4} cannot be improved in the exponent of a lower bound c(G)1g(δ1)g14c(G) \geq \frac{1}{g} (\delta - 1)^{\lfloor \frac{g-1}{4}\rfloor}.Comment: 7 pages, 0 figures, 0 table